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Server Depopulation?

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So I am on the server Krath with 1 level 50 gaurdian and a level 30 maurader and the server is DEAD their is like 10 people on places like tatooine and its ruining the game. So now I started a sith warrior on the fatman which is pretty much the only populated server left . Is the whole game dieing out? I have been told by many people to just quit but I really like the idea of a star wars mmo and I dont really want it to die out but I dont want to pay monthly for a dead game. What do I do?
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You ideas are new and intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. But since you don't have one, I'll probably just go read the other 50 billion threads on the issue.


I may have to put one out ..... just for you :p

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Whatever you do dont join shadowtown republic side there are only 10-15 players on the fleet at peek prime time hours. Pvp is nonexistant except for 1 guild maybe 2 that are indecline average wait is about an hour. Imp side is a little better but one of the biggest guilds just broke up due to leadership quitting the game o.oving to fatman. Right now iys
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Hello, everyone.


We realize that server populations are a very important topic of discussion with the Community right now. To help keep our forums better organized and feedback consolidated, we ask that your share any thoughts or concerns in one of the previously existing threads as we will be closing this one:

And here is additional information from Dallas Dickinson regarding server transfers from a recent Weekly Q&A:


Arymono: When will character transfers be available for everybody?


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer, and we’ll reveal more details closer to the launch date.

You may also wish to check out the Star Wars: The Old Republic Official Podcast Episode I discussion, where they address



Thank you.

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