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Bioware you should change the class describtion for Commandos


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I am tired of writing the same things again and again, so please read my precedent replies if you are curious. I may write a tutorial if I have time to, but english is not my mother tongue, so I am a little lazy about this.


The important point is "don't take anybody 1vs1 unless you don't have the choice" (eg you are alone defending one point), and "when fighting 1vs1, go all out" (use relics, shields, adrenaline, cryo, all what you have, because If you die your team might lose the match). After this, the technique depends on the class that has come to you. Against a marauder it is often better to call for help and run around the poles to survive enough time for your friends to come rescue you. But if you try to take him out, keep in mind that around 2kpv left he will use is super defensive skills, so when he is about to reach it, mezz him (just to make him break the cc), then cryo him and burst him. If you finish him before expiration of the cryo you win, otherwise you are done. That's not easy, but you can do it, good luck!

Edited by Boufsa
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When I hear word "Commando", i imagine jack of all trades, someone who can shoot people, knife them, is a demolition expert and can handle vehicles, and also is a stealth specialist. Like Rambo, or commando from Command and Conquer series, or Shadow from Jagged Alliance. When I find out that he is just a turret, mimicing Sage playstyle, I was kinda dissapointed. That's the reason I switched to Assault from Gunnery, cause I seem to have more tricks that way.


yeah sure but gunnery IS the commando, playing assault might aswell just reroll to vanguard...

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I rolled a commando (my 4th class and character, the others all at least BM) entirely because of all the whine. I just had to see it for myself. I kept asking myself, "self, how bad can it be?"


Anyway, I am no authority, yet. I have played her to level 34 (valor 34) thus far; however, I just can't see what all the complaining is about. Yes, the class is bad at one versus one. Yes, in mmo's all ranged dps are supposed to be bad at one versus one. And, at least in sub-50, it's not even thaaat bad. If I don't pretend to be a turret (I never do) then I can actually beat (poorly played) marauders and such one on one.


In the end (if you can call it and end since I'm not even 50 yet), I wonder how much of the complaining comes from people who have ever played an rdps in another game. The commando doesn't feel any worse to me than my old sorc in warhammer, or my eldritch in Daoc, etc.


As a ranged dpser, the keys to killing, and staying alive to kill, are ALWAYS situational awareness, positioning, and deterrence. The first two are pretty straight forward, but the last can use some explaining, so here goes. Deterrence... a marauder jumps at you, interrupting your grav round. You don't hit grav round again and hope he doesn't interrupt it with a 4-second lockout to follow, you punt him (with a 4-second slow). This part, some people get. But them you STILL don't try to grav round him (or anyone else). Instead, since he is slowed, you move. Throw a sticky grenade, use a hammer shot, whatever you have that is usable on the move, but MOVE, and move away, and (heres the good part) find a spot to LOS him in the 12-15 seconds you have before he can jump again, or else get behind your team's lines so that if he does, he is in trouble.


In games like these, people of a certain mentality are drawn to melee dps. They LIKE to jump-in-and-kill. They don't like being kited, especially if you are using LoS. In the above example, when the marauder does reach you again--assuming he hasn't given up already--knock him back with a stockstrike, stun him and keep moving. By this point, most marauders will find a new, more stationary target, and tada! you can go back to blowing the snot out of people with grav round. Best of all is, in the time spent kiting, you are still doing damage, while the marauder is not.


Perhaps I will change my mind when I play at 50, assuming the server population allows play at 50 when I get there next week (lol, /sad face), but my current experience tells me the commando runs near-fine. The only thing they need, to my mind, is a tiny bit more utility. I can't for example understand why they seem to be the only class in the game without an interrupt?


Anyhow, your mileage may vary, but so far I've been topping charts my entire albeit short-lived career.



learn to read.




Except that that same marauder has these things called roots and snares that it doesn't matter how much you "kite" he's going to catch you and you're -not- going to be able to do enough damage while running to kill him so its still a free kill.

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Except that that same marauder has these things called roots and snares that it doesn't matter how much you "kite" he's going to catch you and you're -not- going to be able to do enough damage while running to kill him so its still a free kill.


i stand toe-to-toe with marauders and kill them all the time.


granted, yes, i put a lot more into killing them than say, an operative, but the hardest things for me to kill are people with cleanses who know how to use them. that doesn't include marauders.

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