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Hey Bioware how about you stop beating around the bush?


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How about we get some answers on rated warzones? There are two things to do in this game. PVE and PVP. Considering that it is 50% of the in game content I would have hoped the developers would at the very least address the future of rated warzones. Forget that they spent two months hyping up the 8 man groups only to cancel 24 hours after patch 1.2 is announced. It has been a month and we have not heard one peep about rated. Quite frankly I don't even care if you don't put in rated just let me Q with 7 other people I am tired of playing with mentally deficient 12 year olds that need their hands held and the game spoon fed to them. I have searched throughout the site and have found only the slightest mention of a possibility of rated being implemented by 1.3. If it isn't in 1.3 are we really expected to hold out till 1.4 in the hopes of it then? Is Bioware genuinely trying to make all the serious PvP guys quit? This game had so much potential and still has so much potential but Bioware has dropped the ball at every opportunity. Pull yourselves together Bioware and put out one freakin patch that doesnt need three days of emergency maintenance to fix. I might be done with MMOs after this cause I sure as hell am not playing GW2. We'll find out if D3 can fill that void in a few days...
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I've been a PvPer since day one of this game, and I was honestly optimistic for the longest time that the PvP would actually end up going somewhere. Now, months later after being strung along by bioware there is NOTHING to show for it.


What is the difference between pvp now and pvp day one?

The new gear looks horrible and takes ages to grind out, the queue system is awful and I constantly am matched with retarded players, the new warzone Novaire Coast was desgined for 8 man queues but I have to play it with random matching, and queueing against same faction still doesn't change the fact that my teamates are usually worthless and uncoordinated.


Could they not have just released 8 man unrated wz's and brought satisfaction to 99% of our complaints?


Seems to me that Bioware and EA literally want all the PvPers in this game to quit. If so, they are doing the best job I've ever seen of making any future customers avoid them like the plague. I am a GM of a massive and powerful PvP guild and I'm literally about to quit this game for ANY alternative. It's not the fact that you PvP system sucks, it's the fact that we were strung along with false hopes, and never even were reassured along the way that anything was being done to fix these problems.

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I don't care about rated WZs. I'd be happy to be able to queue with8 people though.


You know what I'm really tired of though? All the *********** whining and ************ and moaning from this horrible community. Srsly haet you guys.


The **** will be released when it is ready to be released. Until then, take your whiny, entitled asses and get a *********** hobby or something.

Edited by belialle
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Here is a short summary of the information released so far on patch 1.3:



Group Finder System


Story Operations

Questing on X Planet


Augment Tables - ability to add augment to "any" piece of gear. Makes crafting crits obsolete?

Dynamic Gear - some pieces of gear will have their stats increase as you level up (social vendor, etc.)

Legacy Character Perks - ability to give specific characters different bonuses depending on how you plan to play them. IE - maybe you want to level alot with pvp on one character so you can give him a PVP EXP bonus.

UNCONFIRMED: New HK-51 Robot Companion



Unconfirmed/Not in 1.3:


Ranked Warzones

8 Man PVP Queuing

Server Merges


About the ranked war zones, it was said that its not ready yet, it needs to cook a little more, and will be ready "Soon".

Edited by Baneberry
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