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How come no more VS threads? :P

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Lol I know right, me asking this question. So....what happened, theres like no more of these going around it is both a good thing I suppose yet at the same time quite sad really. I'll admit, most of them were one sided or just pretty....(well you know), but I can't help but feel that a few of them brought on some interesting conversations(majority of them no, but a few of them did.) Now granted a lot of them were with characters, that people loved and favored towards so I guess I could see where it could get on the nerves of some people.


But how come there were no VS threads of a more....."neutral" aspect? Bringing forth characters, with a good background but not ones that people would favor one or the other. VS threads can be a good thing, if done correctly....so here is what I propose that in order to have a nice VS thread. Ya don't need to follow them though, they are more just guidelines really.



1. Choose two characters(or organizations/squads/whatever) that no one really favors that would make a biased vote for. (If just two characters, provide links to their bios so people can read up on them.)


2. Make sure said characters(or group) are roughly the same, tech/skill wise.


3. Optional: Create a scenario, setting up the area of where the characters or groups are fighting. Provide details of what each character or group has with them to use(see my thread Rebel Scenario: Imperial Base Attack for a reference.)



There you have it, 2(3 if you count the Optional) guidelines of making a good VS thread.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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