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Black Hole Gear/Comms


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Just an idea!!!


Instead of daily comms from doing the black hole dailies; how about we get black hole comms? (serious)


In addition how about a Schematic set for 50k credits like the BM / WH Gear? (serious)


Also how about making the toinese gear purchasable with credits like you did to the Champion Gear (Recruit Gear)?


these are just some ideas

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Just an idea!!!


Instead of daily comms from doing the black hole dailies; how about we get black hole comms? (serious)


In addition how about a Schematic set for 50k credits like the BM / WH Gear? (serious)


Also how about making the toinese gear purchasable with credits like you did to the Champion Gear (Recruit Gear)?


these are just some ideas


Yes this a million times this


black hole gear was supposed to help non raiders get decent gear. Why only 6 comms per week then? if they all gave black hole comms then they could add up to a black hole set eventually.

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Considering BH gear is one of the best statwise, I think its intentional that grinding for it takes a long time. So even if I want BH gear, Im going to say no. Getting BH gear too easy would devalue all gear, particularly HMs and operations


black hole gear was supposed to help non raiders get decent gear.


Uh, its better than raid gear. So EVERYONE would get them, not just 'non-raiders'. Also, if youre not raiding, what do you need the gear for?


TLDR: the topic post boils down to this

Edited by Karkais
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Yes this a million times this


black hole gear was supposed to help non raiders get decent gear. Why only 6 comms per week then? if they all gave black hole comms then they could add up to a black hole set eventually.


what? black hole gear is the most powerful gear in the game. you want raid gear? go raid.


6 bh comms per week for a simple heroic 4 mission is more than generous.

Edited by TheNevet
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I guess you weren't around during the massive crying by raiders when they thought every daily gave black hole comms (turns out they were all drama queens and over-reacted since it was only a weekly that gave it, amusingly enough. I am still extremely amused by it.) Edited by Lemina_Ausa
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i agree and disagree here 6 per week makes it about 5 weeks for little items and alot longer for bigger items almost a year before they have to actual develope more gear maybe in that year they can actual fix the important stuff like sound bugs etc


and low and behold maybe learn to get a patch right so don't have to bring server down every 3 days to fix the last patch

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Just an idea!!!


Instead of daily comms from doing the black hole dailies; how about we get black hole comms? (serious)


In addition how about a Schematic set for 50k credits like the BM / WH Gear? (serious)


Also how about making the toinese gear purchasable with credits like you did to the Champion Gear (Recruit Gear)?


these are just some ideas


how is BHgear the strongest??? it doesnt have a set bonus, the campaine gear does... i would like to have the BH dailies give black hole comms ect.. reg missions give 1 comm per completion and heroic 4 give 6 per completion (this because it is a heroic 4 and the heroic 2's on ilum / belsavis gives 3 dailies) and the weekly completion give 9 comms


i am not asking for the campain gear with the set bonus i just want the BH gear because it looks cool for Trooper

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how is BHgear the strongest??? it doesnt have a set bonus, the campaine gear does... i would like to have the BH dailies give black hole comms ect.. reg missions give 1 comm per completion and heroic 4 give 6 per completion (this because it is a heroic 4 and the heroic 2's on ilum / belsavis gives 3 dailies) and the weekly completion give 9 comms


i am not asking for the campain gear with the set bonus i just want the BH gear because it looks cool for Trooper


Campaign gear is better, but BH gear isn't far behind raw stat wise.


The comms come from Denova. Actually, you get quite a few from a Denova story run. The weekly is just a suppliment. Giving a BH comm per black hole daily mission would completely degrade the value of the (standard) daily comms and columni & rataka gear.

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i am not a PvEer, i dont care about the stats lol it isnt going to help me in pvp. i want the apperance i want to put my WH mods/armoring/enhancement into the gear Edited by Darth-_-
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Given the quality of BH I am ok with it taking some time to get, but the amount of time does seem a little bit ridiculous.


Maybe they should add a 2-man daily that awards 1 BH Commendation, with some kind of weekly cap on total BH Commendations no matter the source (say, 12). You're not going to grind out BH gear instantly, but neither will it take you a whole year to get either.

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Just an idea!!!


Instead of daily comms from doing the black hole dailies; how about we get black hole comms? (serious)


In addition how about a Schematic set for 50k credits like the BM / WH Gear? (serious)


Also how about making the toinese gear purchasable with credits like you did to the Champion Gear (Recruit Gear)?


these are just some ideas

At first I thought the price was a bit expensive but when you compare it to how Rakata gear (used to be top tier) is gained, it's actually not bad at all. Before 1.2, you had to run Ops to get Rakata gear. There was no weekly quest to get Rakata tokens. When you think about it, BH gear is actually easier to get than Rakata gear (although it takes longer).

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i am not arguing that point, my point is i want the apperance, i am NOT a PvEer and i dont care about the stats. i would be happy with a schematic set added to the vendor for me to buy and craft


but as is the "Black Hole" dailies should give "Black Hole Comms" not daily comms


you already had Ilum and belsavis for those

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Considering BH gear is one of the best statwise, I think its intentional that grinding for it takes a long time. So even if I want BH gear, Im going to say no. Getting BH gear too easy would devalue all gear, particularly HMs and operations


Not really. A guild decked out in BH gear will still fail on the numerous mechanics if their skill is lacking.


