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Nerf Marauders - PVP Video


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No I'm not calling for a marauder nerf.



The title is meant to be ironic. The point of the video is to showcase that the people being destroyed by marauders, the ones coming on the forums and complaining about our class needing a nerf, are terrible players in general. I actually picked on fotm reroll marauders as much as possible in order to show that it's not an extremely powerful class that everyone can instantly 1 shot kill everything.


I figured people were smart enough to get that but I guess sarcasm and irony don't translate well to the internet. The majority of the responses I've gotten are 'OMG *** UR KILLIN BADDIES U TARD WE DONT NEED A NERF ALSO UR BAD'


In fairness I'd like to point out 2 things.


1) I never said you're bad. I Don't know that I commented on your skill at all. By the looks of the video you're at the very least a competent player of the sentinel if not quite good. I really can't judge your skill from a truly objective standpoint because I've never played a Sentinel so I wouldn't feel qualified to say. But I am confident that you are good.


2) Your title in no way shape or form suggests any amount of sarcasm whatsoever. It just says "Nerf Marauders." I mean, as far as we can tell this is just another one of many Nerf Marauder threads on the forum. The only difference is that you added " - PVP Video" to the end of it. Which is also not an indication of sarcasm or irony or humor or any of the other things you claim to have created this video for.


That said, don't go around making insinuations regarding the intelligence of others when you clearly have trouble communicating sarcasm via text. You may be good at SWTOR PvP but you're affinity for satire seems non-existent.

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People who think Mara/sents are OP are simply admitting badness.


All toons including Mara/sents have moves you can counter.


As a gunslinger, I almost always beat melee. Maras and sents are who I LOOK FOR to kill in a WZ. They have 5 to 9 seconds of being tough, then they are nothing.


Mara/sent pops UR or GBTF, I kick them in the jewels and run a few meters, then I pop MY OWN INVULNERABLE(did ya know GS's had one that no one complains about?) and procede to burn them down with dps stuns and knockbacks.


They are not OP and if they are nerfed they will be a dead class.

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People who think Mara/sents are OP are simply admitting badness.


All toons including Mara/sents have moves you can counter.


As a gunslinger, I almost always beat melee. Maras and sents are who I LOOK FOR to kill in a WZ. They have 5 to 9 seconds of being tough, then they are nothing.


Mara/sent pops UR or GBTF, I kick them in the jewels and run a few meters, then I pop MY OWN INVULNERABLE(did ya know GS's had one that no one complains about?) and procede to burn them down with dps stuns and knockbacks.


They are not OP and if they are nerfed they will be a dead class.


Yeah right, dream more.

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People who think Mara/sents are OP are simply admitting badness.


All toons including Mara/sents have moves you can counter.


As a gunslinger, I almost always beat melee. Maras and sents are who I LOOK FOR to kill in a WZ. They have 5 to 9 seconds of being tough, then they are nothing.


Mara/sent pops UR or GBTF, I kick them in the jewels and run a few meters, then I pop MY OWN INVULNERABLE(did ya know GS's had one that no one complains about?) and procede to burn them down with dps stuns and knockbacks.


They are not OP and if they are nerfed they will be a dead class.


I don't think if I've ever seen a post with that much nonsense in it.

