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Smuggler- armstech armormech-biochem?


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I have a smuggler im playing as a alt to my consular. Im stuck between these crafting skills. Im trying to decide which would be more usefull. I know each would be great, keep me and my companions in armor or guns or stims.


How is the crafted guns from armstech? Are they decent?

How well does the crafted armor stack up against looted and quested?


Is there anyway i can work slicing into my crew skills? Im a smuggler after all, and i think at least for roleplay reasons, should have slicing. Tho im open to discussion and ideas on that.

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As a smuggler you get the best criticals from your companions from armstech, saying that my smuggler is a healer and does biochem.

Really its what you want to use, whatever you dont do now you can do on your next character. There is no must have skill they all have there benefits while leveling.

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Armormech is great for leveling, especially if you and your companion can both use the armor. I don't know the Smuggler companions at all, though. You can also make your own slotted orange armor pretty easily. At level 50, you can craft two Rakata pieces, which is very nice. The good thing there is that you can keep them even if you change professions. My personal strategy when leveling is to use Armormech/Synth for boots, bracers, gloves, and to keep helm, chest, and legs orange, which you can easily maintain with commendations.


With regards to Armormech, which supporting skills to take is kind of up in the air. Scavenging is a must, or you'll go absolutely broke on the GTN, IF you can even find what you need. Scavenging can be a pretty good money-maker, as well. Underworld Trading is the same, pretty much, if you want blue or purple armor. If you're fine with green gear, then you can do without it. UT also lets you find orange armor recipes, and can bring in quite a bit of profit. However, Slicing is also nice to have for AM. It can return augments patterns and materials, which are obviously nice if you want to augment out your gear. AM makes Aim and Cunning augments, and a couple of others. It's kind of a tough choice, as all make solid contributions to AM. If it were me, I would make a another character with Underworld Trading, get that to level 10 or so, and use it to supply rare metals.


I've never had Biochem, but I probably wouldn't choose it for leveling, unless I wanted to PVP a lot during that time. I always think of Biochem as something to switch TO after I've got my Rakata BoP gear. A lot of people are following that strategy.


As for Armstech, I'm actually about to start a Smuggler just for that skill, as it gets such a good bonus for that profession.

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YOu mention armormech supplying aim and cunning, thats a odd thing for armor, i would have thought that would bewith armstech...


I think, since im a smuggler ill start off with arms tech, if i dont li ke it, i can always switch to armor mech.


Tho how do you unlearn a skil?

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You mention armormech supplying aim and cunning, that's a odd thing for armor, i would have thought that would be with armstech...


I think, since I'm a smuggler ill start off with arms tech, if i don't like it, i can always switch to armor mech.


Tho how do you unlearn a skill?


They both do, actually. Armormech supplies armor for non-Force users, Smugglers and Troopers on the Republic side, which means Aim and Cunning for primary stats.


As for unlearning a skill, in the crew skill window there's a little X next to the skill name. Click on that to unlearn.

Edited by Shurato
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Thanks shuruto, i needed to know that becuase i have cybertech on two low lvl alts and am going to change one to armor mech.


Is there a way to mail equipment to my other alts, or is that a legacy thing i need to lvl up for? Again thanks for the help guys, im getting squared away faster then i would have thought thanks to this games awesome forums.


So if on my smuggler, would it be better to go armstech/slicing/underworld trading, or go armstech/scavenging/slicing or armstech/UT/scavenging. I just dont know enough about slicing to determine if its worth taking over ut or scavenging..

Edited by Kframe
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got my smuggler as armormech, been in purple gear and purple crit crafted gear all the way. at level 42 currently. and the whole game as been a breeze with this gear. also corso gets a +5 crit chance on underworld trading, been a god send for them rare purple metals
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Just to clarify..


ArmsTECH => Aim and Cunning basted WEAPONS, both factions

ArmsMECH => Aim and Cunning based ARMOR, both factions


That said, for my RP side, the building my own weapons is cool for my healing Scoundrel. I like being able to make my own BARRELS, but have to use commendations for the mods and enhancements. It made a good complementary skill for leveling up my shadow, being able to make blades for Qyzen. Now that they have Orange Techblades, not as much call. From a GTN perspective, .. SIGH. really, not as much call for stuff in there, as lots of them upgrades are avail for "free", the cost of commendations. I am selling some tho, eno to support my addiction to keeping my companions geared and out on missions.

