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synthwaving purple items


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after talking ingame to the support droid, he suggested I post in here to get this glanced at :)


As a maniac, I always craft purple items, in my case, endowment items (for a sorcerer DPS).


However, in the high level, I noticed that a lower level item seemed "better" dps wise than it's higher level conterpart.

If not better, the improvement were extremelly little, considering the time and ressources needed to learn the item in question.


Here are the details:


1. Endowment Reactive-impact legwraps (Level 39 light armor)


2. Endowment Focused battle legwraps (Level 47 light armor)



stat L39 L47

armor 347 398

endurance +38 +47

willpower +43 +58

critical rating +53 +45 (??)

surge rating +45 +45 (??)

accuracy 0 +25

Power 0 +25


But technically speaking for a DPS, the L47 seems weaker than the L39


The armor rating is borderline irrelevant for light armor due to the low amount absorded, but what puzzles me, is that crit rating is lower,and power surge is identical. Then Power and accuracy are added, which does not really matter in those amounts. Is it possible to check those items and make sure there were no errors in the stats for advanced crafted items in Synthweaving?


I'm trying to craft only endowment purples, which usually seems to have the higher critical ratings and surge rating, but in some cases, it seems the stats are odd.


There is also the possiblity that I completly misunderstood how the stats for purples are created, but comparing various "Endowment" purples, it seems that some have accuracy/power stats, rather than an increase in crit/surge.


I usually craft the green basic item, dissassemble until I get the critical version of that item, then dissassemble the blue critical until I get the endowment purple version of the item.


Hope this is clear enough, english is not my native language, and it is 2am :D

Edited by DarthDucky
Typos ^_^
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while the item budget may be off (i would need to plug it into my spreadsheet) at a glance it looks about right. the actual value of stats depends entirely on where your other stats are at. all stats but power/willpower suffer from dr. every point you get is worth less than the previous point. generally spreading your budget out amongst as many stats as possible will yield a higher return per piece, but that is determined entirely by how good the rest of your gear is.


pretty quickly you will reach soft caps where generally your other stats dont scale well enough that doing nothing but stacking as much power/willpower will give you the best return regardless. some stats, like accuracy are completely worthless for sorcerers, and others, like alacrity, are extremely weak.

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Thank you dream,


however, my issues is that I expected "Endowment" to carry the same kind of stats, not have an extra 2 that I do not need added on some items, and not on others :).


I mean, if the same upgrade path, contains different results, we (crafters) are probably going to need a map of every single items we can craft to know what items we need to learn otherwise, as a weaker item could potentially end up a lot more suitable as a purple if the upgrades are not constant. :)


I don't think learning every purple version of an item is probably not a possibility, it is already very hard to keep the items on par with the character level, that would make it impossible, not to mention the cost ^_^.

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