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Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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TOR is just...not that type of game. It's not an "omg rush to endgame and get gear!!" click the link in my signature to see what tor is. It is not a "rush" type of mmo. It is a story based decision making mmo. I would rather have an experience WHILE leveling than have the same ol **** over and over at endgame for one level...THATS what this game is made for.'


People who like all this gear crap and rushing...go to wow or something like that.. That's not what this game is for. people are used to wow. Well you know what? this isn't wow....

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Community, i really am trying not to laugh but besides that it is really hard for people to let go of something they have invested so much time and money in even though none of it exists, that's the part that makes me chuckle even more
Huh? Please rephrase.. It sounds like you think the idea of friendly/likeable people is a joke, but then I don't know what you mean by getting back their investments.



Naw, they got what every MMO gets that is released now, WoW players that have to buy it and sub just to bash it
Hah, maybe.



And do you really think those that rushed are the targetted audience for SWToR. In my opinion with the way the game is set up, it is not
"Those that rushed"? No comprehende. The sentence structure is very unspecific.
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People who like all this gear crap and rushing...go to wow or something like that.. That's not what this game is for. people are used to wow. Well you know what? this isn't wow....


really dude have you even played wow? it takes 10 times longer to get "gear" then swtor. Wow you can run the same raid 10 times before you get the piece of gear you were looking for versus star wars, it is almost to easy to get gear with guarenteed tier drops of every boss in the OP and also you say this game is not for getting gear?? then what is it for?? leveling alts??! i dont think biowares intent for this game was to be " oh lets gear this game for people to level characters forever...

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Elder Scroll Online is going to be too big hit in my opinion. Sad to see this happening to Bioware. I could almost cry. I loved them and still do.


Ha! Yeah, right...


No player housing, same ol' same ol' lock-on targeting/hotbar combat, etc. It's not going to be any different than all the other 1 million+ fantasy MMOs out there.


And it's really too bad. I was hoping, I really was.

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they won't get it man..the moaners are probably just having 1 or 2 level 50s. Because that's what they are used to. They aren't used to having a story and voice over in an mmo so they just complain there is nothing to do at max level EVEN THOUGH they will NEVER or HAVE NEVER tried any of the other stories out. Even though they say they do. Alts is what this game is. It's what you do in this game. Different choices each time. Different stories each time and YES some of them DO end differently, even if you choose the same class. Depending on your choices you make, you have a different ending. don't even try and cop your way out by saying its not different.


People who dont like this game will continue bashing it in any way they can. They don't even try out the stories *the majority of them anyways* and just get one or two to max level and even though there are a TON of different story endings to each class, they won't do it. Ok..cool...it's not for them. Move along




Yeah. Anyone that thinks TOR needs to be "saved" are really not thinking outside the WoW box, I'm afraid.


Trust me, TOR isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

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No the game cannot be saved. It is another SWG. Game is gonna change so much it will just be frustrating to even log in. All the good players came and left. I feel like the lorax when I log on. It is a graveyard.


Did the game ever have a chance? That is the real question, dont you think? I don't think it did. I believe they knew it was fail and hyped us into buying in early and locking us each for 3 months from release knowing all the serious video gamers would leave. Give us 30 days with purchase, but...they need your credit card to buy 2 more months to activate the game.


They knew they ripped us off.

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you say this game is not for getting gear?? then what is it for?? leveling alts??! i dont think biowares intent for this game was to be " oh lets gear this game for people to level characters forever...


Actually, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they were trying to create. And that's probably why my friends and I love it so much. Alt-oholism for life! :D

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Actually, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they were trying to create. And that's probably why my friends and I love it so much. Alt-oholism for life! :D


if that was the case they wouldnt have labled their game a MMO they would have labeled it an RPG ,

Dont get me wrong RPGs are fun, and the story mode in star wars is great. But an MMO it is not.

