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The Fatman the last stand server? Diablo III laying seige. Oh and a serious question


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EVE is a niche game, SWTOR is a Star Wars skin of WOW. SWTOR will die because they were afraid to take a chance.


Eve steadily grew from a horrible launch.


EQ2 stabilized after a revamp, Scott Hartsman, currently with Trion, was the driving force.


When DDO and LORTO went F2P they exceeded their launchs.

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I don't know why it bothers me so much, but I hate when someone says snow or grass. That is all.


I would like to know how that figured into the re-roll part of the OP's original statement...


BTW - good post OP.


In D3 news - I think it's a great game - and worthy of purchase for sure, but SWTOR will regain a good chunk of the players back once the RW's and Transfers are all go, for sures bro, for' sures'.

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Okay. Just something that always confuses me here.


How does Diablo 3, a singleplayer RPG compare to an MMO? How does that work?


It's like saying Deus Ex Human Revolution is gonna "lay siege" (as you say) to DCUO. Just doesn't make sense to me personally.


uuuh a bright one!


if you have 2 hours to play per day, and you decide to play Diablo for 2 hours, you will not play other games because you have no time.


or another example


If you plan on eating at KFC and you are full, you will not go to MC donalds or Burger king. (unless ofc you are so fat, you have your own gravity pull).

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Okay. Just something that always confuses me here.


How does Diablo 3, a singleplayer RPG compare to an MMO? How does that work?


It's like saying Deus Ex Human Revolution is gonna "lay siege" (as you say) to DCUO. Just doesn't make sense to me personally.

Anything with the name "Blizzard" under it players will flock to because now we live in a world where endgame content = the game. If you ask what company I would like to have disappear take a good guess who it is. (P.S. It's not Blizzard.) Despite people saying they won't play the game because of the DRM or whatever reason they have. They must share an account with another person because I see Diablo 3 under the "boycotters." :rolleyes:

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Okay. Just something that always confuses me here.


How does Diablo 3, a singleplayer RPG compare to an MMO? How does that work?


It's like saying Deus Ex Human Revolution is gonna "lay siege" (as you say) to DCUO. Just doesn't make sense to me personally.


Diablo 3 offers a cooperative, multiplayer mode. And it's way more fun than SWTOR is to play. With Diablo 3, you get what you pay for, and it offers every feature except the RMAH exactly as advertised (RMAH has some bugs that are giving Blizzard fits).

The short version: Diablo 3 is fun, and SWTOR isn't. Any questions?

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What's going to happen is, with the inclusion of Server Transfers and Looking For Group, more people will be compacted into less servers, so you'll have your 15/20 Servers Standard to Full, but the content will be swallowed by everyone fairly quickly (Not just hardcore players) which will leave the players with nothing else to do but unsub/stop logging in.

If this is true why are people still playing WoW and Everquest? :rolleyes:

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People have a limited a of time to play games. Also, people do not necessarily enjoy a single genre. Someone who likes the PvP or PvE progression of an MMO may also like the item pinata style of an Action RPG. Gamers do not have schedules set up reading something like "OK, 7pm-8pm is MMO, 8pm-9pm is RTS, 9pm-10pm is ARPG", this is not television (I can't believe I'm having to type this).


Gamers will choose the game that will give them the most fun.


Diablo 3 is not laying siege to TOR. Diablo 3 has burned down and pillaged TOR, leaving it a smoldering ruin. What's left is the refugees of TOR retreating to their ancestral lands where Diablo 3 can't follow.

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Diablo 3 offers a cooperative, multiplayer mode. And it's way more fun than SWTOR is to play. With Diablo 3, you get what you pay for, and it offers every feature except the RMAH exactly as advertised (RMAH has some bugs that are giving Blizzard fits).

The short version: Diablo 3 is fun, and SWTOR isn't. Any questions?

Yes, when did your opinions become facts? Oh wait, I seem to have stumbled onto the internet. That would explain it. :rolleyes:

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Okay. Just something that always confuses me here.


