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My way to save SWTOR


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I will make this as short and sweet as i can.

Updated post 1.3


  1. Add Rated Warzones (Achieved)
  2. Close & Merge Servers (Achieved/Being Worked on)
  3. Add PvE Queing System (Achieved)
  4. Add Swoop Racing (!!!)
  5. Add Pazzak (!!)
  6. Re-Design & Add Ilum (!)
  7. Option to Hide Each Companion's Helm (!!)



Why Rated Warzones?:rak_02:

Read the various forum posts.

Why Close & Merge Servers?

This is a MMO, not a RPG, you shouldent have One Server Per Player, Until All of one category of server is Full, another server of the same category should not be opened.

Why PvE Queing System?

Because without it the majority of players won't have the patience to find a group and then run a 1 hour flashpoint.


Why Swoop Racing?

In my personal opinion it would be the single greatest thing swtor could do to add endgame content, in my veiw adding a New Warzone, Flashpoint and Operation is very little content, a new piece of content is something New and Innovative. -Not to mention it was a major piece of content from Kotor

Why Pazzak?

Because it was a major part of Kotor, and how many MMO's have multipayer gambling card games, its obvious that if made correctly it would become a highly social piece of content.


Why Redesign Ilum?

Level 50's need more to do, obviously the first crack at Ilum wasent a success, but why trash the planet and let it sit there being a reminder of failure, not only that but it is a large hunk of erased content that could be fixed up, more stuff added, kaboom large amusing content.

Why Should Bioware worry about Companion Helms, and how is this important?

Every time i hear my companion talking through a helmet without the ability to turn it off, it angers me, not only that but because of Ashara Zavros's helmet, her head is completely invisible.


Thank you for reading.

More Details on most of my subjects can be found here:


Edited by Daethorz
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I will make this as short and sweet as i can.


  1. Add Rated Warzones (!?!?):rak_02:
  2. Close & Merge Servers (!!)
  3. Add PvE Queing System (Patch 1.3 Announced)
  4. Add Swoop Racing (!)
  5. Add Pazzak (!)
  6. Re-Design & Add Ilum (!)
  7. Option to Hide Each Companion's Helm (!)



Why Rated Warzones?:rak_02:

Read the various forum posts.

Why Close & Merge Servers?

This is a MMO, not a RPG, you shouldent have One Server Per Player, Until All of one category of server is Full, another server of the same category should not be opened.

Why PvE Queing System?

Because without it the majority of players won't have the patience to find a group and then run a 1 hour flashpoint.


Why Swoop Racing?

In my personal opinion it would be the single greatest thing swtor could do to add endgame content, in my veiw adding a New Warzone, Flashpoint and Operation is very little content, a new piece of content is something New and Innovative. -Not to mention it was a major piece of content from Kotor

Why Pazzak?

Because it was a major part of Kotor, and how many MMO's have multipayer gambling card games, its obvious that if made correctly it would become a highly social piece of content.


Why Redesign Ilum?

Level 50's need more to do, obviously the first crack at Ilum wasent a success, but why trash the planet and let it sit there being a reminder of failure, not only that but it is a large hunk of erased content that could be fixed up, more stuff added, kaboom large amusing content.

Why Should Bioware worry about Companion Helms, and how is this important?

Every time i hear my companion talking through a helmet without the ability to turn it off, it angers me, not only that but because of Ashara Zavros's helmet, her head is completely invisible.


Thank you for reading.

More Details on most of my subjects can be found here:



According to the devs, they want to release the good stuff when they want to 'make a large splash'. I think they know swtor is sinking (tor-tanic), and then just before it goes down and taking everyone with them will make a splash with the other good features in the last moment for a miracle save.


All the meanwhile, the devs are riding bets on whos going to stay in the game or leave.


tldr; Swtor is a new kind of gambling scheme like rat race - the movie. Whos going to make it to the finish line?

Edited by VegaPhone
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Well the Devs keep saying the game is for the people and by the people (taking into account the community's reactions and comments to various things/problems). If they hold true to this, most of the issues should one day be resolved, and I do believe the game can be saved.
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"Add PvE Queing System (Patch 1.3 Announced)"


Note, NOT xserver, only within a server. Way too little, too late.:mad:

If you think 5 months is to late for an MMO, MMO's aren't for you. It took WoW 2 years to do half the things listed in this or other threads, and they have been King of the MMO Hill for years, and it had a hell of rougher launch than SWTOR. Go away doomsayers.