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if that was the case they wouldnt have labled their game a MMO they would have labeled it an RPG ,

Dont get me wrong RPGs are fun, and the story mode in star wars is great. But an MMO it is not.


It is. One of the biggest complaints I've heard in other MMO, yes including WoW, is that there was not enough to do solo in the game. You know, in those times when you're waiting for guildies to log in after work? Nothing to do but dailies.


Well, TOR hasn't taken anything away as far as group content. After all, it has more than even Rift did at 6 months old. Instead it ADDED more solo content than any other game.


So, take a step back and look: here we have an MMO that has just as much group content at 5 months old than any other MMO, and is continually adding more, and it has MORE solo content than any other MMO EVER.


How is this a bad thing?

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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It is. One of the biggest complaints I've heard in other MMO, yes including WoW, is that there was not enough to do solo in the game. You know, in those times when you're waiting for guildies to log in after work? Nothing to do but dailies.


Well, TOR hasn't taken anything away as far as group content. After all, it has more than even Rift did at 6 months old. Instead it ADDED more solo content than any other game.


So, take a step back and look: here we have an MMO that has just as much group content at 5 months old than any other MMO and it has MORE solo content than any other MMO EVER.


How is this a bad thing?

I disagree, now having solo play while leveling is one thing, Im not talking about once i hit 50 making another character to keep myself busy,


Im talking about once your 50, what is there to do solo? please explain?? daily quests that are done in 3 hours?? what else can I do solo, that is productive and benefits my toon?? hell even group quests @ 50 are almost impossible now, due to server pops being so low (my server). The whole point i was getting at with this thread, was there just isnt any content that is exciting to keep doing once you hit your level cap. I was fully geared within 2 weeks of running hard mode ops, and now i login and sit in fleet, trying to get people inspired to run something, and the fire just isnt there anymore because there just isnt really anything to do anymore.

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It is. One of the biggest complaints I've heard in other MMO, yes including WoW, is that there was not enough to do solo in the game. You know, in those times when you're waiting for guildies to log in after work? Nothing to do but dailies.


Well, TOR hasn't taken anything away as far as group content. After all, it has more than even Rift did at 6 months old. Instead it ADDED more solo content than any other game.


So, take a step back and look: here we have an MMO that has just as much group content at 5 months old than any other MMO, and is continually adding more, and it has MORE solo content than any other MMO EVER.


How is this a bad thing?


This has less group content than any other MMO I've seen. U do not know what u are talking about sir. I have NOTHING to do on my 50's. NOTHING. I can log into several other MMO's and never have enough time to do all I want.


Been doin same 2 raids for 6 months, sick of em and dont need em anymore. Denova is 1 time a week, 2 if u wanna do both modes. There is only 1 - 4 man instance worth doing, and it is only worth doing 1 time a week.


The game is like an X-box game u could buy for 60 bucks and be done with in 2 weeks.

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if that was the case they wouldnt have labled their game a MMO they would have labeled it an RPG ,

Dont get me wrong RPGs are fun, and the story mode in star wars is great. But an MMO it is not.


It's a story-driven MMORPG with the main focus being on soloable story, story, story.... and a small dash of multiplayer thrown in for good measure. Being able to group up with your friends is what makes it an MMO.:)

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I disagree, now having solo play while leveling is one thing, Im not talking about once i hit 50 making another character to keep myself busy,


Im talking about once your 50, what is there to do solo? please explain?? daily quests that are done in 3 hours?? what else can I do solo, that is productive and benefits my toon?? hell even group quests @ 50 are almost impossible now, due to server pops being so low (my server). The whole point i was getting at with this thread, was there just isnt any content that is exciting to keep doing once you hit your level cap. I was fully geared within 2 weeks of running hard mode ops, and now i login and sit in fleet, trying to get people inspired to run something, and the fire just isnt there anymore because there just isnt really anything to do anymore.


The same dailies that every other MMO has, only TOR has an entire planet with a level 50 only solo questline. No other MMO has this at 5 months old, and it was available at launch.


