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Question about Kira


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ok, so I got her affection up to 10000 but I never got her final quest(s). I did it via gifts because I just found it easier and I was grinding up crew skills anyways. Would there be a reason I wouldn't get her final quest? I haven't actually finished the full Sentinel story line because I mostly pvp'd. To get her fully finished though is it a requirement to actually finish the class quests? The reason I know there is more to her story is because under my legacy tab she is still blacked out so I am just curious as to what I did wrong. Edited by JsunJay
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You can't completely all of her conversations until you complete all of your class quests. She has two or three convos that occur after you complete Corellia and the final class missions.


Thanks that's what I was wondering. I'm working through the class quest now think I am almost done with Corellia.

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