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Healers - James Ohlen speaks out?!


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Don't know it, but from what I listen in forums seems to be a busy PvP server, so the players lvl should be good. What I see in my server is them always dying when my premade faces one of them. Mara jumps on them, I give aoe, dot lightning and usually that's enough to get them killed.


I think that sounds like more of a problem of premade versus pug than healer versus nerf. What you're doing should kill most ANY player - healer or even beefy tank - if nobody is interceding. On the other hand, a good premade versus that tactic should be either instantly pulling folks away from the healer, CCing, etc., or taking advantage of the fact that three players are on the healer by doing something else useful, like capping, though of course this is far more situational. In any case, as long as the healer's teammates are paying attention, it shouldn't be possible to just drop a healer for free.

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OP needs to L2P. i play my freinds full BM sage and after briefly reading my talents i was nearly immortal. takes 2-3 skilled dps to take me down.


Sorry but you are full of it. 2-3 "skilled" dps? The current mechanics of the game allow 1 skilled dps to defeat a sage healer. You are either lying or haven't encountered skilled dps. Your admittedly "brief" anecdotal experience doesn't mean much. I have some matches that I'm "nearly immortal" because the team I'm up against is severely outmatched/outgeared but that is not a fair assessment. 1 skilled DPS can shut down a heal spec'd sage pretty easily 1v1.


p.s. Anyone using the "L2P" line is suspect. It's a cop out line meant to make you seem skilled but in reality puts your ability/knowledge into question.

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There is a perfect example in another thread. Unfortunately i cannot not link from my current location.

look for title ...tanks tankt, healers heal, healers do not tank...( which i agree with btw) however a post by syntxerr sums up the sorc healing. Basically one (1) sentinel was able to drop a sage (which heal spec in full wh augmeented armor) while trying to keep the sentinal off him y using stuns, los, and knockbacks WHILE being healed by the poster who was trying to help hi.m out. One interrupt and sage was dead.


So is it balanced for the 1 dps to be able to not only survive 2v1 without help andthe be ablet to destroy a healer?

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There is a perfect example in another thread. Unfortunately i cannot not link from my current location.

look for title ...tanks tankt, healers heal, healers do not tank...( which i agree with btw) however a post by syntxerr sums up the sorc healing. Basically one (1) sentinel was able to drop a sage (which heal spec in full wh augmeented armor) while trying to keep the sentinal off him y using stuns, los, and knockbacks WHILE being healed by the poster who was trying to help hi.m out. One interrupt and sage was dead.


So is it balanced for the 1 dps to be able to not only survive 2v1 without help andthe be ablet to destroy a healer?

The moral of the story? Bring your own Mara/Sent to the fight.

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The moral of the story? Bring your own Mara/Sent to the fight.


Then balance it. Make it impossible for mara/sents to dps without a healer or a tank to guard them. Lets see how many fotm's yell and scrream it isnt fair.

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Wow, if I was a sorc healer I'd be pretty mad right now. That drivel from the dev moron was basically a nicer way of saying L2P, lol.


Sorcs/.sages are more disappointed than made. Dps are elated they can now brag they 1v1 a sorc. Now to be fair they needed adjusting. Especially in the double dipping in resources. Andd their actal healing (when they are able to heal) can put up really good numbers. Their survivability is whats being questioned. As noted 1 semi half geared competent dps can shut them out and destroy them.

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There is a perfect example in another thread. Unfortunately i cannot not link from my current location.

look for title ...tanks tankt, healers heal, healers do not tank...( which i agree with btw) however a post by syntxerr sums up the sorc healing. Basically one (1) sentinel was able to drop a sage (which heal spec in full wh augmeented armor) while trying to keep the sentinal off him y using stuns, los, and knockbacks WHILE being healed by the poster who was trying to help hi.m out. One interrupt and sage was dead.


So is it balanced for the 1 dps to be able to not only survive 2v1 without help andthe be ablet to destroy a healer?


The above example is impossible unless the healer was rolling his face the wrong way

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The above example is impossible unless the healer was rolling his face the wrong way


Yeah L2P! You healers need us DPSers to learn yu gud about facerolling.


I can solo 8 healers at a time but guess what. IM A DPS so obviously I should be able to. Seriously L2P lol.

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Then balance it. Make it impossible for mara/sents to dps without a healer or a tank to guard them. Lets see how many fotm's yell and scrream it isnt fair.

I was just making a joke concerning the guy's story. But in all seriousness they need some tweaking to the dmg and healing bonuses from expertise.

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I have healed since launch. Good try tho




A merc healer, the easiest and less squishy heal there is. A one armed monkey could excel in that AC. This thread is about sorcs so why don't you "l2r" little guy.

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Sorcs/.sages are more disappointed than made. Dps are elated they can now brag they 1v1 a sorc. Now to be fair they needed adjusting. Especially in the double dipping in resources. Andd their actal healing (when they are able to heal) can put up really good numbers. Their survivability is whats being questioned. As noted 1 semi half geared competent dps can shut them out and destroy them.


I was 1v1ing Sorcs back in September before Defensive CDs. It wasn't hard then, it isn't hard now. The change is the explosion of melee DPS. It just happens a lot more often.


Sorcs always had crap survability vs a melee with a 6 second CD. Healer or DPS.

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A merc healer, the easiest and less squishy heal there is. A one armed monkey could excel in that AC. This thread is about sorcs so why don't you "l2r" little guy.


You accused me of being dps.


good try tho


Good sorc healers are doing fine. l2p

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Spoken like a true baddy dps.


And I guess it's impossible for healers to be bad? Apparently all healers are awesome players. They never do stupid stuff like standing there while getting hit with master strike. Or run through fire while guarded. Or stand in the face of melee. THey are all awesome players right?


Most sorc healers I engage just stand there and try to cast through me, a WATCHMAN sentinel, the absolute worse AC/Spec combo they can come across. I don't run head first into Snipers yelling "FREEEDOMMM" Wondering why I die.

Edited by Derian
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As a sorc? Screen shot pls. Better yet. Video of you in a pug with no guildmates throwing up outstanding numbers and schooling dps.


He accused me of being a DPS. I didn't know this was a baddie sorc only thread.




Also, I dont pug

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He accused me of being a DPS. I didn't know this was a baddie sorc only thread.




Also, I dont pug


So you never played the class. And in one of your own threads you rate it as the lowest effective healer. And we were talking about running solo as opposed to premades where you can yell help in vent and get instant bodyguards while you play on toon can that runs around spewing heals with your cap guns....right


Go roll and level a sorc. Do pvp I can let me know how that works out for you

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Sorcerer healers are fine against anyone except a marauder/sent


Sorcerers never needed a nerf in the first place tbh.


remove the double dip and they are good





This game is dead because the developers who balance classes have no idea what they are doing

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Sure they do fine....in premades.....with a vent.....with a team of bodyguards


You mean when working as a team? Yea...this is a team game.


Also, vent doesn't make that much of a difference with us, its mostly just BS'ing with the occasional call for help if we didnt already see the dropping health bar.

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So you never played the class. And in one of your own threads you rate it as the lowest effective healer. And we were talking about running solo as opposed to premades where you can yell help in vent and get instant bodyguards while you play on toon can that runs around spewing heals with your cap guns....right


Go roll and level a sorc. Do pvp I can let me know how that works out for you


I think you are giving Vent too much credit. If I had a teammate yelling help every time someone attacked him I would probably mute him and kick him from the guild for being bad.

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