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Why I am dropping SWTOR


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I'm not trying to rage against SWTOR here, but I do not plan on continuing to play. What I'd like to do is outline what I feel is lacking in the game or a serious flaw that needs to be remedied. Feel free to criticize or enlighten me if I just don't understand how something works. I've dabbled in MMOs, but I haven't played as much as most people have.


1. Low server populations (merge the servers ASAP)


This needs to be fixed. With the release of D3 a lot of people, including me, are going to stop playing SWTOR for a while. I don't have the time to play more than 10-15 hours a week, and Diablo 3 is just more enjoyable (though I understand not everyone will have that opinion). Regardless of how many people Diablo 3 takes away from SWTOR, or how many people jump over to GW2 whenever that gets released, the servers need to be merged. I can't imagine the headache such an action would give the people who have to do the work to actually merge the servers, but their job is to maintain the game. I will not pick this game back up unless server populations increase.


2. Change the subscription fee, or improve the game


I don't mind paying $15 a month to play a game. I can afford it. But the current SWTOR is not worth $15. That is just my opinion, but it seems to be shared by many. SWTOR is not worth $15 a month because it is not polished and has not yet delivered on its promises (no weather, no day/night, severely underpopulated Market, lack of same-gender relationship possibilities, crappy space combat inferior to the Rebel Assault games... wasn't that the early 90s?, etc.). I understand getting the weather and day/night just right could really be a hassle (though after so many months, you'd think that could be solved), but the same-gender romance options? What's taking that so long? The bottom line is, SWTOR doesn't appear to be using the $15 a month very efficiently. It is bad to reward poor work. I don't mind paying $15, but I do mind paying more money than a game is worth, not because I feel like I'm getting ripped off, but because I feel bad about promoting inferior quality.


3. PvP


It doesn't exist outside the Warzones, from what I've heard. I think this would be solved in large part by server mergers, though perhaps it would be possible to allow (and even encourage) raiding on more planets. I don't know if there is any real difference between a PvP and a PvE server in SWTOR. There should be a more noticeable difference than there currently is. I don't think a lack of PvP would stop me from returning to SWTOR, but it would definitely give me added incentive to jump back in.


I feel that these three things are ordered from most easily implemented to most difficult to implement, as well as most important to least important (my opinion, of course). I think SWTOR is a fundamentally good game, and despite its many flaws has accomplished the bare minimum of what it hoped. But that is not enough to keep me playing when I have so many other games that are better at what they do. D3 is exactly what I want out of a dungeon crawler. Shogun 2 is exactly what I want out of a RTT. Touhou is exactly what I want out of a danmaku, When I get tired of Shogun 2, I put it down for a month or so. When I get pissed off at myself because I can't beat EoSD on Lunatic I put the game down and go play a game that's a little less stressful... like SWTOR (if the space battles were 2D clones of Touhou, I would play this game almost every day). Now I've found that SWTOR is no longer something I'll be playing very much in the coming month, or two, or maybe even three. And so I'll put it down, which in this case means a lost subscription for EA and Bioware. One subscription is insignificant. The game isn't dead, and it won't be for some time. But SWTOR will die if the people in charge of the game do not create sufficient appeal to attract year-long subscriptions. That is what SWTOR suffers from. Few players are willing to pay for a year's worth of subscriptions, because they know they won't be playing the game very frequently for months on end. Better to play a month here, a month there. But for me, I can't see a reason to continue playing until at least the servers are merged, and probably not until some of the other problems are fixed.


SWTOR is a great game and I have enjoyed about 90% of the time I've spent playing it. I think the story is amazingly well done at some points and overall very solid. I think the companions are all unique and interesting, and I think most planets have very individual environments. I think SWTOR is probably the only subscription MMO I would ever play. Unfortunately, I enjoyed it less than I have enjoyed other games, and I do not feel that the subscription fees are being put to good use. Even though I do not expect to play SWTOR very frequently, I would not be opposed to paying the subscription if I felt the game was improving/being maintained sufficiently. That said, I'm sure my measures of how a game improves are different from others'. Please don't take anything I wrote as anything more than an opinion, and please don't take it as a personal attack.

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(no weather, no day/night, severely underpopulated Market, lack of same-gender relationship possibilities, crappy space combat inferior to the Rebel Assault games... wasn't that the early 90s?, etc.). I understand getting the weather and day/night just right could really be a hassle (though after so many months, you'd think that could be solved), but the same-gender romance options? What's taking that so long?


Really? Come on.... leave the social consciousness nonsense to the politicians to debate. No offense, this is not "Gay Wars - The Old Rainbow Coalition."

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I never have, and never will, understand the urge for people to come here and tell others why they are quitting.


We don't care why you are quitting.


I don't completely understand too but if it's in a constructive and intelligent way like the OP did, I'm all for it.


About the reasons you've listed, I've seen some of them many times in the forum. I hope they'll implement some of them soon so you can come back and enjoy it with us. Have fun in other games in the meantime. :)

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fair enough - I agree with both the Population issue (obviously, only people who dont are on Fatman :p) and to some degree PvP too, but I don't PvP much so it's plenty for me.


As for whether it's worth the monthly fee. I love raiding, so as it stands, for myself EC has been a very fun an enjoyable experience. So I'm happy to the monthly fee to raid ~3 times a week and doing other things. But if you wern't into PvE or an Altoholic, I'd understand.

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I never have, and never will, understand the urge for people to come here and tell others why they are quitting.


We don't care why you are quitting.


I suspect you didn't even read anything I wrote after the title. It's ironic you don't understand why I would post here why I'm quitting, because it makes about as much sense for you to post that you don't care to know why I'm quitting.


I took the time to write out why I'm quitting because I wanted to let EA/Bioware know why I'm no longer supporting their product, and I'd also like to know if any of my opinions are stupid or if something has already been answered (such as why servers haven't been merged yet, or why the same-gender relationships are not available yet, etc.). If you'd read what I wrote, you would have picked up on that. If you didn't read what I wrote, there's no need for you to comment.

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