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Anyone successfully RE blue or purple vibroknife schematics?


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Vibroblades can be RE'd, same way as any other weapon, guild friend of mine has been able to RE the level 11 blade. I have RE'd about 120 lvl 50 vibroblades and no luck, so many materials gone...


It seems to me like when someone was inputing the values for RE chance, they moved the decimal point by mistake from someting like 10% to 0.01%.

Edited by KalShadah
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I've been trying to RE vibroblade and i've managed to get:


overkill blade of elite bulwark (lvl 17)

overkill war dominion blade (lvl 25)

Redoubt vibroblade of fervent strength (lvl 9)


Do people actually use crafted virbroblades, because they can only be equiped on the main hand.

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Those are vibroswords. In my post above, by vibroblade I meant vibroknife. I'll edit my post to reflect that. We are talking about the offhands used by Imperial agents and (scatterguns) smugglers. Edited by dalziellp
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Agreed. Bump.


I am also one of the unfortunates who after successfully crafting (or maybe getting a schematic for?) a blue vibroknife at 19 I was never able to RE any of the other knives blue. Like many here, I have also dumped multiple dozen attempts on them since blaster rifles, barrels, pistols have never given me an issue.. maybe some are slower than others to go blue / purple (1 in 10 vs 1 in 5?), but eventually they do all upgrade.


If this is intended, we would really just like to know (in the meantime, I'm going to stop wasting mats - before I would just give up out of frustration and move on until I decided to give it another shot). If this is bug, let's get it fixed!! Also, I agree with whoever mentioned the in-game report as an option but I have had the same luck with "Received, thanks -> Closed -> Let's never follow up" response.



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What a dogpile, longstanding issue not even getting a "this is a known issue" response is very poor customer service.


Wasted a hell of a lot of materials before thinking, must be something wrong here.


If Vibroknives cannot gain a blue recipe from RE'ing then they should remove the ability to RE the item altogether until they fix it, or state that's how it's intended to be, leaving it as is - quite infuriating.

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Hey folks,

Guild mates rolled some operative alts and I wanted to be a nice guy and craft them some blue Rifles and Vibroknives.

Rifles took 6 or so RE to get the blue version, no troubles there. I must have made at least 30 vibroknives before I hung my head in shame with just giving them a critted version with the augment slot. I wish I had found this thread before I tried. Thankfully it was all lowbie gear.


Take the hit, craft at least 20 vibroknives, RE all of them, /bug it, hope for the best that the DEVS will recognize the problem and fix it (there is no way it is WAI)

Edited by Uchurch
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They have been broken since release. Doesnt worry me to much as when anyone hits 50 they are forced to drop any craft and pick up biochem. Pvp weps destroy armstech equiv so just lvl up, use the green knives for now and place another tick in the bioware fail column when you delete your 400 craft at 50 for BC.
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They have been broken since release. Doesnt worry me to much as when anyone hits 50 they are forced to drop any craft and pick up biochem. Pvp weps destroy armstech equiv so just lvl up, use the green knives for now and place another tick in the bioware fail column when you delete your 400 craft at 50 for BC.
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They have been broken since release. Doesnt worry me to much as when anyone hits 50 they are forced to drop any craft and pick up biochem. Pvp weps destroy armstech equiv so just lvl up, use the green knives for now and place another tick in the bioware fail column when you delete your 400 craft at 50 for BC.


Aint that the truth, they are supposedly nerfing Biochem, but its not a nerf, 500 odd power every 3 minutes and it never uses the item up is rediculous let alone the medpacs and the not used on death or use buffs. Everyone will be Bio if this carries on.


The wep form pvp destroyed the one i modded at lvl 50 to be as good as it could be, including the barrel frmo the daily quests and a 33crit crystal. It really stinks that they made pvp the ruler of this game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Another person who thought to look at the forums far too late. I've lost count of the endless vibroknives I've been trying to RE through the levels to make something halfway decent for myself. Never any luck with tons of time and material wasted. Ugh...agents and scoundrels are the only class that can't have a RE upgraded offhand. Considering the other lame contributions to armstech, I'm not terribly surprised. Rakata schematics, anyone? Some kind of fix would be nice and if this is "intended" maybe you should double think your stance.
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Spent about 500k in materials trying to RE various level of vibroknives trying (in vain I concluded) to give Mako a better than green version.


Submitted bug report the other day and I suggest others to the same.


Haven't tried REing scatterguns but consensus seems that they aren't REable to blues/etc.

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FYI- if you want a blue knife that you can equip at lvl 46, go to VOSS and purchase one for 32k off the Specialty Goods Vendor. I am armstech and wasted more than that trying to get a blue schematic on craftable ones. Gave up and spent the 32k and am much happier now.


Side note: Crafting as of now is a JOKE! Lvld to 400 solely for the reason that perhaps they may improve it later and it might be useful.

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