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Cybertech Crafting and Schematics


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I am wondering where I can find what schematics are avaiable for the Cybertech crafting. I went from 0 to 400 in 3 days and I got a lot but most are green ones and then I bought some purple schematics that were some space ship missiles and the hot rigged speeded (I sold a speeder yesterday for 250k, the level 50 one don't know if that is common or not). Is there a way I can determine if there are more out there and I would also like to know what blue and purple (the RE items) are. Is there a place with this type of information? Also, did I just get lucky with selling the level 50 speeder for 250k or did I rip myself off... Thanks in advance..
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Before 1.2 I found them through Investigation. Slicing dropped spaceship upgrades exclusively too. Not sure about Underworld Trading or Treasure Hunting. Honestly though, unless you're going to be leveling alts, I'd dump Cybertech for a more useful skill.
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Schematics for Cybertech? There are only a few. Grade 2 and 4 ship upgrade parts, the top level purple ship upgrade parts, and then the three speeder schematics. And yeah, I can't believe you sold the speeder schematic for that much. When servers had higher populations, I used to sell them to the vendor for like 900 credits.


There are a few lower level blue earpiece schematics floating around out there, but they're not really worth worrying about. There are also some earpiece schematics in Ops.


Not sure what you mean about knowing what blue and purples are, unless you mean what results you can get from REing? Read the RE sticky for a detailed description of that. With earpieces, REing a green will give you a blue with one of three stats added: Critical, Power, or Defense. When you RE a BLUE into a purple, you can get one of five stats added on top of that: Accuracy, Alacrity, Presence, Surge, and Shield.

Edited by pokota
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Investigation gives earpieces schematics, as stated above.


As for endgame utility, Cybertech is N°1 when it comes to PvP, Biochem having been nerfed with 1.3 (Exotech > Rakata for stims, adrenals no more useable in WZs)

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The only issue I have with investigation is when I dinally get a schematic 95% of the time it's for a different profession and of the 5% that I do get for my profession it's the same schematic. The synthwear is the one I get tons of and the schematic are all different. What is that all about .
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