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A Casual's timetable to full war hero gear


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Howcome some people don't get it? You have to EARN your gear. Like everything in life, the people who work hardest for something get more/better stuff.


If you work a 40 hour/week job you expect to earn more than someone who works (the same job) 10 hours/week.


If you PvP 40 hour/week you expect to get (just) 6 iLvl more than someone who PvP's just 10 hours/week.


I'ts all to create a reward system for those who play more. Like stated earlier, the 10 expert. and the few stats you get from WH isn't game-breaking.


except this is a video game, not my job.


the current system of acquiring ranked wz comms is not intended. it was a bandaid fix at the last minute b/c bioware dropped ranked warzones from 1.2.


ive accumulated 3 pieces of war hero gear so far, and i have 2500 ranked comms saved up right now. i probably average 1 hour of playtime a night, so i dont think the rate of acquisition is too bad. i dont notice much of a disadvantage against the players with full war hero gear, so theres not much of a gear gap (a good thing for once!).


but the pvp in this game is not good enough to enjoy doing for more than a couple hours a day at most. warzones are the only way to get the gear, and they are repetitive and immensely frustrating b/c of the absurdly high number of bad players.


but the hardcore pvpers, the ones who want to take part in ranked warzones, are already going to have full sets of war hero gear long before we see ranked warzones. bioware should have scrapped everything related to ranked warzones until the whole system was ready for live.


there really is not going to be a point to ranked warzones because of this. the "i only play to get the new shiny things" crowd wont be interested b/c they either have a full set already or will shortly after ranked warzones go live, that leaves the people who actually enjoy pvp in this game, and that number is growing smaller every day. not to mention the little things that are going to be necessary for a truly skill based environment that bioware has made clear it does not care about (read: class balance in huttball).


ranked warzones are going to be a trainwreck. what little world pvp we had has been trashed by bioware, and they have no clear plan for the future of Ilum. considering pvp is the majority playstyle in this game, bioware is certainly doing a wonderful job alienating that pvp community.

Edited by cashogy
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I guess just having fun to PvP and to win is not enough. /sigh

Chance of fun is 50/50 for me, sith population is too low, so fights are often unbalanced. Knowing that I still can do daily and still move forward in my characters progression easens the pain.

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Chance of fun is 50/50 for me, sith population is too low, so fights are often unbalanced. Knowing that I still can do daily and still move forward in my characters progression easens the pain.


What server are you on man cause on mine it's the opposite. Trust me the fun drops quick when your going against Imperials with two and three pieces of War Hero and the guy next to me has 12k health. It's getting so bad I'm getting ready to buy people their recruit gear just to stop playing with fodder.

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DO you actually play?


One piece or armor makes a clear difference.


On my Sorcerer with each upgrade I notice a clear increase in power and survivability!


You bring your full BM toon against my full WH Sorcerer and I will tank you!


You clearly doing something wrong than!

I have only 2 peaces whan other are nerly full wh geared and i kill them in same speed or die! Dont feel the difference at all!

And i dont have need to get full warhero in no time, i have 2 peaces and i will only have 2 for quite some time due dead pvp!

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You clearly doing something wrong than!

I have only 2 peaces whan other are nerly full wh geared and i kill them in same speed or die! Dont feel the difference at all!

And i dont have need to get full warhero in no time, i have 2 peaces and i will only have 2 for quite some time due dead pvp!


I'm doing something wrong when I do more damage? Bigger crits? More frequent crits? Mitigate more damage?


This is a gear based Trippe-A MMO, its supposed to work that way.

Edited by Cempa
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Lot of people bring up the minimum number comms needed to put together a full (base) war hero set. Hardly anyone brings up the boatload of additional comms needed to customize the mods in order to get the most out of it. the grind is so much worse than people realize. Edited by Angrybrisket
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No its really not, the difference between fully customized War hero gear and stock BM, is bigger than full BM to Recruit.


The flaw in your argument is huge. Why not compare apples to apples? Why wouldn't you compare customized BM to customized WH? Statements like this are what breed ignorance on these forums. A stock WH set and a stock BM set are pretty similar overall with respect to the classes as a whole. If you look at specific classes/sets you can see that some have dropped certain stats between their BM and WH counterparts. For example, the transition from BM War Leader to WH War Leader drops alot of useless stats for a tank like Surge, slightly less useless Accuracy, and unfortunately very useful Defense. It drops these in favor of Shield and Absorbtion. Shield and absorbtion are great, but don't even compare with defense. Shield and Absorb mitigate damage, Defense outright avoids it. Imo a truly optimized set for some classes is going to contain a mix of BM gear and WH gear (think ear pieces and implants). So please explain to me how the negligable difference in stats between WH and BM gear even compares to the massive difference in expertise between a set of recruit gear and BM gear. Expertise is your primary PvP stat regardless of class and augment slots can be present on both sets.


As far as the OP goes, I don't see anything wrong with the timetable. Either you get better gear so you can be more effective in PvP or you only PvP to be rewarded with gear. If your only purpose for PvP are in game rewards you are completely missing the point and will be routinely destroyed by those of us that love being out there, we que no matter what. There is no grind in a video game, people are confusing the game with life.

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Aside from the first 2 days where I played a ton after 1.2, I've been just playing until daily is done every day and right now I got main hand, offhand, chest, boot, and implant. Those are also the more expensive pieces (3 of them 3K+).
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