Basically, TOR has more solo endgame than any other MMO has ever had at 5 months old. EVER.


Rift was hailed for a while as having more content in a short amount of time than any other MMO. So, let's use Rift as a touchstone here:


Let's see, RIFT launched:


Without an LFG tool

Without open-world PvP (PvP rifts were almost 8 months later)

Without server transfers

Without an endgame, only one raid (Tor launched with 2)

With only one storyline for all classes

With 6 hour queues



The first major patch in RIFT had only one raid that became available April 16th, 47 days after launch. It had a plethora of attempted class balance nerfs that broke more than it balanced, and was only about half the size of TOR's first major patch. 47 days after launch to get 2 raids, the number of raids TOR launched with. And they were easy, cleared by guilds in no time.


In contrast, TOR's first major patch was January 17th, 28 days after launch, almost half the time of RIFT, and included a new Flashpoint, doubled the size of an Op (effectively a new raid zone), and fixed more bugs right the first time than Rift ever wish they did.


The next major patch in RIFT brought the LFG tool and wardrobe slots on May 10th. It offered NO NEW CONTENT. The next patch to offer new content wasn't until Hammerknell on July 27th, 149 days after launch.


In contrast, TOR's next major patch brought another Warzone, another Operation, Legacy (which has encouraged MANY players to experience new class stories), new dailies and gear on Corellia, balance passes that fixed more than it broke on April 12th, 114 days after launch. TOR had more endgame content faster than RIFT did.


So far, TOR's doing better.


Basically, you sound like the type of MMOer that cannot play MMOs at launch. You're better off waiting a year.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I have NOTHING to do on my 50's. NOTHING.


Been doin same 2 raids for 6 months, sick of em and dont need em anymore. Denova is 1 time a week, 2 if u wanna do both modes. There is only 1 - 4 man instance worth doing, and it is only worth doing 1 time a week.


I feel the exact same way, there just isnt anything to do, and it could have been so different, if space combat wasnt on rails, and the OPS werent painfully boring, and DULL, it would be much different story here, MY#1 complaint is this game had (has) the potential to be the best MMO experience to be had, with the idea of space combat, Ranked PvP raids on Opposing factions captial ships, Raids on other guilds captial ships , this game Could have been Epic, but all it turned out to be in my mind was a epic fail

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It's a story-driven MMORPG with the main focus being on soloable story, story, story.... and a small dash of multiplayer thrown in for good measure. Being able to group up with your friends is what makes it an MMO.:)


MMO = Massive Multiplayer Online. This is far from a massive population. I bet there aren't even 200,000 people playing at any given time of day. I dont care where u get ur numbers, All 3 servers I have toons on have less than 300 ppl on the server AT ANY TIME OF DAY FOR LAST MONTH. There is NOT a million ppl playing this game. That is a lie. A Massive Community makes an MMO, this game cannot even run a group of 20 ppl without lag. Successful MMO it is not. Fail MMO it is.

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It's a story-driven MMORPG with the main focus being on soloable story, story, story.... and a small dash of multiplayer thrown in for good measure. Being able to group up with your friends is what makes it an MMO.:)


Well we clearly have different defintions for MMO then, MMO should mean Massive Multiplayer Online. Having a RPG with a "dash" of multiplayer, doesnt make it a MMO heck look at Diablo 3 , its an RPG game with the ability to group up with up to 4 friends, would you call that an MMO since you can play online with friends? would you call battlefiled, Call of Duty, MMO'S?

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MMO = Massive Multiplayer Online. This is far from a massive population. I bet there aren't even 200,000 people playing at any given time of day. I dont care where u get ur numbers, All 3 servers I have toons on have less than 300 ppl on the server AT ANY TIME OF DAY FOR LAST MONTH. There is NOT a million ppl playing this game. That is a lie. A Massive Community makes an MMO, this game cannot even run a group of 20 ppl without lag. Successful MMO it is not. Fail MMO it is.


