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The Jedi Consular/Jedi knight need seperate ships!


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I don't like seeing a copy and paste for the Defender to be avaible for the Jedi classes. The shooter classes (Trooper,Smuggler) get there own unique different space craft. How come the jedi have to share? I think the Defender should be for Jedi Knights and the Jedi Consulars getting something more "Holly" looking.
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I think it's a valid complaint. Same as SW/SI need to have their ships altered. They're nice ships, don't get me wrong, but the Defender was designed pretty much with the Consular in mind. Knights need something less public I guess? They don't need a board room they never use. But that's my opinion.
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I don't like seeing a copy and paste for the Defender to be avaible for the Jedi classes. The shooter classes (Trooper,Smuggler) get there own unique different space craft. How come the jedi have to share? I think the Defender should be for Jedi Knights and the Jedi Consulars getting something more "Holly" looking.


Agreed; I just rolled a JK and was a little disappointed with the same exact ship. I like the space missions and this isn't really a big deal (I like TOR as a whole), but it would be cool to have different ships. Some kind of X-Wing predecessor would be cool for the JK; I like the Defender for the Consular.

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At first I was a little put off by this but then I realized that if an organization like the Jedi are going to give ships to Jedi Masters/Knights/Council members then it would make sense they have some sort of contract with a ship manufacturer to keep costs down. Just an observation.
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