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Wheres all the excitement gone?


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I'm going to at least try it to see what different devs can do with the same engine.


I have a gut feeling that says Bethesda has that thing running smooth as silk.


Well I never said I would not try it.

* But knowing its going to use the same engine, really does not bring me any comfort.


Why didn't they use the "Cryengine 3" is well beyond me...

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At least Blizzard takes time in not rushing their games.

You obviously didn't play vanilla Warcraft...


The most rushed, incomplete, no endgame having MMO of all time in the early days. Oh, and server outages that lasted for entire weekends. You should have seen the forums... posts from back then make the SWTOR forums look like a BW lovefest. Seriously, Blizzard would have killed to have been able to launch WoW in SWTOR's state.

Edited by Blistrich
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You obviously didn't play vanilla Warcraft...


The most rushed, incomplete, no endgame having MMO of all time in the early days. Oh, and server outages that lasted for entire weekends. You should have seen the forums... they make the SWTOR forums look like a BW lovefest. Seriously, Blizzard would have loved to have launched WoW in SWTOR's state.


Back in 2004? Fair enough back then. But its 2012.... they should have learned by now

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You obviously didn't play vanilla Warcraft...


The most rushed, incomplete, no endgame having MMO of all time in the early days. Oh, and server outages that lasted for entire weekends. You should have seen the forums... they make the SWTOR forums look like a BW lovefest. Seriously, Blizzard would have loved to have launched WoW in SWTOR's state.


I'll be honest, no I didn't play vanilla wow.


I did however play starcarft 1.

Then after playing starcraft 2, I can see they actually didn't want to rush the games. Because they understand that they don't want to ruin the game for their fan base.


I am going to expect that Diablo 3 will run quite well, sure they will probably patch stuff.

* But they would never wait to patch critical areas for 4 months ever since release.

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YES.. Diablo 3 is probably really Diablo 2.1 ..... but.. it's not costing me $15 a month to play..... Whereas TOR is basically Dragon Age 2.1 in a Star Wars skin.. and charging me monthly.. LOL Aren't you bored of the linear breadcrumb stuff yet? lol
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I am going to expect that Diablo 3 will run quite well, sure they will probably patch stuff.

I also feel this way. Blizzard (now with Activision flavor) will do fine with Diablo 3. That company has got their act together now. I think the problem here is that BW said "Well, a couple of warzones, some ops and flashpoints, some crafting... that'll hold them over". Unfortunately, it is not holding us over.

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every new game coming out is the best thing since sliced bread, until you play it, we will hear the same thing with every new mmo these days, non pvp people will realize gw2 is just more of the same old thing from other games, the pvp crowd will enjoy the world pvp, which they will have in at launch..


The dev's here need to pick up the pace get us some good working patches and transfers going, there are a ton of mmo's out there, I for one am not intrested in any of them, but Bioware cannot ride the Star Wars coat tail, alone with out some content, and diveristy in the game../sigh

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Be prepared to be disappointed when the outstanding 1P sandbox monster known as Elder Scrolls is dumbed down for the MMO audience. Watch in amazement as everything "immersive" is replaced with limitations and walls. Be dazzled as the magnificent mods, which are what make Bethesda games like Skyrim and Fallout 3 so fantastic, disappear before your eyes... to be replaced by a conventional grind.


Elder Scrolls arent sandboxes they're open world free-roam games, and they've said its in MMO. We all know Hero Engine allow to make huge zones already, no reason to doubt it. Bioware didnt understand Hero Engine's potential sadly.

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every new game coming out is the best thing since sliced bread, until you play it, we will hear the same thing with every new mmo these days, non pvp people will realize gw2 is just more of the same old thing from other games, the pvp crowd will enjoy the world pvp, which they will have in at launch..


The dev's here need to pick up the pace get us some good working patches and transfers going, there are a ton of mmo's out there, I for one am not intrested in any of them, but Bioware cannot ride the Star Wars coat tail, alone with out some content, and diveristy in the game../sigh

Atm the main highlight of GW2 is the WwWwW system.


* Yeah that is 100 players vs 100 player vs 100 players.

* vs SWTORs 8 vs 8 warzone.


No offense, but I'd actually like a massive battle in swtor.

* To bad there is none.

* Some type of siege system would be great.

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every new game coming out is the best thing since sliced bread, until you play it

I disagree.


I have played EVE Online for almost 10 years, because for almost 10 years it has delivered my sliced bread.


There's a reason people still play DOTA and are rabidly awaiting the release of DOTA 2. It's the same reason there are still an army of dedicated Warcraft players and guys who still fire up Ultima Online from time to time... some games simply get it right.

Elder Scrolls arent sandboxes they're open world free-roam games, and they've said its in MMO. We all know Hero Engine allow to make huge zones already, no reason to doubt it. Bioware didnt understand Hero Engine's potential sadly.

Sandbox Definition: An open world is a type of video game level design where a player can roam freely through a virtual world and is given considerable freedom in choosing how or when to approach objectives.


So... what's the problem here?


My point is that, no, it will not be anything like the ES games you have been playing. You won't have the mods or the vast level of customization, nor will you be able to do anything you want.

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Elder Scrolls arent sandboxes they're open world free-roam games, and they've said its in MMO. We all know Hero Engine allow to make huge zones already, no reason to doubt it. Bioware didnt understand Hero Engine's potential sadly.


Any mmo engine can make a massive area.

* I'd personally prefer the "Unreal 3 Engine for Elder Scrolls, but sadly they choose the cheap engine."


The "Cry3engine" is going to revolutionize the mmo industry, since its going to bring a destructible environment to the mmo industry.

The only mmo to currently be in development with this engine is "Archeage Online".

