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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your own personal 'head canon'...


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She killed him. She felt he was far too dangerous to let live. He tried to bribe her with information she desperately wanted; as a former watcher he knew that was the right button to push. But she didn't trust him. The decision has always haunted her. She saw way too much of herself in him, the way he analysed things, couldn't ever shut down and relax.


Now he's speaking to her from beyond the grave. Her hallucinations do indeed have a sense of irony



Sha'ra'zaed hates Nar Shaddaa. Too many bad memories.

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She killed him. She felt he was far too dangerous to let live. He tried to bribe her with information she desperately wanted; as a former watcher he knew that was the right button to push. But she didn't trust him. The decision has always haunted her. She saw way too much of herself in him, the way he analysed things, couldn't ever shut down and relax.


Now he's speaking to her from beyond the grave. Her hallucinations do indeed have a sense of irony

Livia just.. couldn't. He hadn't done anything to hurt her. He just wanted what she would have wanted in his place. And then.. when she found out he was right? She just kept wondering what else he might have been right about.


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hmm... I should really try to remember what I did with Kanpeki and probably my IA (him, I'm more fuzzy on because some of it was pre-SW and part of it also mixed in while I was leveling a trooper and a JC). Whereas as Kanpeki, I played straight through over the course of two weeks. =D


Again.. I had a lot of time on my hands...

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Eh, my characters all followed the class stories in-game after their backstory so this contains class spoilers for Sith Warrior, Bounty Hunter, and Imperial Agent.


Anyways, my main three characters, Isaac, Skradin, and Washington are all brothers, with Skradin being the oldest and Washington being the youngest. Isaac and Washington (Real name Blake. Name was randomly brought up and stuck with him during training in Imperial Intelligence) were born into a wealthy Republic family while Skradin was adopted, having lived a tough life on the streets of Nar Shaddaa. After a pirate attack devastated their estate and a nearby city due to a Senator pulling back Republic forces, the three brothers lost faith in the Republic.


Pirates killed the brothers' parents, but they had recently brought in a Sith who was near death and nursed him back to health. The Sith saved the lives of the children from the pirates and, feeling indebted to the parents for saving his life, adopted the children, settling on Dantooine.


As teenagers, they talked about fulfilling their father's dream of a better galaxy by creating their own government. Nearing adulthood, Isaac was discovered to be Force-sensitive and was trained by their adoptive father. He was brought to the Academy by an old contact of their adoptive father, Overseer Tremel. Isaac embraced the Sith code, desiring freedom, but he would not change who he was and remained a kind hearted person. This would be the first part of their plan; get one of them into a high ranking position within the Empire which would be a success as Isaac soon became the Emperor's Wrath after a long journey. It was a unexpected, but welcome event.


Skradin, knowing their plan would need money, became a bounty hunter. Since he always had a desire to win however, he aimed for the top. His Sith father got him in touch with another contact; a retired hunter named Braden. Visiting him, the young man impressed him with his combat skills, having been taught how to fight by his adoptive father who used to be in Havoc Squad before he died. Braden told Skradin to meet him on Nal Hutta and he soon journeyed there. Skradin would soon become Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, taking many jobs and earning millions of credits. He carries the virtues of a true Mandalorian; honor and bravery. He is highly skilled; Isaac and Wash has never been able to beat him in mock combat.


Blake, not wanting to be left behind, trained and honed himself to join Imperial Intelligence so they could get their hands on top secret files that were otherwise unreachable. As Dantooine was remote, he and his adoptive Sith father were able to fabricate a false backstory for him and snuck him into Imperial space where he was accepted by Keeper (Who later became the Minister of Intelligence). During training, his fellow trainees dubbed him "Washington" after he was forced to wash a ton of dishes after a accident during an exercise. It stuck, and even after basic training, his first assignment on Hutta, and becoming Cipher Nine, he still preferred to be called "Agent Washington" or simply "Wash". However, the heavy psychological toll of his future missions would turn him from a bright idealist into cold and calculating, and developed a hatred and distrust for all Force-users except Isaac after discovering the Sith was behind his brainwashing after he had defeated Jadus. After finally defeating the Star Cabal and discovering the Black Codex, he went rogue, wiped his identity, and disappeared, having many of the galaxy's secrets in his grasp to help his brothers further their plans greatly, but not before giving the Minister a final thank you by giving him valuable information from the Codex that would save his life. He soon established a network of spies, operatives, and had eyes and ears across the galaxy. The criminal underworld and Hutt Cartel would soon dub him as the "Shadow Dealer".

