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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companions and Legacy


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Hi everyone!


I just completed all of the conversations with Kaliyo and unlocked a bonus in the legacy panel. I'm wondering if its possible to unlock all companions and unlock the bonus for them also or just a select few?


I guess the better question is, can all companion conversations be completed, even if there are multiple companions with romance options? If they can... how does that work?

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You can unlock everyone by finishing their companion dialogue-quests. For each companion, you get +10 Presence. There's also another unlock and that's the +StatX and you only get that for 1 of each companion type. It's feasible to get 500 bonus presence if you unlock every single companion in the game and level a human to 50.
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Good to hear...


How does that work with the romance option for multiple companions? If i'm married to to kaliyo can i be married to Ensign Temple also?


I believe there is only ONE way to do that particular silliness and I think it will get overridden later by the later romance. You can't complete both of the romances with them there together, but don't worry there's a bit in Chapter3 where Kaliyo is off ship. I'd suggest checking the IA forums about this, I read about it somewhere. I just don't remember how it goes.


For the case of the male SW with Vette and DS Jaesa, you'll have to choose one or the other. You can't have both, even though it's got some great lines about that. =D


Male SW and IA, I believe are the only classes where there are 2 fully romanceable options, everyone else gets one with the possibility of a one night stand (mostly the girls). *sigh*

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Good to hear...


How does that work with the romance option for multiple companions? If i'm married to to kaliyo can i be married to Ensign Temple also?


You need to complete their conversation lines to get the bonuses, but you don't need to romance a character to complete theirr companion conversations. So on your agent that just finsihed Kaliyo, you can finish the comapnion conversations for all 4 of your remaining comapnions without having to romance either Temple or Vector.

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I guess the better question is, can all companion conversations be completed, even if there are multiple companions with romance options? If they can... how does that work?


To get the bonus you just have to complete all the 'standard' conversation quests. For example, on my consular I had the bonus on Lieutenant Iresso before I had finished the romance arc, since his last non-romance related conversation came before his proposal.

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