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Nerf burst soon, how will they manage to give sorcerer a burst than ?


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As a madness 31 sorcerer, i'm very sad because we already have hard time to play with some force left after 1 "intense" min of fight.


We have some burst but just because we can use adrenalie + stim + df + cd combo.


So they want to reduce burst ? Ca we have a boost of the damage of those skills if they nerf the adrenaline and the stim ?


I'm feeling more and more as a useless classe since other classes like specialists ( pyro ) or assassin ( tank/dps ) or mercenaries ( pyro ) or marauders can manage to do at least the same amount of damage or even more when well played without having the problems the sorcerer madness have with force cost, and less survability.


Can they just fix the madness tree or does they want us to become, tesla tree spaming cand casting lightning everywhere as the ligthning tree provide ?


They MUST fix the double spam of force lightning too, because they already nerfed the force lightning with 1.2 and that was just because used with the double spam it was too much, but this double spam should not be possible, this is not notmal that this can provide so much dps making the 13/28 spec a classes playing with 4 key and most of the time spaming force lightning.


I can manage to do some good damage as a 31 sorcerer but it's certainly not easy and should get a buff, even more if they decide to nerf the only last burst we have....

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He's talking about sorc's having the least burst of any class and BW reducing burst even more. He's asking for some compensation in the way of abilities to offset the nerf even further to our pitiful burst capabilities.


Reading comprehension is hard....

Edited by jblazen
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He's talking about sorc's having the least burst of any class and BW reducing burst even more. He's asking for some compensation in the way of abilities to offset the nerf even further to our pitiful burst capabilities.


Reading comprehension is hard....


Correct, and since we have the most creappy burst ingame this will hurt us even more than other classes.

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There is no point, he is trying to say a nerf across the board is going to hurt sorcs more than anyone else which is not true.


Again - see surge nerf...


I know ... it's hard =(


Well some classes can easy do 4K aoe damage very often when it's only possible for sorcerer with stim and co.


With the next nerf other classes, still will be able to do such things but ,us, sorcerers, we won't be able to do that anymore.



I do not say that sorcerer will be the only classes to be nerfed since all classes will with this.


But as a sorcerer madness 31, the only burst I have now is death field, crushing darkness with adrena + relic than with shock.


it doesn't hurt more than other classes with aoe damage too, but with adrenal and relic it's not bad, but with this nerf others class I won't name there but you cane easily find them in the warior forums, may not be able to do 6K zone damage but still at least de 5k when we will be stuck at 3,5K to max 4K... inerresing...

Edited by Sinaii
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Actually madness spec will probably have the most to gain from the adrenal/stim changes than any other class spec. We have very little burst, but we do have great constant dps. Therefore, with the longer duration, I would not be surprised if we see an increase in dps as a result of this change. With a 31 madness sorc, you would gain benefit to Crushing Darkness, Affliction, Creeping Terror, and Force Lightning all at the same time with little to no drop from cast time; not to mention the increase to Death Field. However, your more traditional burst classes will have one or two abilities affected with little to no damage occurring during their cast time. So they may gain 1-2k in that time while we gain 3-4k because of the constant damage occurring. (Numbers are purely hypothetical)


This, of course, will be entirely reliant on the actual difference in numbers, but I think this should not be viewed as a nerf to madness sorcs until we see the actual changes.

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You are using the crappy dot spec and you expect more bust? Come one now, move into lightening tree where you will find some of the best burst procs for any class in the game. Enjoy.


You've obviously never run into a Rage spec Juggernaut, an Arsenal Merc, or a Marks Sniper.

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