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Lord Asphyxious, the emperor's wrath: lvl 44 back on Hoth

(very much a work in progress)

Will romance Jaessa And if possible Vette too, but will likely get affection as high as possible w/o romancing if not; mostly darkside, ladies man, has had "encounters" with Lady Grathan and Darth Lachris. A man of direct action and revenge. I will likely spare Quinn but keep him on a tight leash after the betrayal as soldiers like him are hard to come by. He can be subtle and clever when he feels it's more prudent wise then wanton violence. Destroyed the three Hutt families, spared Darth Rethari to be his servant, conned Commander Slince to reveal Armageddon squads location, the perfect weapon for his emperor.


Jedi Master Jex:

(only lvl 17; to come in the future, rival of Ni'Shrawn'Murill, Chiss IA.)


(Coming whenever we get SSR and more slots) Nimeera, daughter of Vette and Asphyxious, sith assassin, will marry Ashara Zavros.


Jedi master Zylon, human Shadow, husband of Nadia Grell, ally (I think) of Major Yaln, female moralism commando.


Pheinoxkarhn Farrunner, cyborg Powertech, marred to Torian Cadera, mandolorian bounty hunter, teacher of future sith bounty hunter (sith son of Asphyxious and Jaessa Willsaam.


Elauria, female zabrak smuggler/GS, friend to Corso Riggs, ally of Jedi Master Zylon.


Hrm. Weird..... I know I've got 8 toons but can't think of them all right now. :p


Anyways they're all connected to my legacy tree as either spouse/ally/rival except for the female Twilek of Vette and my SW. I mostly just know who I want to romance and make sh*t up as I go along lol.


The most head canon I have is that "unofficially" my SW has a relationship with Vette and Jaessa.

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Sarai Chantalle is the matriarch of my Legacy, she's a JK who was married to a guardian named Ian but was made a widow in the raid on Coruscant. She moved her three daughters to Tython, where she worked as a trainer since she was now a single parent. Magdalane is the oldest and is Force sensitive, she was 7 when her father died but had been in training for a couple of years at the Jedi temple. She's always felt that in some ways her training robbed her of time with her father she can never get back now. Her strengths lie in healing and she's a typical diplomat, saying and doing things that make the other person do what she wanted anyway. Very reserved, calm, practical, but with a love of lacy things worn under her conservative robe.


Maura is the middle sister, she's a Lieutenant in the military and is much closer to her sisters than her mother. She also has a healing bent and a huge soft spot for children. She worked as a teen at the temple, with new arrivals of Force sensitive children that were coming for training. She was 3 years old when her father died, so she has no real memory of him, and when she needed her mom growing up, Sarai was too busy to notice, and Magdalane (Mags) filled that role the best she could. It helped that they lived pretty close to the temple.


Miriah is the youngest sister, and was born 4 months after her father's death. Her mother, beset by grief, never really formed a bond with her youngest until she was an adult. Miriah grew up thinking her mother hated her because she was a constant reminder of her dad, since of all the girls she looks like him the most. Miriah's earliest memory is of her sister Maura feeding her, since Mags had to live at the temple and was training hard by that point. Miriah learned early on that the people you love always leave you,and decided as a teen to become a loner. As a smuggler she is a flirt and a tease, but gets the job done with little involvement with others, which is why her involvement with Corso has changed her so fundamentally.

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Now, my canon for my legacy at the current state pretty much follows the class storylines. About the only difference would be:


My marauder Farra'Leigh and juggernaught Carlo Vinne are both apprentices to Darth Baras. Carlo is the superior, though.


Tacha Lynn isn't the captain, she's the mechanic. Who is also really good with a stealth generator and a scattergun. Ace Neutron is the captain, and relies pretty much on randomly firing two blasters and trusting in luck that someone gets hit.


Sayir Rawalk (Commando) was a new havoc squad recruit, same as Tannik Kelson (Vanguard). However, as he was the one that followed orders, he got the job of leading havoc squad. She got the job of second-in-command instead.


Finally, Rayene Tempest is the real bounty hunter. Jake, while intimidating, is just her bodyguard. She's the one who gets the payoff, because she's also the one that got them into the great hunt (the hutt may have sponsored them, but he certainly didn't pay for their gear).