How does Diablo 3, a singleplayer RPG compare to an MMO? How does that work?


It's like saying Deus Ex Human Revolution is gonna "lay siege" (as you say) to DCUO. Just doesn't make sense to me personally.


cause SWTOR is single player with multiplayer options... oh D3 is too?

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Okay. Just something that always confuses me here.


How does Diablo 3, a singleplayer RPG compare to an MMO? How does that work?


It's like saying Deus Ex Human Revolution is gonna "lay siege" (as you say) to DCUO. Just doesn't make sense to me personally.




It is fairly simple, if i spend my time playing D3, i dont have time to play SWTOR, so you see, even if D3 is not a mmo it still compete for peoples time.

Edited by davidpop
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cause SWTOR is single player with multiplayer options... oh D3 is too?


I don't understand this. Do you not have friends to play with? I've played the game almost completely multiplayer. In fact, the social points and getting the social gear has been a nice motivator to get people to group together on my server. You can't solo flashpoints or heroics at the intended level, nor can you solo warzones or operations.


I really don't understand why people keep calling this a 'singleplayer' game. Maybe if you spent some time socializing and making friends, you would find people that would actually want to group with you.

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The answer is pretty simple, most of them will never be coming back. Simple is fact that once someone leaves an activity that used to be fun the motivation to get back in unless it is an addictive activity. This also becomes less and less as time goes on which MMOs without content suffer the most. Bioware would be best served by trying to work on keeping the players they have happy but even that is still hard to do with so many people wanting different things to keep their subs. The real question is if this gets to be late June still without population mergers, how many people will be left wanting to play?
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(THIS IS THE QUESTION I WOULD LIKE ANSWERED) What are the chances that we can actually get all of these people back once Diablo III's new shiny glow wears off or ranked warzones are added etc.? And please don't mention server transfers and merging in your response, because if that happens the Fatman will be the last server that Bioware will let people move their toons to.




I'm not saying 100 people in the fleet is awful, just trying to use it as an example to say: Hey, there used to be 400 in fleet, now there is 150-200, and more than 50% of the people I've seen in Wz's 10-49 are rerolls from dead servers. That means a lot more people had to quit that just the population difference, because fatman is also the most highly re-rolled server in SWTOR.


Why do you care? Why would anyone care? If people are dumb enough to join or not join a game based on an idiotic assessment such as (how many are on fleet), then would you really want them on your side in a fight that may involve thought?


Honestly people, such drama. This place is like a 7th grade study hall sometimes.


If you like the game, play. If you don't, don't. Worrying about what someone may or may do bases on a potential situation that may or may not exist is silly. Its a video game, not an alternate reality.

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The answer is pretty simple, most of them will never be coming back. Simple is fact that once someone leaves an activity that used to be fun the motivation to get back in unless it is an addictive activity. This also becomes less and less as time goes on which MMOs without content suffer the most. Bioware would be best served by trying to work on keeping the players they have happy but even that is still hard to do with so many people wanting different things to keep their subs. The real question is if this gets to be late June still without population mergers, how many people will be left wanting to play?



Me and some of my buddies has moved to D3 for now, we've all got active accounts for now on SWTOR and we're good until the end of June. We'll all pretty much said this is make or break time. 1.3 is going to either determine if we re-sub, or move on.

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It does not matter whether its an MMO or not. The Diablo 3 release day has caused a massive hit to concurrent players in both fleet on my (relatively full) PvE server, and the guild. A regular 5-8 people on every night in guild turned into 0-1, fleet numbers almost exactly halved, and have not been rising much so far.


People are playing DIablo 3 nightly, and that means they are not playing (though, still, paying) SWTOR. This makes the gameplay experience of SWTOR drastically worse, as PvP queues pop MUCH less, its hard to get people for heroic dailies, flashpts or raids, and thus the incentive to log in is diminished.


