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Sentinel Razer Naga Keybinds - PvP


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So I finally decided to take the plunge and bought a Razer Naga mouse for myself. It's definitely taking some getting used to having almost everything bound to my mouse hand and not my keyboard hand.


I am leveling a Marauder (lv25) and am looking for suggestions as far as how other Sentinels and Marauders are binding your abilities to your Naga. What keybinds are you going with? I've never used a whole lot of Alt or CTRL modifiers and very few Shift modifiers when I was using the keyboard itself for binds, just a few here and there, so this is also taking getting used to.


Also, I noticed something odd. Based on a recommendation I read, I'm binding using the number pad instead of the main keyboard 1-0,-,+. When I assign the keys and Alt-modifiers, it's showing up on the action bars as "Alt+2" or "5" or whatever, which is fine, but when I use the Shift modifier instead of the Alt modifier, it shows up as "Shift+End" for example. It happens whether Num Lock is on of off (tried both). Is there any way to get it to say "Shift+3" in the action bar while using the number pad?


One thing I did to help the transition is to change my action bars to be three grids that are 3x4 so that they look just like the Naga pad. That way, I can visually associate which spells are on which buttons more easily. I'll post a screenshot when I get home (at work atm).

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Not sure I can help you specifically in the PvP arena because I don't PvP much. However, I don't see why the same principles wouldn't apply.


I have a Naga. Love the damn thing. I wont' go back to Keyboard binds in general although I still use them for a few things as my Sentinal much like your Marauder has so many important binds that even the number pad or row isn't enough.


I stuck with using the Naga with the rows as opposed to the number pad. It was more natural for me since I was using the rows before. I keep my high priority items in the easier to reach numbers 1-9. Lower priorities are the lower ,, 0, -, =. Probably a matter of preference, but I have found important because my thumb needs to stay centered so I don't lose my place or have to look down for a key.


Also, don't forget about the additional mouse buttons; two of them beside the left mouse button and the clickable scroll. I use them for high priority interrupts and leap in general.


But here is the real nugget that works great for me. For high priority cool downs, I still use keyboard binds. The reason is because you can simultaneously use the CD while you are attacking with your Naga numbers. So... I can, for example, use Rebuke or Saberward at the same time I use Blade Rush. It is not queued up! Sometimes I don't see the animation but the CD is in effect! That split second makes a difference for me and more importantly doesn't take me out of attack mode so to speak so I can really nail the procs.


I like your idea about customizing your quick slots. I did that as well with the new UI. Works very well, although now I'm so used to where everything is I don't look at the quick slots much unless I'm watching for something to come off of cool down. BTW, I use the cool down text so I can see how much time is left. Invaluable as well.


Last, I use shift and a few Naga number combinations. In particular for stunning or incapaciting attacks followed by a killing blow. I don't know the Marauder skill names but for example, I have force sweep as 3 and Pommel as Shift+3. This works very well because as you may know force sweep stuns and interrupts and Pommel is an attack only applicable to stunned targets but with really high damage (I'm getting 4K on average now). So in two easy moves I have a kill shot for normal mobs both coming off the Naga number 3. I use this same method for other complimentary attacks.


Enjoy your Naga. I used the little training pads until they literary rubbed off the keys and now, I can't play without that mouse. I am very glad I made the change as it makes the game much more enjoyable and attacks and abilities are more of a reflex instead of a hunt for the right key combinations.

Edited by Rafaman
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At least my take, I combine the Naga with a Belkin n52te (could be similar to most game pads) and I never have to use the keyboard for anything.


Watchman Spec (as it correlates to the controllers, not the actual keyboard)


Left hand: Belkin

1. Force Leap

2. Cauterize

3. Move Forward

4. Merciless Slash

5. Zealous Strike

6. Force Sweep

7. Strafe Right

8. Move Backwards

9. Move Right

10. Master Strike

11. Slash

12. Dispatch

13. Rebuke

14. Force Stasis

15. Zen

16. OS (Button above D-Pad)


Right Hand Naga


1. Guarded By the Force

2. Force Kick

3. Sabre Shield

4. Adrenal

5. Strike

6. Med Pack

7. Ventrillo

8. Leg Strike

9. Crippling Throw

10. Pacify

11. Jump

12. Force Camo


Mouse 3 = Resolute

Mouse 4 = Next Target

Mouse 5 = Awe


I click Valorous Call, Inspiration, Relics and any other remianing abilities but you can see that most if not all primary abilities are covered.

Edited by Leagueofone
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At least my take, I combine the Naga with a Belkin n52te (could be similar to most game pads) and I never have to use the keyboard for anything.


Watchman Spec (as it correlates to the controllers, not the actual keyboard)


Left hand: Belkin

1. Force Leap

2. Cauterize

3. Move Forward

4. Merciless Slash

5. Zealous Strike

6. Force Sweep

7. Strafe Right

8. Move Backwards

9. Move Right

10. Master Strike

11. Slash

12. Dispatch

13. Rebuke

14. Force Stasis

15. Zen

16. OS (Button above D-Pad)


Right Hand Naga


1. Guarded By the Force

2. Force Kick

3. Sabre Shield

4. Adrenal

5. Strike

6. Med Pack

7. Ventrillo

8. Leg Strike

9. Crippling Throw

10. Pacify

11. Jump

12. Force Camo


Mouse 3 = Resolute

Mouse 4 = Next Target

Mouse 5 = Awe


I click Valorous Call, Inspiration, Relics and any other remianing abilities but you can see that most if not all primary abilities are covered.


Okay so where's move left? :mon_wink:

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