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Looking forward to reading these! I am better at drawing stuff than writing it, so I look forward to reading some fanfics! :) Meanwhile, I think I will work on some fanart. Something to do whilst it is quiet at work, just don't tell my boss :cool:
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anyone ever just get little snippets of thier toon's daily life that wouldn't fit in a bio, or in the fanfic section? i remember chatting with another agent, and we agreed we could picture kaliyo angrily pounding her fist on the shower door, as an oblivious vector has meditated himself into a trance under the relaxing warm spray of the shower.

or my Fhunter walking into her room to find blizz had acess her... um... back massager chest ( yes.. she...gets very sore muscles from chasing down hard to get marks) and finding bits and pieces strewn everywhere, with a happily fascinated jawa.

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anyone ever just get little snippets of thier toon's daily life that wouldn't fit in a bio, or in the fanfic section? i remember chatting with another agent, and we agreed we could picture kaliyo angrily pounding her fist on the shower door, as an oblivious vector has meditated himself into a trance under the relaxing warm spray of the shower.

or my Fhunter walking into her room to find blizz had acess her... um... back massager chest ( yes.. she...gets very sore muscles from chasing down hard to get marks) and finding bits and pieces strewn everywhere, with a happily fascinated jawa.


Allll the time. Ruth defensively explaining to Jaesa that the Jedi Code is weak, and being LS Sith doesn't mean rejecting the Sith Code. Ruth groggily waking up at 4:30 while Quinn is prepping for the day, informing him he's insane, and going back to sleep before he can reply in his defensive-exasperated vocal tone. (Not to be confused with the worried-exasperated, aghast-exasperated, confused-exasperated, or disgusted-exasperated tones.) Ruth going out with Pierce to seek a fight because sometimes you just want pure reckless exhilaration.


Corso trying to convince Nic, yet again, that they could be a perfect couple if she would only admit it means something. Nic talking the finer points of negotiation with Risha, and this absolutely does not come down to arguing about who's going to seduce their very attractive contact in the hopes of reducing the price of his services - um, the business services.


Niselle getting Talos Drellik access to some Sith-restricted tombs just to watch him geek out, because he's absolutely adorable when he gets excited. It's the only generous impulse she's ever had. Talos brings that out in her.


Wynston actually hiding on his own ship, and thanking the Empire for his stealth field generator, when Ensign Temple is on the prowl looking for more up-close and personal tutelage.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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I apologize ahead of time but this seems to be very long. It was 3 pages on Word, but this is esentially my head canon for Kanpeki, my SW.



Kanpeki's parents had died while she was a young teen but had instilled a sense of honour, duty and discipline in their daughter. Both of Kapneki's parents were Sith. In an effort to secure their young daughter's future they had turned to a more powerful and elderly Sith Lord for patronage, that and he owed her father a favour. However, the favour owed wouldn't cover what they had asked for and the Sith Lord told them he would adopt Kanpeki as his heir on for a price: their lives. Her parents agreed, said goodbye to their daughter and committed suicide. From their actions, Kanepki learned one other thing: take care of your family, no matter the cost.

The Sith Lord who adopted her, wasn't overly cruel but he taught Kanpeki that everything and everyone had a price. He helped her improve her fighting skills, tactical abilities, and to never fail. He truly believed in the superiority of the Empire and the Sith but he also knew that the Sith could not accomplish anything alone and would need help from those weren't gifted in the Force and thus he also instilled in Kanpeki, an attitude to aid when possible the Imperial military forces.

Because the Sith Lord had treated her with respect for her skills and her person, constantly pushing her to better herself, heeding her ideas when they made sense, Kanpeki discovered that she would do anything for the old man. This was in sharp contrast to what she had observed in the followers of the other Sith Lords who came to negotiate with her adopted father, where fear had marked them. From this she learned perhaps her greatest lesson: Fear will only get your followers to obey orders, but have them love you and they will die for you willingly.


By her late teens Kanpeki had garnered the notice of Overseer Tremel. During her accelerated trials, she honoured the past of the disgraced Sith Lord who had been imprisoned, and came to view Tremel as another surrogate uncle. While the supposed rivalry between her and Vemrim amused her, she did not need the aid of the acolytes who had offered to kill him. Eventually gaining the attention of Darth Baras, she became his personal apprentice, the price of having to betray Tremel was too much and Kanpeki managed to convince Tremel to leave Korriban and deceive Baras.

With Vette shock collar remote, Kanpeki's fingers slipped once or twice and she quite honestly felt bad about it. Apologizing and removing the collar once they made it to Vaiken Spacedock, and suggesting that the two of them take on the galaxy together. She spared Gratham's son, only to be betrayed by his mother later on, causing her to regret her decision.


