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Animations and other cosmetic changes for the sentinel!


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Personally there are a lot of moves names and Animations that don’t fit with the skill or with the purpose of the skill. That why I want to know the opinions of every one of how you would like them changed. And why?

Moves like:

-Pommel strike: come on an attack that you do when some one is stunned it’s a pommel strike?

And its one of the most damaging moves you have its super restrictive and it’s a pommel strike.

Change the name to something more deadlier or cool, and the animation with it.


-DW Master Strike: the animation feels weak and slow, I would prefer the sith warrior one. I don’t know doing the spin thing and then doing the slow I will slash you it doesn’t work with the dual wilding.


-Dispatch: for me it should have force push animation with a big force blast when it hits or I levitate mi 2 lightsable and lunch them lime missiles to the target.


There are many more but ill stop here just to start the conversation.

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