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Marauder Naga Keybinds Suggestions- PvP


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Bind all of your keys, be it Naga or not, so that your main rotation, oh **** buttons, and spam buttons make bio-mechanical sense. That is all you need to know. The people that struggle with keybinds are the ones that bind charge to Q, battering assault to C, assault to crtl+5 and vicious slash to shift+ctrl+x.


If you switch between specs, keep everything the same other then the 2-3 moves that change.


Bio-mechanical sense example: Annihilation -- Q = charge, Shift+q = Deadly saber, E = Battering assault, Shift+e = rupture, R = Annihilate, Mouse thumb = Assault, Shift+Mouse thumb = Vicious slash, F = Vicious throw, ****+F = deadly throw.


What is your opening rotation? Q, shift+q, E, shift+E, R/mouse thumb

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