Chapter 1:


After landing on Balmorra and meeting Quinn, her intial reaction was that this man "belonged" to her and with her. Kanpeki, literally couldn't stop thinking about the man and covered it as best she could with cool indifference during their conversations, and enjoyed flustering the lieutenant. She let Rylon's son live after erasing his memory and in one of her more twisted moments or atleast an attempt to allow Rylon to have recognition as a fellow Imperial talked him into revealing his identity to the last Republic solider before having Rylon execute the solider himself. During the conversation prior to their fight, she lied and told Rylon that his son had faced his fate with his head held high, and that she did not relish having to kill such a loyal Imperial. After her fight with the Jedi investigator, Kanpeki just about cheered when Quinn showed up and relayed that the Jedi didn't know anything about what had transpired on Balmorra. While she was glad to be off Balmorra, Kanpeki was also saddened that she would have to leave Quinn, and so when he offered his services she was elated.

Nar Shadda saw her spare Rothari and have him swear himself into her personal service, the first of many to come, Kanpeki would hope. She had also demonstrated an honorable moment that was also practical when she spared the Republic troops after extracting promise from them to repay the debt owed. While still on Nar Shadda, Vette would become the annoying yet lovable sister that Kanpeki had never had, or atleast that's what it felt like to her.

While on Tatooine, Kanpeki would face the Sand Demon and the Jedi Master Yonlach with Quinn. She eventually would spare Yonlach as she didn't think his death was required. The newly promoted Captain could continue to be flustered by her advances, she would poke and prod at him for amusement , but mainly she just wanted a response from the man.

During her hunt on Alderaan she would continue to ask for Quinn's assessment and advice. After extracting information from Lady Renata, she allowed her to leave and kept her from Duke Kendoh. Her encounter with General Organa reinforced her perception that everyone had a price as Kanpeki watched a strong woman falter while her lover was being choked to death. She spared the lot of them in a moment of benevolance and continued to pursue her true targets on the planet: Jaesa's parents. After speaking with them, Kanpeki would have them sent to Dromuund Kass to become well looked after hostages, as she did not draw her lightsaber the Jedi refused to fight her, so in an adolescent moment, she mocked him.

Her encounter with the two Jedi on the ship, left the surviving Jedi shaken, though she would have like to have turned him to the Sith it was unlikely given his convictions. She convinced Jaesa to remain true to the Light and hoped that someday that she would embrace the rest of her emotions slowly. Nomen Karr, she sent with a bow attached to Darth Baras as a present. Quinn seemed concerned that her methods were unorthodox to say the least to which Kanepki responded that there was more than one way to win a war.



Chapter 2:


Kanpeki's merciful side kept coming into play when she went after the War Trust, often sparing people and taking them prisoner. General Minst on the other hand, she had tortured for information because he seemed cowardly and spineless. General Faraire, however, she gave all due consideration as a prisoner and insisted he be treated with the respect due his station. When Quinn showed up to stop Faraire from escaping though, she nearly pounced him with delight. After having Pierce transferred to her personal command and the service of the Moff on Taris, Kanpeki left to hit Quesh.

It was around this same time that Quinn, finally admitted being drawn to Kanpeki, who rejoiced at finally being noticed for being something other than a Sith. She still thought he was dragging his heels but decided to give him more time.

They mopped up their assignment on Quesh and on Hoth, and she acquired the final addition to her crew, who she thought was a little too eager for blood, the Talz known as Broonmark. The fate of Jedi Zerander, she left up to the Force and left both him and the elder Jedi Master there in the cave she had found them in. Kanpeki did contemplate her ultimate after defeating Darth Vengean with the aid of both Lord Draagh and Quinn.

It was after event that had Quinn asking to be reassigned because he had been compromised, Kanpeki just looked at him and told him that if that's what he wanted, she'll dump him back on Balmorra where she found him and never give him another thought. She was angry at him for being such an idiot and he couldn't see his place was at her side.

The inevitable betrayal by Baras hurt but she half expected it given his earlier comments about how Sith must orchestrate their own promotions. The offer to become the Emperor's Wrath was too good an opportunity to pass up and so Kanpeki set off to bring order to the Empire in the Emperor's name.



