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Merc interrupts and determination?


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In PVP determination cool down is way too long, plus it seems im never immune to stuns (yet somehow every other player just absorbs mine) I have arsenal tree and full battlemaster vindicator


Sometimes when im fighting a jedi they interrupt me and my cooldowns last longer, how can I do the same to them?

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Yes since 1.2 My mercs stun does nothing most of the time even though the opponents resolve bar is empty. This combined with that fact that mercs don't have an interrupt at all makes for in my opinion an imbalance issue with the other classes.


But hell Mercs don't even do as much damage as Power techs. Even though mercs are suppose to be the dps spec. Kind of amusing.


I am however not hopeful at all that BioWare will ever do anything to fix merc. To make them comparable with other classes that are similarly geared.

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In PVP determination cool down is way too long, plus it seems im never immune to stuns (yet somehow every other player just absorbs mine) I have arsenal tree and full battlemaster vindicator


Sometimes when im fighting a jedi they interrupt me and my cooldowns last longer, how can I do the same to them?


Firstly, if you're full Arsenal, you should be wearing Battlemaster Eliminator gear. Since I'm pretty sure Vindicator is a Sith Warrior set of some kind, I'm going to assume you misremembered what your set's called. But just in case you're wearing Supercommando or something, remember: Eliminator.


Secondly, do you understand how resolve works? You can become immune to stuns, but it's only when your resolve bar gets full and turns white. From then until the white runs out, you cannot be stunned or knocked back - but you can be rooted and slowed. Those things do not affect resolve and are not affected by it.


The attack that FILLs your resolve bar, however, will still affect you. It's only after it fills that the immunity comes into play. So, unless it is pretty tactically important for you to become unstunned (say, you've been stunned over a fire pit that's about to go off, or you're taking out the last bit of a ball carrier's health near the goal line, or someone's capping your door in Voidstar and no one else is around), do NOT use Determination until your bar is full. Eat CC until it's full, then use Determination to throw off the effect that filled your resolve bar, and fight with immunity for a bit. It's the only effective way to use the system.

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In PVP determination cool down is way too long, plus it seems im never immune to stuns (yet somehow every other player just absorbs mine) I have arsenal tree and full battlemaster vindicator


Sometimes when im fighting a jedi they interrupt me and my cooldowns last longer, how can I do the same to them?


The debate on determination's cooldown length is a long running one. As for interupts... Mercs are the only class which lacks one. I suspect at one point in time Sages were supposed to similarly lack one (as they are the only other class with an all purpose in combat Mezz), but someone changed it and Bioware won't give the Merc an interupt.

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