Two of my guild have already stopped playing D3, but now cant find much fun to do in SWTOR, so they ll likely just move to TSW. If the people trickle back from D3 over a couple months, most of them will probably move on just the same.

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I found myself bored shatless after 2 evenings of Diablo. Mindless hack n slash in a old 45 degree view.


It certainly wasn't worth the wait, nor the 60$.


True. Diablo isn't worth the hype. I really, really love to continue to play Diablo 3 but it feels bland for me. It doesn't have the same "e-peen" as SWTOR.


It's of course, my opinion. SWTOR still gets my time and money. :)

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So I rerolled on Fatman about three weeks ago and have a 50 Sorc healer in one of the better known imperial PVP guilds on the server (Seal Team Sith). I know many people I've spoken to have noticed this and it's not just my opinion. I am also aware that this I don't represent EVERYONE's opinion.

However, both pubs and imps have seen a significant influx of new players re-rolling. I've seen more 10-20 teams in WZs than ever. And more people than ever calling "east" and "west" instead of snow and grass. There is even a guild called the Reroll Bros and the Dead Server Refugees. Before, I would've complained that the ques for logging in would be even longer than the 30-45 minutes that they used to be. However, me and several of my friends have also noticed that since Diablo III's launch the amount in fleet has gone from 2 instances of about 400 total to around 150-200 in just one instance, and absolutely no que time to log in. Personally, my previous guild went from 18 members online to about 1 or 2, lost to WoW or Diablo III, or just complaining about the developers. I know that some of these people said they would come back with 1.3, or ranked warzones, or bug-free end-game content, or world pvp. (Even if they just fixed that gosh darn sound bug with your lightsaber I personally know two people that would come back)


The point is that these improvements aren't all going to come at once, and many certainly won't come soon. The point I am trying to make is, even if they add some of these things, by the time any real content is added the fleets on the last heavy pop server could go down below 100 at 7pm. If people begin to resub and see less than 100 people on fleet on a weekend I doubt their motivation would be high to keep playing (That's less than half of the people playing as little as one week ago).



(THIS IS THE QUESTION I WOULD LIKE ANSWERED) What are the chances that we can actually get all of these people back once Diablo III's new shiny glow wears off or ranked warzones are added etc.? And please don't mention server transfers and merging in your response, because if that happens the Fatman will be the last server that Bioware will let people move their toons to.




I'm not saying 100 people in the fleet is awful, just trying to use it as an example to say: Hey, there used to be 400 in fleet, now there is 150-200, and more than 50% of the people I've seen in Wz's 10-49 are rerolls from dead servers. That means a lot more people had to quit that just the population difference, because fatman is also the most highly re-rolled server in SWTOR.


...my personal opinion of diablow is it will get boring in 3 months or so, and when people get bored with it what will they do?...come back to a game that they left in the first place or go back to wow?...every person I talk with (I have my own vent server with people play various games) complains that swtor is not user friendly...since wow has been up and running quite a while, you would think that swtor would have some of the same features, the 2 that would be the greatest help would be cross realm pvp q and cross realm instance q...if swtor had these 2 systems server pops wouldn't be that big an issue...sure, you wouldn't be able to listen to trolls in general chat, be we do what we must to struggle through the day...then the only thing we'd need is a cross realm AH because right now all the pretty purple stuff I make is worthless with no customers...

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Diablo 3 is as much a multiplayer RPG as SWTOR. Granted I hate the game format of hack and slash and click to move but you will end up teaming with other people easier in D3 than you will in SWTOR.




Strangely enough, getting a group in D3 is way easier then this MMO :rak_04:

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I wish people would stop going on about Diablunder 3, it's a mess of a game and an astronomical letdown for Diablo 2 fans. The music is boring, the skill system is lame, the game is far too short, the VA is mediocre, the difficulty is ridiculous etc..


I know this game's a mess as well but at least I got more than 10hours of gameplay out of it.

Edited by Nyoro
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