Chapter 3:


Belsavis saw Kanpeki teaming up with the Jedi Master Timmns to track down Darth Eckage. In definitely one of her more manipulative moments, she took great pleasure in having the Jedi kill Eckage in cold blood, before departing as acquaintances. She wanted to shake the Jedi order to their core and reveal their hypocritical actions. During this time as well, Quinn had hunted down Moff Broysce and after having witnessed what had happened to Vette after she had killed the Hutt that had enslaved her mother, Kanpeki took it upon herself to execute the Moff personally. She didn't want to inflict another soul wound like that on someone she cared about. Shortly afterwards, she turned the tables on Quinn and began acting a bit more distant, while thoroughly enjoying their new relationship. Kanpeki just didn't want him to know about it, yet. She just wanted to make him sweat a bit after making her wait all this time.

From Belsavis, Kanpeki and her crew headed to Voss to free the true Voice. Quinn told her he loved her after she became almost dismissive, and while Kanpeki cared about him, she also recognized that he was her one true weakness and didn't want him to know about it and so she evaded answering him. After her conversation with the Voice of the Emperor on Voss, she grew suspicious of the Emperor's true goals but had nothing to substantiate them with.

While heading to Corellia, Quinn's betrayal caused Kanpeki a significant amount of heartache. In her pain, she started choking the life out of him only to stop because she realized he was her price. If anything happened to him by her hand or otherwise she would likely snap under the strain. That and if she killed him, Baras would win and Kanpeki didn't like to lose, therefore she let Quinn live and rejoin her crew, emphasizing that no one could know about what happened on that ship. Reflecting on it, she became angry with herself for becoming so attached to someone who if she had just paid attention was clearly a plant.

Kanpeki spent all of her time on Corellia dragging Quinn with her because simply put she didn't trust the man out of her sight. Together they thwarted the assassination attempt on Darth Vowrawn and defeated Lord Draagh one final time.

When she went to face Darth Baras, she was glad to see Overseer Tremel there as she had been concerned about him over the past few years and received an update on Rothari's activities as well. Kanpeki brought her once-traitorous Captain with her to the Dark Council meeting, giving Quinn one final chance to betray her, if he did she had decided he'd die regardless of the personal cost to her. She executed Baras after defeating him, given that sparing him wasn't an option primarily because he had subverted what was "her's", namely her Captain and Kanpeki wasn't going to give him another chance to do so.

For now, even though she finally married Quinn, Kanpeki's not sure how much she actually trusts him these days. Their relationship hasn't been quite the same and they both know it.



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Allll the time. Ruth defensively explaining to Jaesa that the Jedi Code is weak, and being LS Sith doesn't mean rejecting the Sith Code. Ruth groggily waking up at 4:30 while Quinn is prepping for the day, informing him he's insane, and going back to sleep before he can reply in his defensive-exasperated vocal tone. (Not to be confused with the worried-exasperated, aghast-exasperated, confused-exasperated, or disgusted-exasperated tones.) Ruth going out with Pierce to seek a fight because sometimes you just want pure reckless exhilaration.


Corso trying to convince Nic, yet again, that they could be a perfect couple if she would only admit it means something. Nic talking the finer points of negotiation with Risha, and this absolutely does not come down to arguing about who's going to seduce their very attractive contact in the hopes of reducing the price of his services - um, the business services.


Niselle getting Talos Drellik access to some Sith-restricted tombs just to watch him geek out, because he's absolutely adorable when he gets excited. It's the only generous impulse she's ever had. Talos brings that out in her.


Wynston actually hiding on his own ship, and thanking the Empire for his stealth field generator, when Ensign Temple is on the prowl looking for more up-close and personal tutelage.

Those little snippets are allways the best.


One lazy, tired kaliyo eating whatever their equivalent of popcorn is, while watching some holomovie, spread out, empty bottles around her, starts letting bits of food fall to the floor. moments latter someone else is calmly writing notes or whatnot, and hears her screech. Apperantly some little killik hatchlings have learned of her messy eating habbits, and started cleaning up after her, but wasn't sneaky enough this time around. Prolly cause they cleaned off the residue from the empty bottles too.


torian finally taking euryale to meet his friends for a big hunting campout. lots of dead animals and empty bottles latter, around the fire, he's flexing to his buds and boasting how hes gotten 20% cooler since joining up with the Grand Champion. Euryale rolls her eyes, and says she can still whoop his arse in 10 seconda flat. So sparring happens. 10 seconds latter she managed to have him pinned down, with his armor removed, much to the hows of laughter from the campfire crowd. He reists, trying to break free, and she starts getting saucy with her pinning, nibbling his ear and such. Someone drunkedly sudgests they do a rematch in thier tent, and she laughs, half heatedly hucks torian over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and struts off, with everyone behind howling with laughter, and cheering her on. Sorry torian..shes still the boss >:3


Crezelle, in tears, on the fleet, a broken party bomb in her hands.