Its a sandbox game like "SWG" but with the advantages of the "cry3engine".

Gameplay beta vid :

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ISandbox Definition: An open world is a type of video game level design where a player can roam freely through a virtual world and is given considerable freedom in choosing how or when to approach objectives.


Whoever made that is troll. Sandbox is sandbox like in real life. No sandbox without sand. Minecraft is sandbox. It can be anything, you build city, someone destroy it, thats sand. The Sims series is basically sandbox too.

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Whoever made that is troll. Sandbox is sandbox like in real life. No sandbox without sand. Minecraft is sandbox. It can be anything, you build city, someone destroy it, thats sand.

Read this article... which is redirected from "Sandbox game".


Open World: The term is sometimes used interchangeably with "sandbox" and "free-roaming"


Christ, it's like talking to a wall.

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YES.. Diablo 3 is probably really Diablo 2.1 ..... but.. it's not costing me $15 a month to play..... Whereas TOR is basically Dragon Age 2.1 in a Star Wars skin.. and charging me monthly.. LOL Aren't you bored of the linear breadcrumb stuff yet? lol


In my time in the Diablo 3 Beta...I would not expect it to be Diablo 2.1. It very obviously did not have the same developers.


I am buying it, but I think a lot of people are going to be a little disappointed when they get it. The expectations are set too high.

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In my time in the Diablo 3 Beta...I would not expect it to be Diablo 2.1. It very obviously did not have the same developers.


I am buying it, but I think a lot of people are going to be a little disappointed when they get it. The expectations are set too high.


Is it as high as swtor!?

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I disagree.


I have played EVE Online for almost 10 years, because for almost 10 years it has delivered my sliced bread.


There's a reason people still play DOTA and a rabidly awaiting the release of DOTA 2. It's the same reason there are still an army of dedicated Warcraft players and guys who still fire up Ultima Online from time to time... some games simply get it right.


Sandbox Definition: An open world is a type of video game level design where a player can roam freely through a virtual world and is given considerable freedom in choosing how or when to approach objectives.


So... what's the problem here?


My point is that, no, it will not be anything like the ES games you have been playing. You won't have the mods or the vast level of customization, nor will you be able to do anything you want.


You know im thrilled you like Eve Online (wasnt my cup of tea so I quit and left years ago), and yeah some players still play UO, all couple thousand of them.


But between UO, SWG emu, and Eve online you still donet have 300,000 players so please explain to me how making a game in that style is suppose to survive.


So sick of sandbox people blathering about how some games get it right. There is a ALLOT more players out there then just you guys and your little club of vocal minorities.


How Dominion developement doing? Oh right, it just shut down from lack of funding for development. Wasnt it suppose to be the next big sandbox game? 3/4 into development and no one was willing to invest for the final stage.


Ach Age? Small nitch game made for a small nitch following.


Simple FACT is, if a developer is trying for main stream acceptance, they do the proven Themepark design. If they looking for a 100,000 or so only, they do the sandbox design.


TOR for all its faults, was never designed to be a 100,000 player game.

And if they had made SWG2.0, they would be under the magic 500,000 number already


EAoware didnt develop this game correctly and thats on them

But their original design on how to develop this game was bang on and thats beyond question based on initial sales figures.


TOR needs some MMO elements

Not sand elements (though most people today seem to think MMO elements like houseing are sand elements. Its only sand if its done like UO and SWG. Housing been around for decades since The Realms hit the scene long before UO and the Realms was themepark design)

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You know im thrilled you like Eve Online (wasnt my cup of tea so I quit and left years ago), and yeah some players still play UO, all couple thousand of them.


But between UO, SWG emu, and Eve online you still donet have 300,000 players so please explain to me how making a game in that style is suppose to survive.


So sick of sandbox people blathering about how some games get it right. There is a ALLOT more players out there then just you guys and your little club of vocal minorities.


How Dominion developement doing? Oh right, it just shut down from lack of funding for development. Wasnt it suppose to be the next big sandbox game? 3/4 into development and no one was willing to invest for the final stage.


Ach Age? Small nitch game made for a small nitch following.


Simple FACT is, if a developer is trying for main stream acceptance, they do the proven Themepark design. If they looking for a 100,000 or so only, they do the sandbox design.


TOR for all its faults, was never designed to be a 100,000 player game.

And if they had made SWG2.0, they would be under the magic 500,000 number already


EAoware didnt develop this game correctly and thats on them

But their original design on how to develop this game was bang on and thats beyond question based on initial sales figures.


TOR needs some MMO elements

Not sand elements (though most people today seem to think MMO elements like houseing are sand elements. Its only sand if its done like UO and SWG. Housing been around for decades since The Realms hit the scene long before UO and the Realms was themepark design)


After reading that wall of text and reading your sig.

* You should try a game that is not a mmo.

* Since its obviously not in your interest.


Since your suggesting MMO elements.

* Please enlighten us with your wisdom.

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so please explain to me how making a game in that style is suppose to survive.

Because they have survived... for a decade or more. ROFL. Did I need other evidence?

So sick of sandbox people blathering about how some games get it right.

How is DOTA "sandbox"? How is Warcraft "sandbox"?


Some games get it right and retain massive interest because they continue to be updated and are infinitely fun to play, because they don't get old. This can't be said for SWTOR.

How Dominion developement doing?

Dominion? Meh, I dunno about that title. As for EVE, CCP are moving ahead with the creation of DUST, which will integrate a console FPS title and a PC MMO into a single environment cross-platform. I think that's pretty cool. SWTOR is... preparing to add ranked warzones?



TOR for all its faults, was never designed to be a 100,000 player game.

From this point on, I agree 100% with your post.

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