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Note to Devs - Don't gloss over this issue


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I just want to say this once, and have the devs give it some serious thought before they start deciding how to approach this situation.


I saw in the guild vids on youtube how there was some support for SS* romancing of characters, SS interactions, etc. First and foremost, SS has no place in the SW galaxy. In all of the books, in all of the movies, in all of the comics, in all of the games, not one SS relationship is portrayed.


One reason ppl love everything SW is because of the awesome story line and huge lack of contradictions. Yes, the older original books didn't follow each other well because a committee hadn't been set up to regulate the storylines and make sure the authors stayed as close to the facts as possible.


If the continuity of the saga is going to continue then Bioware needs to stick with the present lore, or the game will start to lack the epic proportions of a continuous, uncompromised story like SW is atm.


So I just want to put out there that just b/c there is a huge push for SS in everything in our culture shouldn't mean that we dilute and diffuse the awesome nature of the SW galaxy. SS was never present in the SW books, movies, comics, games, so why should it start now?


This shouldn't be just a simple question of how much time it will take to change convos, this needs to be a down to the grit and story of SW, are you willing to compromise the story and lore of SW for the sake of the few who don't know the lore of SW or don't want to think about the consequences of this change in the SW galaxy.


For those of us who enjoy the depth of the lore in SW, please don't change the game, it would diffuse most of what makes the SW galaxy so epic, LORE.


this isn't a bashing session, i meant no offense to anyone, i'm merely stating that in SW, SS is nonexistant.


*(for clarification, SS is used as meaning GLBT interactions)

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SS was never present in the SW books, movies, comics, games, so why should it start now?


I'm assuming you mean same sex by SS, as in same sex/gender relationships.


If so, then you are wrong, such things do exist in the current EU lore. They may not of been in the movies, but there is cases of such a thing in some of the novels.

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Hello all,


While we do appreciate all feedback from our community members, we do have a statement saying that same gender romance arcs will be a part of the game:


Official statement follows:

Due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set. Same gender romances with companion characters in
Star Wars:
The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options.


We are going to go ahead and close the thread, but if you have any questions, please let us know: communitysupport@bioware.com.


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