My BH team, having a weekend drinker, doing stupid things to that random guy in carbonite on the wall. sharpie moustaches, hanging blizz by the belt to his hooked protruding fingers, taping a contruction paper cutout of a party hat to his head, ect

Edited by Crezelle
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My BH team, having a weekend drinker, doing stupid things to that random guy in carbonite on the wall. sharpie moustaches, hanging blizz by the belt to his hooked protruding fingers, taping a contruction paper cutout of a party hat to his head, ect


Aaaand that was the actual laughing-out-loud kind of lol. :D

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I'm only at like 3-5k with all my companions save Pierce, the droid and Broonmark. My BHs highest affection is with mako, though she has occasionally indulged Gault in his money making ideas, and has recently started romancing Torian. Haven't finished hoth or gotten blizz yet. It really astounds me how much thought and energy you put into all of this, in a good way though. I want my sith to eventually romance Jaessa, Vette and Ashara (for my SI I plan to do anyway). I will eventually have my JK romance Kira, and my Con romance Nadia whenever they get to that point. I really wish Lord scourge was romanceable for female knights, that'd be cool! I just enjoy the story and the game, irl I don't have enough time to come up with head canons! lol
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I still think my favourite snippets are Kanpeki watching Vette or Pierce annoy the hell out of Quinn, especially Vette since Quinn can't actually do anything to her. Then he'll look at her, while she's rolling on the floor of the common area laughing at whatever antics Vette's engaged in, like he expects her to make Vette stop, but she won't because she's too busy enjoying his discomfort. Quinn hightailing it back to the bridge in disgust.


Kasmarien (my trooper) sitting in her bunk with a grooming brush working on Jorgan's fur, you know, because there's so much of it. He'll be leaning into every stroke and purring because he's enjoying the attention from his wife. Atleast until they get interrupted by 4X bursting in because they forgot to lock the door, with another crazy target he wants to take out. On a side note, she's probably humming "Soft Kitty" while she's brushing Jorgan.

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I still think my favourite snippets are Kanpeki watching Vette or Pierce annoy the hell out of Quinn, especially Vette since Quinn can't actually do anything to her. Then he'll look at her, while she's rolling on the floor of the common area laughing at whatever antics Vette's engaged in, like he expects her to make Vette stop, but she won't because she's too busy enjoying his discomfort. Quinn hightailing it back to the bridge in disgust.


Kasmarien (my trooper) sitting in her bunk with a grooming brush working on Jorgan's fur, you know, because there's so much of it. He'll be leaning into every stroke and purring because he's enjoying the attention from his wife. Atleast until they get interrupted by 4X bursting in because they forgot to lock the door, with another crazy target he wants to take out. On a side note, she's probably humming "Soft Kitty" while she's brushing Jorgan.



i could see that with my trooper, scritching behind hie ears, him leaning into it, purring, and then realising how utterly hopellessly around her finger shes got him. he then perks up, indignantly, but goes back to purring and kneading

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anyone ever just get little snippets of thier toon's daily life that wouldn't fit in a bio, or in the fanfic section? i remember chatting with another agent, and we agreed we could picture kaliyo angrily pounding her fist on the shower door, as an oblivious vector has meditated himself into a trance under the relaxing warm spray of the shower.

or my Fhunter walking into her room to find blizz had acess her... um... back massager chest ( yes.. she...gets very sore muscles from chasing down hard to get marks) and finding bits and pieces strewn everywhere, with a happily fascinated jawa.


When DON'T I get these? I especially like the /clubdance ability. I target my spouse, cause that's who I mainly roll with, and start shaking my money maker for him.


Draconia sleeping in bed while Quinn gives her a kiss on her cheek as he gets ready for the day at an ungodly hour. She groans and tosses a pillow at him to 'wake up at a normal time, damn it'. He just rolls his eyes at her, choosing to keep quite because she's the wife. Plus, the Emperor's Wrath and she's threatened to choke a ***** and boot his *** out the nearest airlock on more than one occasion.


Or when they're on the fleet, and they're just standing around waiting for the other crew members to return from their missions, she switches to her slave outfit and dances seductively for him. Which then generates into him grabbing her arm and dragging her scantily clad butt back to their quarters for some alone time. She loves it when he's forceful.