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If you think 5 months is to late for an MMO, MMO's aren't for you. It took WoW 2 years to do half the things listed in this or other threads, and they have been King of the MMO Hill for years, and it had a hell of rougher launch than SWTOR. Go away doomsayers.


Don't compare WoW to SWTOR, it's 2012 not 2000. Most of the community already left.

Even if SWTOR would try to make a SPLASH save at the last moment later on, it wouldn't help

It's cause people got disappointed by the:

¤end content

¤not balanced PVP

¤Non cross server PVE or PVP

¤that EA/BW didn't listen to the people

¤ Bug factory

probaly some more.

People won't forget about this.

If EA/BW want to save SWTOR, It must be NOW!!!

EU servers from 1 heavy and 8 standards in total, gone to 1 standard-middle heavy, to 4 - max 6 standard in total out of all XX servers.


- WoW didn't have the possibilities at that time, which SWTOR have now (so many more, that if I would be mentioning them right now. I would probaly be writing 2 sided post).

- WoW didn't have so big competition as SWTOR have right now, people were "made" to play on WoW. Now we can choose from so many types of games, that you want to puke...


- SWTOR made a good start (would probably had long last profit), if they didn't run on the gaming Engine which is a what you call "PROTOTYPE" (No offence, freedom of the word. Just saying my thoughts).

That's why we probaly got the Bug factory of SWTOR for last 5 months.

They even made Sound Bug, even thou there wasn't almost any style music before the Bug.

Probably programmers weren't accustomed to such a Engine or even worse EA/BW is "testing" the Engine in SWTOR, (only speculating). EA/BW should have made SWTOR on a already proven Engine (so the programmers would have easier job therefore more content in the game), but still at that time continuing testing the Hero engine...


That's my 5 cent.

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- WoW didn't have so big competition as SWTOR have right now, people were "made" to play on WoW. Now we can choose from so many types of games, that you want to puke...

WoW had to go through Age of Conan, Aion, City of Heroes/Villans, Rift, SWG, EQ and EQ2, LOTRO , The Matrix Online and Warhammer. SWTOR only really has to worry about WoW. Rift, DCUO, and STO are all but dead.

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You didn't get what I meant, in this age there are so many different species of games that you want to puke from it.

And people get bored FAST!, so they can just go and play something else...

Almost everyone have Xbox 360 or PS3 or WII etc...

That's why I meant SWTOR have bigger competition, and I don\t mean competition over time, I mean competition in the 5 first months of making the game

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SWTOR is lacking content post 50. So best way to save is to add post 50 content.


It's more then just that.. SWTOR is just following the rest of the gaming sheep of having gear grind lobby based instancing.. The alt factor is a problem with me as well, along with the anti social questing system.. I don't pay a sub to play alone 1-50th level of the same boring zone content.. I was fearful this was going to be Dragon Age or KoTR with a monthly sub... Not on my dime.. Sad thing is, I doubt I'll trust Bioware again when they start the next hyped game.. As the old saying goes.. Fool me once, shame on you.. Fool me twice, shame on me... I hate looking like the fool.. There won't be a 2nd time.. or a resub.. I didn't resub to WoW when they hyped Cataclysm and not doing it with MoP either.. Once you lose my business, it's almost impossible to get me back :)

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Swtor just needs minor improvements and additions to seal the holes in the ship.

The improvements i specified would seal the majority of the holes in the ship.

Also Swoop Racing would be "post 50 content"

My Version of it would Include:

  • PvP Matches
  • PvE Matches
  • Rank Gaining
  • Gear Tiers
  • Fully Customizable Swoops, everything from Paint to deciding to add a third engine or a big turret in that spot.
  • New Maps just like how they add new FP's, Op's and WZ's

It could also feature the ability to Watch other People's pvp matches, and gamble on the player you think will win.

Edited by Daethorz
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I think condensing the servers need to be done first. Also PVP space battles would be cool as well as new races and classes. Plus advertising on TV won't hurt the game either


Theres plenty of races and classes, that should be an expansion feature.

but yeah, PvP Space Battles & more space missions & upgrades would make that feature... more popular.

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  • 1 month later...