The massive population is here, there are just too many servers, and that's only because some QA overlooked a Legacy element that broke the server transfer software they had ready since launch.


I feel for those on low-pops, but my server, being 20th according to TORstatus, has at least 100 on Fleet every night, and I've personally gotten full 24-mans together within 20 minutes several times.


The population is here.

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Well we clearly have different defintions for MMO then, MMO should mean Massive Multiplayer Online. Having a RPG with a "dash" of multiplayer, doesnt make it a MMO heck look at Diablo 3 , its an RPG game with the ability to group up with up to 4 friends, would you call that an MMO since you can play online with friends? would you call battlefiled, Call of Duty, MMO'S?


Just ignoring my proof, eh? This MMO has just as much multiplayer as every other 5-month-old MMO ever launched.

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Basically, you sound like the type of MMOer that cannot play MMOs at launch. You're better off waiting a year.


you could be right here, I just had higher expectations for this game, and I will admit I came from WoW in hopes this would blow WoW outta the water, and to be honest the first couple weeks, i truly thought it had, But once I hit 50 and raided for a few weeks, the bubble done popped for me.

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MMO = Massive Multiplayer Online. This is far from a massive population. I bet there aren't even 200,000 people playing at any given time of day. I dont care where u get ur numbers, All 3 servers I have toons on have less than 300 ppl on the server AT ANY TIME OF DAY FOR LAST MONTH. There is NOT a million ppl playing this game. That is a lie. A Massive Community makes an MMO, this game cannot even run a group of 20 ppl without lag. Successful MMO it is not. Fail MMO it is.


Fail MMO to you. Successful and entertaining MMO to hundreds of thousands of players including myself. Just because you don't personally like it doesn't mean it's all bad. ;)

Edited by WrecklessMEDIC
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Fail MMO to you. Successful and entertaining MMO to hundreds of thousands of players including myself. Just because you don't personally like it doesn't mean it's all bad. ;)


Successful MMO's give away free subs and trials 3 months after release? Wow, they are really nice.


Or maybe they are FAILING.

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Head in the sand much?


Listen, the board is a very small percentage of actual players (we all know this, right?). So, if you hear complaining here and think this is the problem and not the product, you need to stand up and look around. What these few people are doing with their typing, others, far more (100's of thousands) are doing with their pocket books (unsubbing). Geeeeez! Get that? Let that sink in.


Very few = vocal minority telling BW how they are missing the mark on some things

Large group = unsubbing for various reasons including poor game design, lack of content/features, etc...


Would you like for the 100's of thousands to come on here and really tell BW and YOU what they thought of the game and why they unsubbed, or just deal with a few that are more than willing to do so?


It ain't the people complaining, it is BW and EA. They have ALL of the cards in this game!!!


You talk about head in the sand, and yet you sit here and blindly state that this game is failing when in reality the only reason the subs are truly falling is due to one mistake...too many servers at launch


Did they need 125+ servers? hell no, even at its peak with 2 million subs, 125 servers is FAR too many for a game in this early stage of life.


As for issues with the game...go ahead and name the MMO you come from that had NO issues at launch and had its full population at launch.


Waiting....because it doesn't exist


Point is, WoW made people lazy, it made people feel like every MMO has to be like it from the start in order to be considered an MMO.


WoW had less than a million subs up until the 1 year mark, because it was a broken mess. as it started getting fixed, and features started getting added, more and more people started pouring in.


This game is almost 6 months old, 1.3 million subs is DAMN good for a game this new, and the only reason it doesnt seem as such is because they are spread out too far apart.


They have been adding ops in with every content patch, and according to patch leaks for the next 3 content patches....that isnt going to stop soon, problem is people feel as if all this content should have been here from day 1, and combined with the fact that they LOVE to complain, as if their word is the authority on matters, it causes what you see on the forums.


Talk about head in the sand, only one question for you...which server did YOU play on in WoW?

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