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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Imps have won


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My pvp guild is dying. It's about 10-15 men online in prime time with its 75 members. The rest of my guildies told me today they gonna reroll for imps coz can't play with republic idiots on our server. I'd do as well but i don't want to play the imp side. So, my guild is on the edge, my friends left for imps, pvp on our server is dead as well. We were practically the only pure republic pvp guild on our server and now after we disappear there are no pvp guilds who could compete with imps somehow. There's no way out, for me at least. Unsubing today.


BW thx for one faction game.

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I feel you man. Imp faction is out of control on the Lord Ieldis server. It's an RP server of course but still we have monsters and to fight against too sometimes their half there WZ team has full WH gear and they just crush us man... sometimes it feels like it isn't fair and makes some people not want to even play the game anymore. The good guys are unsubbing because they are unhappy and the ones trying to get good gear are left to fight the unbeatable monsters. Sometimes it is discouraging how one sided things can be. I don't want things to be one sided for either faction each WZ should be hard fought by both teams not a slaughter. The ones who get slaughtered all week are left with nothing but a low composure and barely any reward for getting beaten on. The losing faction gains nothing and the winning faction gains all the War Heroes.
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Darth Malak is stacked on the imp side. From my experience, Republic wins less than 20% of WZ matches. Almost NEVER win an Alderaan match. Less than 10% win ration there.


Checked fleet numbers one night - Republic was at 6 or 7, and Imps were over 50.

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Could you tell me what servers you're playing where reps are about 50/50 wins/lose plz? My server is Legions of Lettow(EU) and we win other imp premades in case the other half of their team sux. But in most cases in prime time wzs we play against solid imp premades or just really well geared guys and this is sad coz reps are just sux in pvp on our server. The problem is that there are about 3-4 good imp pvp guilds on our server and the only one on our side is ours.

I like difficulty that's why i play for the republic side, but i'm just tired of republic noobs who requeue again and again considering they are true PVPers and who have no ideas what the word NODE is etc.


More and more people are leaving and it seems there's no fun anymore for pvpers on my server if you're a republican. And again, share your server names where reps have at least 2-4 pvp guilds please, where competition takes place not slaughter. I don't want to play always winning reps as well, no fun. Thx.

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Seems inevitable considering the design of the factions.


Better looking gear

Better looking races

Better looking class abilities(lightning-storms instead of pebble-storms as example)

Better functioning class abilities I find (merc healing feels way more fluid/mobile than commando healing)


Everyone has their favourite class but given the choice noone wants to spend hours staring at a horrible looking, clunky moving lump if they can wear epic looking gear and shoot flames/lightning at things.


Most servers have a much more active imp presence so you can actually do things that require a group instead of standing around spamming for people who don't exist/don't group.


You can regularly get gear for all levels on the imp side, with my republic toons I have to log on my imp alts to buy things like mods and mail them across now, if the gear isn't lvl50 it's rarely crafted or sold on republic.

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Seems inevitable considering the design of the factions.


Better looking gear

Better looking races

Better looking class abilities(lightning-storms instead of pebble-storms as example)

Better functioning class abilities I find (merc healing feels way more fluid/mobile than commando healing)




This is all very subjective. I believe that it has more to do with this generation of gamers and the "coolness" of being "bad" on the internet.

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Free month ended its ghost town. Elder Scroll Online in 2013, I'd worry alot!

If you thought TOR was disappointing, man, you're going to be CRUSHED.


The developers themselves start most of their descriptions about TES Online with some variation of "Very much inspired by World of Warcraft, especially in the UI".


People expected TOR to be SWG2.

People expect TES Online to be Skyrim Online.


Both groups of people had stupid expectations.


More on-topic though, these threads seem to be carry-overs from the classic WoW forum "HORDE ARE OP *** BLIZZ?!" threads of yore, in which people assume every server in the game has the same dynamic, regardless of population or individual community.


It's stupid.

Edited by verymediocre
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Free month ended its ghost town. Elder Scroll Online in 2013, I'd worry alot!


And 3 months later Elder Scrolls Online will be a desert too.


People searches for the definitive MMO, but there isnt any definitive MMO and wont be. They expect to have more things than the actual MMOs, but the actual MMOs have been on the road for a several amount of years (development + new content after release), what makes totally impossible to make a new game with more content than a game that have 5-10 years of advantage.


In the same way people in general ask for new things, but they dont know what new things they want, and when a new thing appears in a MMO they say that they dont like, because the game X have it different. So many new things are deleted to put them in the old way.


This is what is happening in most of the MMOs that have appeared in the last years. And dont seems that this will change soon.

Edited by Shaligal
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it's the opposite on my server. yes, there are way more imps, but they are all terribu. the republic isn't even necessarily more skilled on an individual basis. they are just more coordinated, and have people willing to play objectives. the imps just zerg, never focus targets, never attack the healer, never look at their map, never call out incomings, and a lot of them fight off the node or door.


the only things the imp ever won was ilum, but bioware was the true victor in that battle.

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Just go different class on different server.

There really is a war, mainly between main imperial and repubic guilds, and we little guys are stuck in middle.


Your server just sounds like you guys lost.


No offense, but things happen.

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And 3 months later Elder Scrolls Online will be a desert too.


People searches for the definitive MMO, but there isnt any definitive MMO and wont be. They expect to have more things than the actual MMOs, but the actual MMOs have been on the road for a several amount of years (development + new content after release), what makes totally impossible to make a new game with more content than a game that have 5-10 years of advantage.


In the same way people in general ask for new things, but they dont know what new things they want, and when a new thing appears in a MMO they say that they dont like, because the game X have it different. So many new things are deleted to put them in the old way.


This is what is happening in most of the MMOs that have appeared in the last years. And dont seems that this will change soon.


Dont say yet, it isnt that hard to make MMORPG to last 8 to 12 month if its good. Bioware just expect we pay and they add stuff like dungeon finder, server merge etc, it just doesnt work like that. Shortly said, just another MMORPG released like 1 year way too early. ;)

Edited by BlueFromMoon
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