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A roleplayer's suggestion: social gear


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I am a roleplayer and I also PVP and do flashpoints. Since the announcement that adaptive gear is coming, I couldn't be happier that my Imperial Agent can finally look the way I want him to: as an Imperial soldier grunt.


What my suggestion is comes from my current experience with Imperial roleplaying guilds on the Progenitor server. There are numerous guilds right now, but there is a problem. Many players want to be Imperial soldiers and have a specific military detachment in their guilds so that there aren't only Sith and Imperial secret agents. But currently in the guild I'm in, I am the only soldier because I am one of the few that has the CE. I have two choices for my character: make him an agent or make a Sith character to take his place. Neither is my fantasy for that particular character, and since there is interest I can't understand why the most common NPC armour has to be exclusive to us CE owners.


Here is a suggestion. Make the common, black and red Imperial armour social gear for all to use. In place of the CE armour we have now, use the red textures from the Imperial Guard soldiers from Corellia or the Korriban Regiment. They look more distinguished and more elite; the perfect armour for those who payed over a hundred dollars for the package.


I haven't explored too much of the Republic side of things, but I'm sure there is something cool to be placed in social gear that isn't available right now for them.


Thanks, and I hope you respond.

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Agree completely. The Imp Trooper gear is too awesome for only people who bought the collector's eddiion to wear, especially since you never see one wearing the set in the first place. Especially with the adaptive gear coming, I'm sure many people want to be an imperial sniper, or infantryman, or maybe even dual pistol wielder (merc). That would get a lot of people to resub, I think.
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I thought it was social gear when I first saw it, so I planned on making a IA sniper trooper guy, but when I looked up how to get it, my hopes were crushed by finding out that it was only available to people who bought the CE, I agree that it should be easier to obtain.
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I thought it was social gear when I first saw it, so I planned on making a IA sniper trooper guy, but when I looked up how to get it, my hopes were crushed by finding out that it was only available to people who bought the CE, I agree that it should be easier to obtain.

Sorry but no.................

Amazon.com is still selling the collectors edition so if you want the CE social gear then spend the money like others did. Stop whining like entitled children, if you want the privallege then pay for it.

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Sorry but no.................

Amazon.com is still selling the collectors edition so if you want the CE social gear then spend the money like others did. Stop whining like entitled children, if you want the privallege then pay for it.




You. Are everything that is wrong with the community and the fanbase. A corporate *********** shill defending a company that you have no vested interest in inflating the profits of, yet like a rabid fanatic rush to call people who want nice things "Entitled". Not only does your quote represent the attitude that is killing gaming, but is also killing my country. the attacking of players and accusing consumers and customers of being whiny brats who should be lucky they have the Privelage of spending their money on a product made to entertain, for that money. No god forbid a Company actually work to create a product that deserves it, god forbid the industry actually has to create ,innovate and do their job to earn their profits. No we should just all fork over our expendable income to them and take whatever heavily marketed trash they throw at us right? Get real. if someone wants to be able to get hold of a nice set of armor in a game without forking over even more money on top of the $60 for the original game plus $15 a month, 6 months down the line for a bit of extra work, why shouldn't they be able to? it makes the game better, little things like that.


I don't see why, people like you have to treat others like they're crybabies because they either have higher standards ,or ask for a little bit of a bone be tossed their way. Grow up, you elitist neckbeard.

Edited by Niv_Dralshya
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Grow up, you elitist neckbeard.


Hey...what's wrong with neckbeards?


Honestly, I was a little surprised to see the trooper armour was collector's edition only. I mean...I thought that there'd be the basic trooper armour available to all, with either an officer's outfit or some awesome-looking palette-swap available for the preorders. It's just an odd choice, I think.

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