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Damage proc relic + Ataru form damage proc question

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I recently ran through HM Lost Island with my Sentinel, and picked up a Relic of Vital Rupturing. (The first one listed here -> http://swtorbattles.blogspot.com/2012/04/relic-list-from-los-island.html)


It has a damage proc mod, but it says that it shares a cooldown with other damage abilities of the same kind. The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the Ataru form extra damage proc is a very similar ability.


Does anyone know, definitively, if these two do share a cooldown, or even cancel each other out?

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Should be easy to test bro. Put it on. Ataru damage is white the damage from that proc should be yellow, you can use a move that guarantees an ataru proc so spam that and see if you can get both damages to proc at the same time.
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'of the same kind' means exactly that.. you can't have two of those relics, only one..


I'm pretty sure he's asking if the relic proc cancel's out the Atatu form proc damage and Vice versa, not if he can use 2 of the same relic..

And i'm not 100% sure but in this case i'm relatively sure it doesnt, One's weapon damage the other is Interal, so i'd be pretty sure in saying no.

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