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Completely unfair PVP warzones


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I've have notice no matter what server you play or side you play on the PVP warzone teams are always stacked in one sides favor and this is totally unfair. Since the new patch all the pvp I've played no matter what server i play on it always a totally unbalanced teams this is a real pain since i have played on 6 different servers looking for a decent pvp warzone only to find no matter which i go to it always unbalanced teams and now with the 120 sec countdown is gone i have had to deal with 95% of the time a team that has less then 6 players that was a very bad move on the developers part to take that out since now all warzone are worse because people that are on the team with 5 or less people normally back out leaving a brave few to fight a full team which is totally unfair and stupid. The 120 sec countdown should be re installed into the game so we few that stay don't have to fight a full team and get destroyed because the other left. Also I've noticed that several class now can do things that impossible I've been shot though wall and from 55m+ also I've been pulled though walls which seems is impossibles since when i pull people as they run the corner that they hit the wall and not come to you this needs to be looked into because it have happen in many warzone I've been in and it was not just one time. If anyone can point me in a thread that can explain these I would be happy to read it or if someone can explain so i can stop getting annoyed with game i would be must grateful.
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The pull through the wall is very annoying but it has to do with the round recpticle at your feet. That's your hitbox and you'll notice whether you are a large body type or a scrawny skinny one that it always reamins the same large size.


So if you are playing a small sized skinny toon and think you are hidden but even a slight pixel of that recticle shows to an enemy... guess what? He can interupt your heal assuming the guy has figured where the interupt key is and that if he strafes the geometry will make this LOS more favorable.


Opps I digressed again.. meant to say he can pull you through the wall.


On the brightside stand behind a short box and often times you are out of LOS.

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I've have notice no matter what server you play or side you play on the PVP warzone teams are always stacked in one sides favor and this is totally unfair. Since the new patch all the pvp I've played no matter what server i play on it always a totally unbalanced teams this is a real pain since i have played on 6 different servers looking for a decent pvp warzone only to find no matter which i go to it always unbalanced teams and now with the 120 sec countdown is gone i have had to deal with 95% of the time a team that has less then 6 players that was a very bad move on the developers part to take that out since now all warzone are worse because people that are on the team with 5 or less people normally back out leaving a brave few to fight a full team which is totally unfair and stupid. The 120 sec countdown should be re installed into the game so we few that stay don't have to fight a full team and get destroyed because the other left. Also I've noticed that several class now can do things that impossible I've been shot though wall and from 55m+ also I've been pulled though walls which seems is impossibles since when i pull people as they run the corner that they hit the wall and not come to you this needs to be looked into because it have happen in many warzone I've been in and it was not just one time. If anyone can point me in a thread that can explain these I would be happy to read it or if someone can explain so i can stop getting annoyed with game i would be must grateful.


I'm going to be completely honest with you. I didn't read past your first 1-2 run-on sentences because it basically just repeated yourself multiple times. I suggest re-writing, condensing your thoughts into a focused set of paragraphs no longer than 3-5 sentences each, and people might read through your post far enough to be able to debate and/or sympathize with you.


Secondly, this will all be fixed with the cross-server PvP, but then once that happens, you're not just going to be up against 1-2 teams that you cant beat, but rather, 1-100 teams you cannot beat, and thus, your cycle of frustration will only continue. I want to help you here, but you're going to have to accept a few things: first being, if you cant compete, perhaps it's because your not being competitive, and by that, I mean, your skill and gear is < their skill and gear.


Secondly, I want to recommend that you join a competative, organized Guild. The reason for this is because your post incinuated that you jump around from servers, which means you're probably playing the lone rambo commando route, which isn't what our PvP is designed to cater to. If you find yourself a guild full of like-minded people, your chances of both increasing your learning curve, and your ability to have fun, will most certainly increase.


May the force be with you.

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Secondly, I want to recommend that you join a competative, organized Guild



while I understand that many consider this "MMO"...people sub as individuals, and most play as individuals.


so unless you want to be stuck with ~25% population, you would not be in favor of making it a requirement that you have 2 group to be successful.


pre vs pre--------pug vs pug


and any pre expoiting solo ques by syncing....warn them and then ban them


I don't know why MMOs don't take batter care of the fence sitters....you can't group casuals with Mama's basements

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i would love they implemenent autobalance system in nonranked WZs ... and allow only solo queueing ...


ranked - only 8 men ops can queue ...


but when i queue solo i want some kind of autobalance like is in Counterstrike or some simillar games, i know this is mmo, but still pvp ... and would be nice to get commendation only for activity ... if some1 needs to leave wz, he might do it and get comms for time he stayed there ....


so, for soloers no queus, just turn on comp, log in, play wz, u need leave after 10 mins? got important phone call? just press leave and still get your partial reward ... would be fair and fun and push out grind from this game ...

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while I understand that many consider this "MMO"...people sub as individuals, and most play as individuals.


so unless you want to be stuck with ~25% population, you would not be in favor of making it a requirement that you have 2 group to be successful.


pre vs pre--------pug vs pug


and any pre expoiting solo ques by syncing....warn them and then ban them


I don't know why MMOs don't take batter care of the fence sitters....you can't group casuals with Mama's basements


People that play an mmo to play it on their own and then complain about lack of groups are just stupid imo.


Besides that, let's say we are syncing our queueing time, there's a big chance we end up together, there's an equally big chance we end up against each other, I don't see the exploit here.

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while I understand that many consider this "MMO"...people sub as individuals, and most play as individuals.




Truth be told, I PvP alone all the time, but I'm also quite good at it by now, I have a fairly nice set of armor (still working on completely my crafted sets, but at the end of the day, when it comes down to it, groups that are trained to fight together will always be better than a group of randoms that just run around like chickens with their heads cut off.


I've spent a lot of time getting completely demolished by my peers when I first hit 50, it was laughable, but it was also really fun. I think the problem is that people have less and less patience these days, and everyone wants to start on even playing fields instead of the good old fashioned up-hill battle to greatness.

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