Eanelinea sitting on the couch in the lounge, listening to death metal as she does her toes. She's wearing a white tank top, and booty shorts, bopping her head to the music as Vector walks by, pauses and raises an amused eyebrow at his wife. Kaliyo's sitting next to her on the couch, sees the look Vector gives Eanelinea, knows what's about to transpire and get the hell out of dodge. She wonders how Eanelinea can tap that.


Melony has her own slave bikini outfit she wears for Doc, loving how he gets flustered and begins to stutter at his hot and sexy wife. Of course, Melony makes sure the rest of the crew isn't on board when she does this. No need to give the crew a show and make Doc jealous. Though a jealous Doc is a forceful and freaky Doc. Sometimes she 'oopsie, my bad' at this and giggles as she sprints to their quarters with Doc hot on her trail.


Kyoko is throwing peanuts up in the air, playing 'who's the best at catching them' with Andronikos. Adults? Where? Kyoko's the baby of the 5 sisters. She likes being immature, it's more fun. Right next to her on the couch, besides her husband, is Crunchy, her stuff spider.


Harriet is sitting in her Captain's chair, her booted feet up on the console, reading a racy romance novel when Corso comes up behind her and runs his fingers through her hair. That's code for sexy fun times, so she tosses the pad onto the console, completely ignores Corso as she saunters to their quarters, putting an extra swing in her hip-swish.


Tamara and the rest of the crew are playing the drinking game 'I never'. Hilarity ensues as people find out WAY more about each other than they bargained for. Blizz has to be the biggest surprise and the most drunk.


You all are evil. You know what I think of alot. lol

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I could see Ruth having a girls' night out with Vette and Jaesa - nothing wild, but shopping and the latest major holovid release for sure - but then stopping by someplace and changing back to her uniform before returning home, because even after all this time she would feel awkwardly uncomfortable letting Quinn see her in her civvies. She suspects he would think less of her for it.


Wynston, on the other hand, would think nothing of vomiting the minute he gets back on the ship, because he can hold his alcohol for the first seven shots but Kaliyo just kept going...and no way was he going to let Kaliyo beat him. The Empire will probably survive until 2 or 3 PM tomorrow, so he'll have some time to recover.

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Heh, love little snippets. I'm picturing:


Vette kicking Isaac's miserable butt in a game of pazaak which he utterly fails at, with Pierce laughing at his misfortune as he hands over credits and Jaesa smiling at the sight, amused.


Mako, while giggling and laughing, dressing a bewildered and confused Blizz up as a flower girl, with Skradin taking pictures with great amusement at the sight, Torian chuckling, and Gault rolling his eyes.


Wash being his broody self, is reading something important in his quarters aboard his ship only for Kaliyo to come by and crack a joke (Kaliyo as a troll... Hehe) that is enough to piss him off and chase after her, only for her to use a bewildered Vector as a meatshield, toss him at Wash causing him to fall down, and use the distraction to lock herself in her quarters, with Lokin chuckling, Temple rolling her eyes, and SCORPIO being impassive as usual.

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While doing Umrahiel’s quests on Corellia (Sith Warrior), there was an…interesting issue with the cutscenes. So he submitted a report:




To the Sith Department of Human Resources: I request some assistance with a disciplinary problem involving my crew. It has come to my attention that Vette has been running strip-pazaak games on my ship in my absence. Initially, I presumed it was merely a hazing episode for Quinn after his betrayal. He appeared in his underwear in an holocall after I reached Darth Vowrawn on Corellia. But it turns out she fleeced Pierce as well. He, too, appeared unclothed in a holocall when informing me they were moving Vowrawn from my ship to a safe house.


Moreover, as a part of the prank, she listed their uniforms on the Galactic Trade Network as “Imperial Memorabilia” and an avid collector snapped them up before the rightful owners could reclaim them. When I rejoined them, Quinn was parading around Darth Vowrawn’s safe house in nothing but his underwear. Vowrawn, fortunately, did not join in the game, and in fact declined to mention their attire (or lack thereof). I suspect he’s just being polite. But this conduct is hardly becoming Imperial military officers and their unprofessional behaviour reflects poorly on me. I already destroyed Vette’s marked pazaak decks, deleted the gambling subroutines from 2V-R8, and severely reprimanded the crew.


