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"Legacy" quests...?


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Wouldn't it be cool if your characters (those in the same Legacy) could meet and do some sort of quest together?


Think about it. You have a Jedi Knight and a Trooper that are supposed to be allies. Fine. Then why don't day, after both reach a certain XP level, meet at the Rep Fleet or at some planet and do a quest together. Of course, one would be an NPC and you control the other, but it would be great if there could me a side story of them meeting and actually playing out that "alliance" forming.


Or...have a Jedi Knight and a Sith Warrior have a fight or "debate" over a young force-sensitive to make them follow the light/dark side...just an idea.


Of course, the characters would have to be force to an equal-level type of thing to make it fair...especially if your going to have combat between the two.


I know it opens too many possibilities to follow every existing character pair/class/relationship combination and it can become unmanageable quickly. But start small and work your way up.


Bioware, if you're reading this. Feel 100% free to use this idea for any future game updates, I'll be ok just playing it.

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