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Force Sensitivy Inheritance


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I'm hoping that someone can clear up a couple questions I have about children and inheriting force sensitivity.


Based on the EU, has there ever been a case where a child with force sensitive parents has been non force sensitive? This can be either with two sensitive parents or one sensitive+normal.


In everything I've read, the children of Jedi and Sith always inherit force sensitivity from their parents. The Skywalker-Solo, Horn, Khai, etc. are all families of force sensitives.


However, the pure-blood officers in the Imperial Navy seem to contradict this. Like the Miralukans, Sith are supposed to have 100% force sensitivity. So at least in theory, there should be no Pure-blood Sith in the army/navy since all force sensitives are required to attend the academy on Korriban,


Additionally, the Sith officer on Belsalvis (Jedi Knight story line) says (paraphrasing) "I may not feel the force the way you [Jedi Knight] do...." So how exactly do we end up with a non-sensitive Sith pure-blood if any offspring of a Sith even paired with a non-sensitive should be force sensitive?


Are we supposed to assume that similar Sith are simply too weak to enter the academy?


I'm really curious to know if there's a Jedi/Sith equivalent of a "squib".

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