Beyond that, I am at a loss for an appropriate response as befits a Sith Lord. I realize I could just force-choke the lot of them and start over, but I’ve invested quite a bit of time and effort acquiring them and my ongoing feud with Darth Baras makes recruiting quality personnel difficult. I appreciate your insight into this matter.


Sincerely, Lord Vitriol, Emperor’s Wrath



Not really “canon” per se, as I don’t see this as actually happening in my character’s story, but a lot of fun to explain what was otherwise an immersion-breaking bug.


And yes, I did submit this as an actual bug report. With a shorter, more conventional explanation as well.

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While doing Umrahiel’s quests on Corellia (Sith Warrior), there was an…interesting issue with the cutscenes. So he submitted a report:




To the Sith Department of Human Resources: I request some assistance with a disciplinary problem involving my crew. It has come to my attention that Vette has been running strip-pazaak games on my ship in my absence. Initially, I presumed it was merely a hazing episode for Quinn after his betrayal. He appeared in his underwear in an holocall after I reached Darth Vowrawn on Corellia. But it turns out she fleeced Pierce as well. He, too, appeared unclothed in a holocall when informing me they were moving Vowrawn from my ship to a safe house.


Moreover, as a part of the prank, she listed their uniforms on the Galactic Trade Network as “Imperial Memorabilia” and an avid collector snapped them up before the rightful owners could reclaim them. When I rejoined them, Quinn was parading around Darth Vowrawn’s safe house in nothing but his underwear. Vowrawn, fortunately, did not join in the game, and in fact declined to mention their attire (or lack thereof). I suspect he’s just being polite. But this conduct is hardly becoming Imperial military officers and their unprofessional behaviour reflects poorly on me. I already destroyed Vette’s marked pazaak decks, deleted the gambling subroutines from 2V-R8, and severely reprimanded the crew.


Beyond that, I am at a loss for an appropriate response as befits a Sith Lord. I realize I could just force-choke the lot of them and start over, but I’ve invested quite a bit of time and effort acquiring them and my ongoing feud with Darth Baras makes recruiting quality personnel difficult. I appreciate your insight into this matter.


Sincerely, Lord Vitriol, Emperor’s Wrath



Not really “canon” per se, as I don’t see this as actually happening in my character’s story, but a lot of fun to explain what was otherwise an immersion-breaking bug.


And yes, I did submit this as an actual bug report. With a shorter, more conventional explanation as well.


Oh my God, I laughed so hard at that bug during beta. Too dang hilarious.

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While doing Umrahiel’s quests on Corellia (Sith Warrior), there was an…interesting issue with the cutscenes. So he submitted a report:




To the Sith Department of Human Resources: I request some assistance with a disciplinary problem involving my crew. It has come to my attention that Vette has been running strip-pazaak games on my ship in my absence. Initially, I presumed it was merely a hazing episode for Quinn after his betrayal. He appeared in his underwear in an holocall after I reached Darth Vowrawn on Corellia. But it turns out she fleeced Pierce as well. He, too, appeared unclothed in a holocall when informing me they were moving Vowrawn from my ship to a safe house.


Moreover, as a part of the prank, she listed their uniforms on the Galactic Trade Network as “Imperial Memorabilia” and an avid collector snapped them up before the rightful owners could reclaim them. When I rejoined them, Quinn was parading around Darth Vowrawn’s safe house in nothing but his underwear. Vowrawn, fortunately, did not join in the game, and in fact declined to mention their attire (or lack thereof). I suspect he’s just being polite. But this conduct is hardly becoming Imperial military officers and their unprofessional behaviour reflects poorly on me. I already destroyed Vette’s marked pazaak decks, deleted the gambling subroutines from 2V-R8, and severely reprimanded the crew.


Beyond that, I am at a loss for an appropriate response as befits a Sith Lord. I realize I could just force-choke the lot of them and start over, but I’ve invested quite a bit of time and effort acquiring them and my ongoing feud with Darth Baras makes recruiting quality personnel difficult. I appreciate your insight into this matter.


Sincerely, Lord Vitriol, Emperor’s Wrath



Not really “canon” per se, as I don’t see this as actually happening in my character’s story, but a lot of fun to explain what was otherwise an immersion-breaking bug.


And yes, I did submit this as an actual bug report. With a shorter, more conventional explanation as well.


I thought they fixed that bug, not for me, because I recall Kanpeki having to talk to Pierce in his skivvies and her admiring said the "goods" in plain view of Quinn no less. :D What can I say, the girl was still pissed off at him.


But that was a great memo. LOVED it.

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