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this will get locked because it is a pointless thread.. and it should be locked


QFT. Negative threads are pointless. Post some constructive feedback (even if it's negative) on one of the other very very large threads that have a negative tone.

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QFT. Negative threads are pointless. Post some constructive feedback (even if it's negative) on one of the other very very large threads that have a negative tone.


the problem is we have a core group of people on the forums who have said they have left the game, and yet still come on the forums to complain and rag on it.. and they post in every thread, and it makes the moderators lock the threads, which shuts down discussions..



to all those haters out there like the OP...


you guys are the reason the threads get shut down, flat out bashing the game with no constructiveness, swearing, insulting, being generally rude are the reasons why the threads get locked.. it is no wonder our say as a community gets over looked when we with constructive things to say are over shadowed by people who want to play troll...

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QFT. Negative threads are pointless. Post some constructive feedback (even if it's negative) on one of the other very very large threads that have a negative tone.


Even negative constructive feedback is getting locked. If you can't see what is happening then.....

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Even negative constructive feedback is getting locked. If you can't see what is happening then.....


Then obviously I'm wrong. Is that where you're heading? Because I see plenty of negative constructive feedback in the thread Unsubbers - What's Your Reason for Leaving SWTOR? (or something along those lines). Creating more unique threads that just clutter up the place doesn't help. Yes, you won't be special with your very own thread, but the mods do read even the very long threads.

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Even negative constructive feedback is getting locked. If you can't see what is happening then.....


see my above post.. negative constructive feedback is being locked becuase there are people who jump on any negative thread and use it as a way to say bioware ea their gramma, their sisters dog, the president, and anyone else they currently have a hate on for sucks..


which is NOT the point of the forums at all, you can dislike the game, you can hate aspects or it completely, it doesnt matter, what matters is what you say. and from your posts it is clear you are one of the haters who gets threads locked not because you are being constructive you are simply being destructive.

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to all those haters out there like the OP...


you guys are the reason the threads get shut down, flat out bashing the game with no constructiveness, swearing, insulting, being generally rude are the reasons why the threads get locked.. it is no wonder our say as a community gets over looked when we with constructive things to say are over shadowed by people who want to play troll...


And EA/Bioware is the reason why they get people bashing the game.




Because they brought out a game half baked then charged people for something that is only worthy of free to play.


So of course you are going to get people who are pissed. And when there is a mass exodus like this game has / is experiencing, then you are going to naturally get a mass burn. Comes hand in hand.

Call it petty, but most want to voice their opinion and bad news travels further than good news.

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And EA/Bioware is the reason why they get people bashing the game.




Because they brought out a game half baked then charged people for something that is only worthy of free to play.


So of course you are going to get people who are pissed. And when there is a mass exodus like this game has / is experiencing, then you are going to naturally get a mass burn. Comes hand in hand.

Call it petty, but most want to voice their opinion and bad news travels further than good news.


that may be the case.. but thats why your threads are getting locked. anything constructive said gets buried in a mass of complaining and whining.. when a mature person would simply walk away from a game they no longer pay for.


once you unsub why bother to come back to the forums if not to start ****?



on a side note.. there isnt a single gaming company that doesnt get **** from players for their game..its the nature of the beast no one is gonna love everything about a game, theres to many people to make everyone happy.. but the state of the gaming world is trolls make their voices heard loudest because they post the most.

Edited by thomasgallant
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which is NOT the point of the forums at all, you can dislike the game, you can hate aspects or it completely, it doesnt matter, what matters is what you say. and from your posts it is clear you are one of the haters who gets threads locked not because you are being constructive you are simply being destructive.


Actually forums are free for all. You say what you like, when you like, how you like. Good or bad.


I don't see any positive topics being locked.


I read one were all it said was "i like this game" thats it. It didn't get locked. It was a topic that had no direction which is a common thread locking excuse.


Which is fine, companies want to promote good vibes.


I'm just sayin

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Hello everyone!


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to post your suggestions there!


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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