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Carnage Talent Tree Bug


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I don't know where to post this, so if its in the wrong place, my apologies.


Anyways, I'm a level 41 Mara going the Carnage route. Put a skill point into Gore (only needs one) and put two into Rattling Voice (only needs two).


So when I leveled to 41 I was looking to next put a point in Sever or Overwhelm. It's greyed out. I cant put any skill points in them. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Either way, what do??



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to advane to the 2nd tier you should have 5 points

3rd 10 and so on

so they just have to be in the tree

if you spend 7 in the 1st tier and 3 on the 2nd you can have access to the 3rd tier talents

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Sorry just realized that my explanation was rather confusing if you are new to the system. Let me put it this way: You gain one point per level. After spending five points in the same tree the next tier opens up. These points don't necessarily need to be spent all in the same tier. Like the poster above stated you can have three points in one tier and two in another and it still counts towards opening the next tier. I hope that cleared it up. If not I could try it again or someone more articulate could give it a go.
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You need 5 Points in the tree to activate a Talent in Tier 2

You need 10 Points in the tree to activate a Talent in Tier 3

You need 15 Points in the tree to activate a Talent in Tier 4

You need 20 Points in the tree to activate a Talent in Tier 5

You need 25 Points in the tree to activate a Talent in Tier 6

You need 30 Points in the tree to activate a Talent in Tier 7 your Final Talent

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