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Easiest spec to play?


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Rolling a Sentinel just to finish chapter two for the Legacy Buff. Whats the easiest spec to play, with the least amount of button smashing, that will let me level the fastest? Edited by Dabrixmgp
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Commando is the class your looking for!


No spec's have a low amount of button mashing in sentinel, all 3 has a lot of buttons and there is not a lot of difference between.


Watchman is 'easiest' to play however

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i run a merc healer, and agree with the post before mine, commando/merc classes are fairly simple. dps spams about a 3-4 move rotation and the healer versions of those classes only have about a 3 move rotation, honestly lol. you add some stuff in every once in a while, but it's basically the same 3 buttons, just have to be creative with them.
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The JK legacy buff is only really useful at 50 when you have a good amount of bonus damage/healing for that 5% to make a noticeable difference (pre 50 it gives what? 2-5DPS?). But if your raid doesn't have a Sentinel in it then you may want to question that the leadership is up to since they bring far, far, far more to a group than 5% to Bonus Damage/Healing.


The Trooper legacy buff is useful from 1-50 since extra HP is always nice. So are the Consular and Smuggler buffs.

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Unless you're scared of imperial quests, better roll SW - it gives the same buff, and gets healer earlier(and that makes things much easier). Also, not sure how it looks on warrior side, but many JK class boss fights are considered quite hard.
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Since I assume you're talking about Jedi Sentinel and no one else seems to be tackling the issue:

I don't think any of the specs are necessarily easier and Sentinel actually requires a lot more attention than other classes no matter which spec.


Probably I'd say Focus is the easiest to actually play since it revolves around mostly use of Slash, Force Sweep and Blade Storm. But it still requires a lot of concentration to determine when you best have to use your Sweep for max damage. Watchman is regarded as the best PvE and PvP spec, which will be an easier time leveling and tackling content.


If you're looking for an easy to play class, however, Sentinel is probably up there as one of the most meticulous.

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Playing combat and enjoying that. As I mentioned this is only to finish chapter two for the legacy buff and maxing out as many companions as I can for more presence. I wont be doing end game PvP or FPs so Im leveling just fine with only 3-4 buttons and a few defensive cooldowns.
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For the Knight/Warrior buffs: First, if it's all the same to you, I recommend Warrior. You get your healer on Imp Balmorra (lvl 18ish) vs. the Knight's Balmorra (lvl 34ish).


Second, neither Sentinel nor Marauder is simple in any way, but Watchman/Annihilation is a powerful spec that keeps you moving fast. Lots to keep track of, it's a tricky dynamic playstyle, but once you're on a roll you just don't stop.


I would say an Annihilation Marauder backed by Quinn would be the fastest route to the legacy unlock.

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Little late to change sides already 23 with 400 cyber tech with all blue armoring/mods learned as well as all epic ear pieces for each stat. I could care less about having a healer. With millions of creds I can spam medpacks all day and channeling rest after every few fights only takes 5 seconds tops. Went Combat and enjoying it. Very easy to play. Edited by Dabrixmgp
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