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Duels, training areas.


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Is there anywhere relatively close to the republic fleet to duel and attack training dummies? I don't know if they have implemented this or if they are but i would like to do duels but there is rarely any pvp areas apart from tatooine .


Or if anyone else have any ideas for pvp kinda stuff, to just make it more entertaining?

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YEah well not on republic fleet as it would end up make it lag soo badly. But if they created another area to duel with dummies and trainers and like respec trainer that would be brilliant.


I would be there more often than standing next to my war hero vendor.

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Dueling areas are planned in Guild ships, when these roll on some time next year.


So is a long wait. But a duel area want be bad on the fleet. The Tatoone PvP area is also a same faction duel area. You cannot fight against same guild mates, same group there, unless you don't desire it.

Pity it is a bit out of place.

My server Lord Calypho did a duel tournament past Thursday, and we wer over a 50 ex Imps and I had little to no lag.


If in the Capital ships it can't be implemented may be they put another ship close by (instance) and one can go practice there. They can also start with a small ship, sort of like one of the characters have size, and remove the bulkheads. To give an idea or e.g.

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