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armour and skills for Sith marauder


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Hey guys and girls,


i am wanting to know what the best possible set up with armour is for a marauder and what the best possible skill tree set up is to get the best results from all the attacks on my class quests


Thanks in advance

Edited by gizgizmo
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Hey guys and girls,


i am wanting to know what the best possible set up with armour is for a marauder and what the best possible skill tree set up is to get the best results from all the attacks on my class quests


Thanks in advance


Hate to burst your bubble, but what you're asking for doesn't exist. Before I make any recommendations, I need to know what level you are and what other MMO's you've played and what you did in them. The reason is, with that info, i'd be able to recommend a spec for you to start with.


As far as Armor goes, it's pretty straightforward. To start off, you get two sets of Augmented orange armor minus the belt and bracers. The reason minus those two is because I haven't been able to do the math yet to find out if that provides any kind of advantage over the normal belt/bracer combo so I can't recommend it. One set you save for when you get full Battlemaster and can mod it, the other set you slot out with the purples from the Ilum and Belsavis Dailies. You then go get a full set of recruit gear for PvP. For the gear you slotted out already, you'll wanna run flashpoints and operations to get the black hole/campaign gear needed to fully slot and optimize your PvE gear. PvP gear will be optimized once you get full War Hero. Both of which take FOREVER.


All three Marauder specs are equally viable in good hands.

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Hey guys and girls,


i am wanting to know what the best possible set up with armour is for a marauder and what the best possible skill tree set up is to get the best results from all the attacks on my class quests


Thanks in advance


What level are you?

For leveling, gear up Quinn with quest reward gear, and use comms to help gear your Marauder.

Leveling up is so easy, you can blast through content in greens and blues if your companion is well geared.

At 50 for PVE I would spend the points into an Annihilation build 31-3-7, then do dailies and HM FP's for 1-2 weeks then you should be ready to run HM ops.

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