It's just taking to long to release things that's the problem not to mention the fact that they are ignoring so many bugs/or taking a halleuja time to fix them not to mention in the beginning it took them so gosh darn long time to fix broken stuffs so it scared people away becuse EA wanted a holiday release so that all the kiddys got it in christmas gift the game wasn't ready to launch...


Another thing that bothers me is that everytime i read a blog or watch Daniel on youtube or even listening to podcast they keep saying - Oh this new **** we are gonna release soon is gonna be awesome!! Just turns out that you get dissapointed just look how sad and pathetic the Character Transfer worked out and Part II doesn't look that good either.


1.1 Barely remember what it included tbh Kaon came didn't it? 1.2 woop improved character textures(that arnt that awesome when you zoom out)class balance new Op and Warzone 1.3 FP More tweaking with classes nerfing "survability" for wannabe tanks in PvP ish something like that? FP Finder or Ops Finder wooray except there are no gear restrictions so whatever random gimp in greens can queue but it's hard to get rid of them becuse some people are just so damn polite & wants to carry these guys troguh a place they shouldn't enter at all same with "Hardmodes" take that Recruit gear and put it up somewhere And in this mess that Raghoul event was it was fun but to short i got 2 armor pieces and i was busy as hell working 24/7 and first thing that came in mind as i got wasnt exactly to log on and do dailys and prey i wasn't about to get my arse whooped by a ganksquad as i land on Tat i was really dissapointed and i sure as hell wasnt the only one.


1.4 - New planet, operation and lots of fun...actully it sounds fun new pve content to go trough once at least and perhaps a new quest hub for dailys we'll see sick and tired of the old ones.


1.5 A new event lasting at least a month this time...Will never let a game have higher priority then my mrs and perhaps and proper class balancing this time focus 75% of the patch by actully review and tweak change/add etc talent and lots of useless abilitys and not just listen to the pvp crybabys PvE needs some love too. Add stuffs for our speeders let us tweak and change the apperance on our ships etc.


And i wanna see some more love from the Devs being more active and actully posting on the forums not just the regular moderators saying have a nice day and thanks for playing SW:TOR but actully sharing concerns what they are working with short term etc weekly.


Just noticed alot of typos but it's past bedtime already so i am gonna call it was actully ment to sleep an hour ago...:cool:

Edited by Denyus
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SWTOR is lacking content post 50. So best way to save is to add post 50 content.


NO MMORPG can develop content as fast as players can eat it up!


Even less so now with insanely easy/fast mode common since (and including) WOW


More content fixes the issue for 2 weeks, then what?


OP is half way correct, social games are required. Community building thats not combat orientated and allows players a release outside of the combat of PVE and PVP!


Pazzaak, Swoops, arena combats (all ala KotOR 1 and 2) should have been in place at release. And they can add holo chess and other star wars type games.


But beyond that, houseing is a must because it gives a majority of players (thats right, a majority normally takes part in housing systems, to some degree) something different to do and focus on


Real World PVP needs to be fixed in this game so Warzones are not the only real option cause WZs get old fast! I personally only do the dailies and weeklys anymore because its just the same thing over and over and over (and the same people quitting soon as you start to lose)


Their crafting was so unique sounding but in reality its worthless for a level 50 player as Battlemaster, War hero, Rakata, and all the other op/pvp gear blows away anything that can be crafted. And its so common and simplistic to get its become standard gear rather then special gear. They need to rework crafting so its got a place in game but isnt mind numbingly easy to do.


Hopefully the new levels they spoke of will be WAY HARDER and longer to obtain so the higher levels actually feel like a acomplishment.


The problem with TOR is everything has been given away with no real effort since release.

So people max out and gear out in a month and go

"whats next? We want more content!"


EA needs to slow everything down,

make things feel more challenging and thus feel more like a acheivement when you get it,

make optional activities so the game can build a actual in game society and community rather then what it is now post 50,


a game of individual adventures all resonating from a central hub called imp and republic fleets.


More content is not the answer

More content always nice of course

but this game needs smarter content, optional content, bigger content!


More of the same will just leave the revolving exit door wide open for the masses.

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More content is not the answer

More content always nice of course

but this game needs smarter content, optional content, bigger content!


More of the same will just leave the revolving exit door wide open for the masses.


That is very true. Cannot agree more.

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