Uh, its better than raid gear. So EVERYONE would get them, not just 'non-raiders'. Also, if youre not raiding, what do you need the gear for?


TLDR: the topic post boils down to this


No one "needs" better gear - it's the just carrot on the stick to keep people logging in and advancing their character. The mindset that "raids must needs better gearz" is something that was put forward years ago and just hasn't quite died completely yet. It's on its way out, just not quite there yet.

Edited by Raeln
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i am not arguing that point, my point is i want the apperance, i am NOT a PvEer and i dont care about the stats. i would be happy with a schematic set added to the vendor for me to buy and craft


but as is the "Black Hole" dailies should give "Black Hole Comms" not daily comms


you already had Ilum and belsavis for those


I thought it looked like the PVP gear - just slightly different color?

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i am not arguing that point, my point is i want the apperance, i am NOT a PvEer and i dont care about the stats. i would be happy with a schematic set added to the vendor for me to buy and craft


but as is the "Black Hole" dailies should give "Black Hole Comms" not daily comms


you already had Ilum and belsavis for those


This argument doesn't hold any water. Let' me just change a few words here and see if you agree with this sentiment. I would like to have the black-blue saber crystal, but I'm strictly a PvE player. So why can't I just get the necessary commendations to buy all the fancy PvP gear without actually having to grind the PvP?

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I don't even make effort to do the weekly for 6 comms since I can check the vendor and see it would take 5-10 weeks per peice and lets be honest if I wanted to spend a year or more trying to get one set just for the look it would be easier to spam fleet till I got into ops to get campaign gear could probably get the better set in less than a month that way or at least most of it. Black hole gear makes no sense as it has no set bonus and is harder to get.


On the other hand why cant I buy the patterns as I just want it for cosmetic purposes anyway. pvp just buy their patterns why can't i? and no I don't wanna hear about having x valor lv fr pvp gear as you can clear valor 70 in a short time if pvp is your game.

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Quit whining. I pull in over 40 BH comms a week, every week. If you're not doing that, you're doin' it wrong.


It's simple. If you don't do the work you don't get the rewards.

Edited by Ka-tel
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Quit whining. I pull in over 40 BH comms a week, every week. If you're not doing that, you're doin' it wrong.


It's simple. If you don't do the work you don't get the rewards.

If you enjoy raiding, good for you. Some of us detest it. I have raiding commitments in other games which I enjoy less than this one. It is a tedious means to an end, and I have no desire to spoil my enjoyment of this game by taking on yet another raiding commitment.


Waiting around for everyone to show up and get to the instance is not hard work. Pushing five buttons over and over is not hard work. Not standing in fires or lazers or whatever is not hard work. It has nothing at all to do with working for rewards, and it has nothing to do with being good at the game or any other such nonsense.


I am quite capable and more than willing to work for rewards, but I would prefer to do it without having to commit four-hour blocks of my life to a group of people I may or may not be able to tolerate for that long.

Edited by Kaskali
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Given the quality of BH I am ok with it taking some time to get, but the amount of time does seem a little bit ridiculous.


Maybe they should add a 2-man daily that awards 1 BH Commendation, with some kind of weekly cap on total BH Commendations no matter the source (say, 12). You're not going to grind out BH gear instantly, but neither will it take you a whole year to get either.


This. By the time you are able to get three of the pieces, (without raiding,) we will be well into the next game update with the next tier of raiding gear anyway.

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This. By the time you are able to get three of the pieces, (without raiding,) we will be well into the next game update with the next tier of raiding gear anyway.


PvP-er do PvP to get War Hero Gear

Raider do ops to get Campaign / Black Hole Gear

Casual do dailies / FP to get Columi Gear / Rakata Chest


I don't see the problem here. If you want all people (casual / raider) to get equal gear without doing anything, then what is the point to put OPERATIONS in the 1st place? most ppl will do the easy way to get their BH gear by doing dailies and it will be harder to get a group to do Ops.



Maybe after they put the next tier gear, it is okay to dumb down the requirement to get BH gear like what they did to Tionese for PvE and Battlemaster for PvP. The point is each play-style has its limit.

Edited by yuvinwahyudi
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If you enjoy raiding, good for you. Some of us detest it. I have raiding commitments in other games which I enjoy less than this one. It is a tedious means to an end, and I have no desire to spoil my enjoyment of this game by taking on yet another raiding commitment.


Waiting around for everyone to show up and get to the instance is not hard work. Pushing five buttons over and over is not hard work. Not standing in fires or lazers or whatever is not hard work. It has nothing at all to do with working for rewards, and it has nothing to do with being good at the game or any other such nonsense.


I am quite capable and more than willing to work for rewards, but I would prefer to do it without having to commit four-hour blocks of my life to a group of people I may or may not be able to tolerate for that long.


You don't enjoy raiding--fine. But don't cry when you can't get the rewards that come from it.

LOL @ Denova being easy. You shot yourself in the foot with that one. It's easy but you're unable or unwilling to do it? Yet you want the gear from it..... Sorry, you wanting gear for little or no effort would completely disable progression raiding for those of us that want it. You don't want to raid so that shouldn't bother you, right?

Wrong--cause here you are complaining about it.


The best gear is for raiders. Deal with it. If you're not raiding why do you need the gear anyways?


Also, certain gear is a badge of accomplishment. I don't want you looking like you accomplished something when you didn't. Deal with that too.

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