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Ok, apparently investigation works better with armstech then UT right? Why is underworld trading better for armor mech then it is for armstech?


Lastly, how do i send items to other alts?

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Ok, apparently investigation works better with armstech then UT right? Why is underworld trading better for armor mech then it is for armstech?


Lastly, how do i send items to other alts?


You have to mail material and items from one alt to another. A Dev said that they might address other solutions in the future with Legacy, but it's not a priority, so it'll be awhile. You can mail between alts regardless of faction.


Slicing is a good skill, but it's not a priority in anything. You won't NEED it unless you go heavy into making augments, and augments themselves aren't vital. To clarify which profession can make what, Armormech can make Cunning and Aim augments, and I think Absorption and Shield, while Armstech can make Power, Critical, Endurance, and Surge. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about Slicing if you're going Armstech, because you won't be able to make your own augment-slotted gear like you would with Armormech. Slicing is best when you have a skill you need covered by another character.


Of course, you can always try Slicing, and if it becomes a problem not having Scavenging or Investigation, you can simply drop it. It won't really hurt you much in terms of credits being lost, because Slicing basically pays for itself.

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Thank for clearing that up. You mention that arms tech cant make there own augments, which profession does? Is that artifice or some such?


Truthfully i wish i could find a indepth guide to the different crafting skills. I read the sticky but that didnt tell me enough..

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Thank for clearing that up. You mention that arms tech cant make there own augments, which profession does? Is that artifice or some such?


Truthfully i wish i could find a indepth guide to the different crafting skills. I read the sticky but that didnt tell me enough..


Armstech can make augments - they make crit, surge, power and accuracy. (I know this cuz my alt sniper has the skill and makes said augments)


Armormech can make augments as well - they make cunning, aim, and honestly not sure what the other two are. (I don't have an armormech)


The other augment maker is Synthweaving - they make willpower, strength and not sure what the other two are. (My synthweaver is low level and doesn't make them yet)


Armstech imo is nice for leveling if you keep up with it. If you are diligent in collection of materials or have higher level main/alts that can keep funneling materials to your Armstech, you should be in a good position to make very nice purple barrels. You will need a slicer tho to supply you with augment schematics. It's pretty nice to be able to make those for yourself and have them available as you level. Critting yourself a nice weapon with an augment slot is pretty nice for leveling.

Edited by Akella
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Now i assume that a augment slot is not the same as a mod slot right? Like my smugglers gun has 4 slots in it, one for a crystal and 3 others for other items that mod attributes and what not.
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Now i assume that a augment slot is not the same as a mod slot right? Like my smugglers gun has 4 slots in it, one for a crystal and 3 others for other items that mod attributes and what not.


augment slot is a modification slot. an extra one. it is added to gear that is crit crafted. if you was to crit crat an orange weapon, you would get the 3 mod slots the crystal slot and an additional slot for augments, giving you 5 slots. the difference with ah augment is, you can crit craft any gear, even green so you could have a standard none upgradeable weapone with one slot that can be upgraded.


you asked about armormech and underworld trading. so for armormech you need scavenger, this gets you low quality items that is the base for all armormech gear, then you need UT, underworld metals is the second component you will need. you need normal UTmetal for blue quality gear, and purple quality rare metals for purple quality gear. you get purple metals when your companions crit a UT mission. which is why having corso and his +5 crit on UT comes in very handy.


i read ppl saying take armstech, and i'm not saying that is a bad choice. but with armormech you get 7 slots that you can crit craft purple quality gear for as you level up. armoremech is very intensive, i have been none stop crafting, once i have one piece of gear purple quality and crit crafted its time to start on the next, i have never been short of credits with this skill either. everything is RE'ed till i'm making purple. once i'm at purple i sell my surplus. this is good at low levels as ppl cry out for low level ger at good quality and a reasonable priced gear.


once i'm fully leveled i will make myself a set of orange crit crafted gear. atm all my purple gear has me cutting through mobs like they're not even there

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WOW again thank you for the information. THis is the best forum i have ever been on. Good lord, you guys have been taking me by the hand on this and i appreciate it.


Im going to stick with armstech for now, cuase it fits my smugglers roleplay wise.

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