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Cybertech: What's the point? and plans for the future


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I guess you didn't read that part where my CT char has 30 million? 20k for an exotech stim is nothing. You can do dailies which give you close to 300k PER DAY. If you have trouble paying for exotech stims, a dose of learn2notbelazy is in order.


Exotech stims are *not* the problem, they are just part of it. It seems it's you lacking reading comprehension.

First: you sell things that on my server DO NOT SELL. Believe me, I tried.

Second: Exotech stims are only part of the cost, and it's already a cost you have a hard time covering by doing the dailies. Mostly because either you do the dailies or you use the stims on something useful like pvp or raiding (ofc if you can play 6+ hours a day you can do both, but that's not for everybody). The problem is that on top of THAT cost, you would have to add the cost of adrenals and medpacks. When I could use the pvp adrenals, I was using 3 to 5 each warzone, up to 10 times a day. Add also the cost of the medpacks, for similar numbers.

There's NO way that is in any way coverable by dailies or, realistically, any kind of income short of hacking.


That said, I wanted to bring this thread up again for this:


[Augment] Kits are acquired through three crew skills: Armstech, Armormech and Synthweaving. There is no difference in the kits they make, and they can find the recipes on the trainer.


Source: http://inquisitorsroadhouse.com/2012/05/16/patch-1-3-crew-skills-changes-qa-with-swtor-systems-designers-david-hunt-and-patrick-malott/


We still get the short end of the stick, yay.

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In all fairness, those professions SHOULD get the ability to craft the augment kits, because 1.3 will render crit crafting for those skills all but meaningless. Almost all the augmented gear I sell is to level 50 characters who want to change looks, which means all of them will have to add the highest level of augment slot, even if it's already slotted. They're basically taking away what 1.2 added, so they had to replace it with something.


Cybertech needs something in another direction. It SHOULD have been given the ability to build the crafting parts/mods for the ship robot--which would have let people on Imperial side actually USE that aspect of CT. It should still get new speeder models, and some type of robot pet would be awesome. Personally, I think CT should get "quality of life" gadgets that make things more convenient, like secondary Quick Travel teleporters or field repair kits--basically, stuff CT should get is going to be used to buff Legacy instead.

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And it is not that Biochem is a problem, or that there's accessible mods that players can buy if they quest, it is just that they made every other crew skills essentially a dead end once you get to 50. There should be something superior for the crew skills that make them viable past level 50.


This is an extreme short sightedness in game design. Bad Bioware, Bad, Bad, Bad...


The simple solution would be to have schematics that have superior mods, armor, ear pieces, etc. for Cybertech that what you can get from a vender. And why all the lame restrictions (cooldowns) on grenades and such, make them a real advantage that makes Cybertech a coveted crewskill. Also have real mines, invisible things that you and place down for others to accidentally run into, and something like plastic explosives where you have a remote trigger.

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Just dropped a lvl 25 mod in EV. It is not reversable. Really.


onl;y the mods in denova are REable which is real BULL i also have cyber and cant stand that its a pretty useless skill at endgame but meh i guess ill just supply my new armortech with mods and sell orange gear with armorings and mods in the my aug/orange gear for creds

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Cybertech R.I.P.

After level 50 the efficiency of the profession 0. Of course you can not deceive ourselves by finding the values ​​where they do not, but in relation to other production skills are in the Cybertech ​​they are negligible

Edited by manull
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im curious what faction are you?


my agent is cyber but once i got my Jk to lvl 50 i suddenly realised id need some droid parts for the last quest.


it was then i realised that if my agent made lvl 50 purple droid parts and then sent them to my republic characters i could sell them and make a ton of creds.


And id like to point out that if the secret companion comes out in 1.3 then everyone will want high end droid parts.

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im curious what faction are you?


my agent is cyber but once i got my Jk to lvl 50 i suddenly realised id need some droid parts for the last quest.


it was then i realised that if my agent made lvl 50 purple droid parts and then sent them to my republic characters i could sell them and make a ton of creds.


And id like to point out that if the secret companion comes out in 1.3 then everyone will want high end droid parts.


It shouldn't matter. Imperial players shouldn't have to create Republic characters just to see more utility from Cybertech. It's ridiculous that an entire subset of the profession is 95% worthless to one faction. Imperial Agent is the only Imperial class that has any real use for droid parts, but it's the least played class, and that companion isn't even used all that much. Even when it is used, Cybertech crafted droid parts aren't necessary, not unless someone really, really feels the need for an augment slot.


I would LOVE to have a response from BioWare about why they decided to shaft Imperial Cybertech characters that way.

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In truth, even if JKs need droid parts for their quest, it's quite pointless... Companions are quite useless at lvl 50... Aside from the few droid companions, the others will just be equipped with discarded raid gear, and afaik no droid companion is a healer, meaning that most of the time people won't even bother gearing them up. I know I didn't and I'm Cybertech myself.
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I don't have a Cybertech but I think the OP brings up some valid points. Endgame your best bet is probably to try and learn schems from REing Campaign and Blackhole stuff. other than that IDN.


(of course, you could argue that no crafting skill is particularly useful at endgame, except maybe Biochem, since SWTOR has mostly loot-based endgame gear progression) Stims and Custom or Rakata stuff crafted with augment slots is really the only thing worth making for lvl 50. Everything else comes from dailies or doing hardmodes and raids.


Basically if your crafting you are either making gear for low-lvl alts or you are making stuff with augment slots or augments themselves.

Edited by MorgonKara
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Cybertech is a joke for a crafting profession IMO. I've been Cybertech since release and to be honest, I sold quite a few mods, but at a loss of what it cost me to make them. Purple grade 22 armoring is the biggest joke of all. It takes 4 Mandalorian Irons to make 1 armoring mod, when the people sell them on the GTN for 7.5 - 10k each, so the very minimum it would costs me 30l to make each armoring mod. Yet people running dailies are selling them for 10-20k each, so there is no way to make money from armoring mods at all. The game content rewards ruined that for Cybertech.


As the codex entry states:


"Cybertech is the skill to assemble droid armor, earpieces, grenades, armoring, mods, ship weapons, ship shields and ship armor, vehicles such as speederbikes, and much more. Armoring and mods are upgrade modifications that augment combat ability. Earpieces are external mini-computers that are worn on or near the ear. They enhance combat prowess by giving audio and visual feedback to the wearer or though direct neural feedback via an external nerve relay."


But yet, we don't have the ability to create augments. Everything we make is out classed by all content in this game. The only thing we can do is grind our butts off to earn Blackhole Commendation and then spend 89k to rip out the Armoring and Modification Mods to RE to see if we can learn the schematic. BUT WAIT! I found out the hard way, that you can't learn the Armoring mods...WTH? I thought we could learn them, this is what was said to us. No, but we can only RE the Modification Mod! So grind your butts off to buy gear only to destroy it to try and learn 1 schematic if you can even learn it.


I've went through 455 Blackhole Commendations and haven't learned a damn thing, so that's pretty awesome. So I say Cybertech is full of fail.


My suggestion, remove all mods from future gear drops, that way people look for Mods on the GTN, at least that will give us the ability to sell mods again. Also while you're at it, remove the mods from the vendors as well. That way Cybertech is a viable crafting skill. Why give us the ability to craft things if the in game vendors sell the same damn thing at a cheaper price than we can craft them for.

Edited by Beef_Cake
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At this point I'm jealous you have enough people to run the content to get that many BH Comms. But yeah, once I reached Belsavis and saw the mod rewards, I was like ***... Why'd I bother researching to level 49 mods?! I already knew my earpieces wouldn't sell well after a month and I was right.
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