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Looking for Feedback on PVE Assault Specialist Build


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Here's the build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMckZfhMrzGhrs.1


I've pretty much been Gunnery Exclusive when DPSing on this toon. Tonight I'm going to switch it up for S&G and to try out assault on KP HM. I'm very well geared, 11Rakata and 3 Black Hole pieces, so my tech crit score should be nice and high.


For rotation I was thinking:

1. Assault Plastique (to get it on CD asap)

2. Incendiary Round (To insure my target is burning for my HiB, Hammer Shot, and Full Auto and Charged Rounds)

3. Hammer Shot

4. HIB

5. Full Auto, maybe? I'm not sure if this skill is worth it in Assault Specialist since you don't get the buff that Gunnery gets.

6. Weave charged rounds and hammer shots to keep my ammo up while I wait for AP and HIB to come off cool down. (Not sure if I should use Incendiary round at all after that first shot, I think it consumes a lot of ammo?)

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For rotation I was thinking:

1. Assault Plastique (to get it on CD asap)

2. Incendiary Round (To insure my target is burning for my HiB, Hammer Shot, and Full Auto and Charged Rounds)

3. Hammer Shot

4. HIB

5. Full Auto, maybe? I'm not sure if this skill is worth it in Assault Specialist since you don't get the buff that Gunnery gets.

6. Weave charged rounds and hammer shots to keep my ammo up while I wait for AP and HIB to come off cool down. (Not sure if I should use Incendiary round at all after that first shot, I think it consumes a lot of ammo?)


Incendiary Round and Assault Plastique first (doesn't matter which first, use reserve powercell on IR)

Then HiB

Then do a Tech Override Charged Bolts (if you proc a HiB use it)

If you didn't proc a HiB then use Full Auto (if you proc a HiB use it)


To start with.


After that, go between CB and HS.


Every time you proc a HiB, use it.

If the target isn't on fire, use IR. If you're short on ammo, use HS until plasma cell procs.

If you've just procced a HiB and used it, don't use FA, that has the highest chance of proccing another HiB but for 6 seconds after proccing a HiB you can't get another. Do something else for 6 seconds then use FA.

You should NEVER have HiB off cooldown, every time it's up you use it (and for the same reason the target needs to stay on fire or you don't have a debuff that lets you use HiB)

Reserve Powercell will reset very fast from your crits, try to keep it for IR because that's an expensive cast.


And yeah, you do use Full Auto. It doesn't get the buff that Gunnery gets, it gets the buff that Assault gets. 9% more damage and 75% chance to proc a free HiB.


Remember every time you use a proc HiB on a burning target it regens 1 ammo for you.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Just some follow up. Assault Specialist was insanely fun in KP!


I'm already in Rakata plus 3 BH pieces. So my stats with the Assault Specialist tree were 47% Tech Crit chance (37% normal crit chance), and 75.06% multiplier.


Ammo management was surprisingly easier in this build. I found myself tossing out Incendiary Rounds at times simply because I had surplus ammo, and no other skill free to spend it on.


The build provides much more burst damage for events like Final Phase SOA, Burn Phase Heavy Fabricator, and Rocket Lizard men on Kephess.


But perhaps the most important thing: I'm certain I do more DPS in a boss fight with this build simply because it's more mobile/interrupt friendly!


I don't know if I'd suggest it until you have enough gear to give you a high crit percentage, but if you're frustrated with Gunnery in PvE, I suggest you try this build out!

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If you want to stick with it I suggest thinking about the set you use.


The Eliminator gives 15% crit to CB and lowers HiB cost by 1.

The Combat Tech gives 8% extra damage to HiB


If there's a lot of movement in your role then the bonus to HiB is better (less casts of CB between HiB procs)

If you are sitting around on your hands most of the fight, the bonus to CB is better.


As a practical example it's the difference between being on the ground or being on one of the tank in SC/FB.

Edited by Gyronamics
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I don't think the 8% increase is worth it, imo. You're giving up two set bonuses for 1. More ammo generation simply means more Charged Bolt shots I can weave into my rotation instead of Hammer shots, and the 15% crit pays off there. Edited by Freeborne
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I don't think the 8% increase is worth it, imo. You're giving up two set bonuses for 1. More ammo generation simply means more Charged Bolt shots I can weave into my rotation instead of Hammer shots, and the 15% crit pays off there.


When the set bonus lowers the cost by 1 ammo that means the first HiB you fire costs 1 ammo (refunded if it hits a burning target) essentially making it free in Eliminator vs costing 1 in Combat Tech.


Procs are always free so they dont change between sets, they will still regen 1 ammo in both on burning targets.


So in a fight where you are always keeping HiB on CD with procs, you save 1 ammo in the whole fight.


Damage output I mentioned above, I was editing when you posted.

Edited by Gyronamics
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I like your spec it's identical to mine. As far as opening rotation goes (specifically for ops) i will always apply incendiary round first because the first opening seconds are on the move and getting into position. that being said i will open with

1: incendiary round

2: high impact bolt

3: assault plastique

now that HiB is on CD as is assault plastique, i'll use reserve powercell to throw a plasma grenade to avoid the 4 ammo cost, then head into full auto to proc HiB and then into charged barrels. re apply incendiary round when needed, always use HiB when procced, and enjoy burning things!

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Full Auto (Usually Procs)

Crit Relic


Reserve Powercell/Tech Overide

Charged Bolt

Burninator Grenade (Rakata Grenade)


Then in Fight

HiB whenver proc or off cooldown

Full Auto, AssPlas, whenever off cooldown

Mingle in Charged Bolt to make HiB proc if full auto doesn't


Reserve Powercell on Charged or AssPlas

Tech Overide on Charged Bolt whenever possible


Don't be afraid to burn down your ammo and use your recharge cell, we get bonuses to it's recharge for a reason.


Enjoy the burnination

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