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Well, from what i`ve seen in this video, is all about noob stomping. Making a vid about "Nerf marauders" because you acctually get into fights againts undergeared chars ( or even no gear at all chars) isnt rlly concluding anything. If i am to do the same and take my rage marauder vs any undergear char, i`ll hit up to 8ks with smash, and past 15k dmg in 3 seconds with ravage. Try to make a vid vs someone who has your gear rank, and you`ll see your dmg go to dust, and hit max up to 4k with anihilate. + Operatives are indeed a problem vs marauders when it comes to cooldowns, and especially vs anihilation marauders, for an operative the easiest target is anihilate... simply by the fact that all your DMG dealing abillies are as know as melee... the dots aswell, wich can be negated easily, without any problems, on the other hand, a rage marauders cannot acctually be countered by nearly anything in terms of stopping dmg, xcept sins, wich have either 3 sec force resist as dps ,or 5 sec as tank, wich is easily outmanuvered by force camo. All in all, marauders might have sick dmg, but only if they pick on lowbies wich barely hit 50... so my 2 cents.
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Well, from what i`ve seen in this video, is all about noob stomping. Making a vid about "Nerf marauders" because you acctually get into fights againts undergeared chars ( or even no gear at all chars) isnt rlly concluding anything. If i am to do the same and take my rage marauder vs any undergear char, i`ll hit up to 8ks with smash, and past 15k dmg in 3 seconds with ravage. Try to make a vid vs someone who has your gear rank, and you`ll see your dmg go to dust, and hit max up to 4k with anihilate. + Operatives are indeed a problem vs marauders when it comes to cooldowns, and especially vs anihilation marauders, for an operative the easiest target is anihilate... simply by the fact that all your DMG dealing abillies are as know as melee... the dots aswell, wich can be negated easily, without any problems, on the other hand, a rage marauders cannot acctually be countered by nearly anything in terms of stopping dmg, xcept sins, wich have either 3 sec force resist as dps ,or 5 sec as tank, wich is easily outmanuvered by force camo. All in all, marauders might have sick dmg, but only if they pick on lowbies wich barely hit 50... so my 2 cents.


Well, apparently the OP made this thread Ironically and he was doing it to make fun of the people in the video and not to seriously call for a Marauder nerf. Even though he actually gave no indication of this in the video or in the text that followed it. Additionally we're all dumb for not understanding his humor.

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Of being nerfed into the ground very soon?

No, I'm not thank you very much.


lolololol, theyre going to nerf it to close to what it was before. and the goods will still whoop ya, and you'll still QQ of us being op. been happening since the beginning of mmos bub

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No. Close though. A lot of those players are geared well. What they are ALL lacking is skill. The point of the video is to show that, yes, to someone who has little to no skill, marauders look like they need a nerf.


That's a bold statement saying I sat in warzone and was handed loot. I have never afk'd a match. Whether running a premade or solo q'ing I'm doing my best in every game to secure a win. Towards the end I decided to have some fun and just kill things for once. I don't think you could be full War Hero at this point without winning a large portion of your matches. And bad player? You call me bad but you make absolutely no comment about why I'm bad, just bad. Bad is running around on forums saying things like....


"this is why so many marauders are bad. thats WAY too much strength. I do over 1700 DPS on boss fights and only have 1505 str. Power is the best stat once you have 25% BASE crit. Its such a shame..." - Hizoka (bad marauder)


Strength provides crit AND damage. Power provides .03 higher damage per point compared to strengths damage. Here's where I think you got confused. The amount of crit% you get from strength is on a different diminishing return from the amount of crit% you get from critical rating. I'm guessing you were either told incorrectly or just assumed they were the same and got confused (you seem to do that a lot). The thing is I actually did the research before I made my gear decisions. The DPS increase from power is only > the DPS increase from strength once you are at 3970 strength or higher, that's when the diminish on the added crit is so bad you would want to stack power over strength. This of course is all assuming a high surge rating of 75 percent or so.


The DPS change isn't great. It's almost negligible but we're talking about min/maxing here and running around on forums calling people bad without knowing *** we're talking about aren't we?


No power provides 0.3 more damage than str does, not 0.03.

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No. Close though. A lot of those players are geared well. What they are ALL lacking is skill. The point of the video is to show that, yes, to someone who has little to no skill, marauders look like they need a nerf.


That's a bold statement saying I sat in warzone and was handed loot. I have never afk'd a match. Whether running a premade or solo q'ing I'm doing my best in every game to secure a win. Towards the end I decided to have some fun and just kill things for once. I don't think you could be full War Hero at this point without winning a large portion of your matches. And bad player? You call me bad but you make absolutely no comment about why I'm bad, just bad. Bad is running around on forums saying things like....


