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Characters getting each others "buffs"


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OK, I wonder if someone could explain to me how the "characters on your account get each others buffs" is supposed to work - mainly so that I can see if it is working as intended and if not I can Bug it.


Right, so I have a Level 50 Jedi Sage. I also have a Level 50 Jedi Guardian.

Each of these characters gets each others buff.

So if my Sage buffs herself she will have both Force Might and Force Valor running. I believe this is as intended.

I also have a Level 29 Commando. Both my Sage and Guardian also get his Fortification buff.

I'm not sure if this is as intended as I believed that a character had to reach a certain point in the story for his buff to be shared.

My tropper also gets all three of the buffs - so at Level 29 he gets Fortification, Force Might and Force Valor.


Last night I created a Smuggler. He is Level 1 and has so far done nothing. When he buffs himself with Lucky Shots he also gets Force Valor and Force Might. Is this as expected?

Also my Sage and Warrior also get the Smugglers buff, even though the Smuggler is only Level 1 and done nothing in the game so far. I don't believe my Trooper does get my Smugglers buff.


OK, last two I promise :-)

I also have a couple of Sith Characters - A warrior and an Inquisitor.

Both of these are Level 10 and are about to select their advanced classes.

My Inquisitor gets both Unnatural Might and Mark Of Power. My Warrior gets exactly the same buffs.


Can anyone confirm this is as expected? Am i little confused as to why both my Level 10 Sith characters get each others buffs.

Sorry about the long post - but any explanation or confirmation this is as expected would be good.



Edited by Stoofa
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Buffs carry over factions so Force Valor from Consulars also gives you the inquisitor version on the Sith side (which I don't know the name of), and Force Might gives you warrior buff.


Also, when you press the trooper buff on your trooper, you will get his buff + the 2 you gained from Legacy which is why you get 3 buffs from him, even though you haven't completed Act 2 with him yet. However since your smuggler hasn't either, your other characters shouldn't get the Lucky Shots buff so that may be a bug, or simply someone else walked past you and gave the smuggler buff :)

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If you check your Legacy screen you will see that those buffs are unlocked when you complete Chapter 2 of that class's story line.


The buffs are also Legacy wide, meaning that if you unlocked the buff on a Republic toon the equivalent buff will show up on your Imperial toons. Also, once unlocked they are available to all toons on that Legacy no matter what their level.


As such, it is strange that Fortification/Critical Shots is showing up on your Jedis. Your Jedis should only be getting Force Might and Valor because the other buffs are not unlocked. *UNLESS* you have completed Chapter 2 on a Bounty Hunter and an Imperial Agent. If this is the case, then you get the equivalent Republic buffs showing up (Fortification/Critical Shots).


So... how many toons (and what class are they) in your Legacy have completed Chapter 2?

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OK, complete line-up of characters on this server:


Sage - Level 50

Guardian - Level 50

Commando - Level 29

Smuggler - Level 1


Sith Warrior - Level 10

Sith Inquisitor - Level 10


The post above makes sense and I can now see where all of my buffs are coming from with one exception:

My Sage & Guardian both getting Lucky Shots & Fortification. Confirmed they are by removing all buffs and self-buffing.

Edited by Stoofa
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OK, so now everything is fixed :-)

As I've zoned each of my characters they have lost the buff they shouldn't have had and when I re-apply they don't get it back.

I tried earlier on my ships and they did get the extra buffs back. But then I zoned down to a planet and they have gone. All now back to where it should be.



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OK, so now everything is fixed :-)

As I've zoned each of my characters they have lost the buff they shouldn't have had and when I re-apply they don't get it back.

I tried earlier on my ships and they did get the extra buffs back. But then I zoned down to a planet and they have gone. All now back to where it should be.




That's an interesting bug. You shouldn't be getting the fortification buff on anything except your Commando. Even on your ship. I know you say it's being removed on zoning but it's still strange. I'll have to test this out.

Edited by aarka
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That's an interesting bug. You shouldn't be getting the fortification buff on anything except your Commando. Even on your ship. I know you say it's being removed on zoning but it's still strange. I'll have to test this out.


Someone else probably buffed him and he didn't notice.

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