"this is why so many marauders are bad. thats WAY too much strength. I do over 1700 DPS on boss fights and only have 1505 str. Power is the best stat once you have 25% BASE crit. Its such a shame..." - Hizoka (bad marauder)


Strength provides crit AND damage. Power provides .03 higher damage per point compared to strengths damage. Here's where I think you got confused. The amount of crit% you get from strength is on a different diminishing return from the amount of crit% you get from critical rating. I'm guessing you were either told incorrectly or just assumed they were the same and got confused (you seem to do that a lot). The thing is I actually did the research before I made my gear decisions. The DPS increase from power is only > the DPS increase from strength once you are at 3970 strength or higher, that's when the diminish on the added crit is so bad you would want to stack power over strength. This of course is all assuming a high surge rating of 75 percent or so.


The DPS change isn't great. It's almost negligible but we're talking about min/maxing here and running around on forums calling people bad without knowing *** we're talking about aren't we?


No power provides 1.0 dmg where str provides 0.7 of power in dmg, relatively, i mean

Edited by Gorgzen
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In fairness I'd like to point out 2 things.


1) I never said you're bad. I Don't know that I commented on your skill at all. By the looks of the video you're at the very least a competent player of the sentinel if not quite good. I really can't judge your skill from a truly objective standpoint because I've never played a Sentinel so I wouldn't feel qualified to say. But I am confident that you are good.


2) Your title in no way shape or form suggests any amount of sarcasm whatsoever. It just says "Nerf Marauders." I mean, as far as we can tell this is just another one of many Nerf Marauder threads on the forum. The only difference is that you added " - PVP Video" to the end of it. Which is also not an indication of sarcasm or irony or humor or any of the other things you claim to have created this video for.


That said, don't go around making insinuations regarding the intelligence of others when you clearly have trouble communicating sarcasm via text. You may be good at SWTOR PvP but you're affinity for satire seems non-existent.


I wasn't pointing at you specifically I just just stating what most replies were. I realize the title doesn't suggest that, I figured people would read the description and watch the video and get the joke. In hindsight it didn't work like I thought it would and most people were confused.

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No power provides 0.3 more damage than str does, not 0.03.

That is flat out wrong. Not sure where you are pulling that from or why you are so intent on even posting when you are that incorrect. Prebuffs the formulas look like this....


Strength/Willpower/Aim/Cunning Damage Bonus = (Strength or Willpower or Aim or Cunning) * 0.2


Force/Tech Power Damage Bonus = (Force or Tech Power) * 0.23


Power Damage Bonus = Power * 0.23

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couple things to point out in this video here...


1.) first and foremost, he's warlord so he's probly been playing his class long enough to know what he's doing.. i gamble half the people trashing him are champions :rolleyes:


2.) after about a minute you realize, hey he is winning a majority of the games he's in. (how many videos actually show this) **note that in a void star he's getting tunneled while a team mate is capping door""


3.) gah these players arent very smart...


4.) some of these players seem to have WH gear ? ? so why are they so bad



I caught your sarcasm from the get go.. your probly a good marauder with no competition to match yours.. i think marauders are a little over the top but i can still take a mara/sent 1v1 in heal spec and win 90% of the time and about 60% of the time in hybrid ( im not fully adjusted to the spec yet)... but yeah nice vid, shame your on a server with a bunch of bads :(.

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1. I play Mara.


2. I won 4:1 fights on low level bracket


3. I won 3:1 fights on lvl 50 bracket


4. I never ever lost any 1v1 fights until I became level 50 and got crushed by gear differences.


5. I can't imagine doing the same with other classes.


6. Mara/sent are OP.

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1) I play Sent/Mara


2) I'm the best on my server


3) I win 5v1 because I play Rage and AoE smash for 18k and kill everyone instantly


4) Hyperboles don't exist.


Mara/sent can win 3:1 given no healer + no mara/sent on the other side + mostly ranged and other few circumstances. It's not common but possible, and I'm simply stating the fact that I won 3:1 fight few times as mara but not with other classes.


On youtube you will see good mara players 3:1ing all the time. I liked mara/sent before the patch because only good players could utilize them perfectly but nowadays everybody is a god when playing mara

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