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Ship Droid Affection


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My ship droid is a sycophantic bootlicking toady who worships the very air I breathe. Yet, his affection is permanently stuck at 0/10000. Why don't you just make it so that his affection automatically starts off at 10000/10000?


It's not gamebreaking or important or anything, but it just feels...wrong to me that someone who cares about me so much that he re-upholsters my seat cushions ten times a day has 0 affection for me. :p

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It's not gamebreaking or important or anything


Yeah it kinda is. Because companion affection effects the time they spend doing crew missions, as well as the chance to crit when crafting. Giving him 10,000 to start would be a huge advantage over how things currently are.

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It's not permanent anymore. Since 1.2, you've been able to increase your droid's affection by gift giving.


I do agree, though, that given how much your droid kisses your butt, he should start off at around 4000 affection or something. It's kind of annoying that it doesn't, because now every crafter on the server has a companion that wants cultural gifts, and if you're a guy like me who has seven characters with seven ship droids, that's a lot of cultural gifts to try to acquire.

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I believe the idea is to add affection gains to him eventually. Giving them 10,000 affection starting out, then removing it when the change is made might upset some people. Also, stating the droid has max affection but none of the crafting benefits would confuse people more.
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My ship droid is a sycophantic bootlicking toady who worships the very air I breathe. Yet, his affection is permanently stuck at 0/10000. Why don't you just make it so that his affection automatically starts off at 10000/10000?


He doesn't ACTUALLY like you at 0/10000, he is just doing his job, like a McDonald's employee doesn't ACTUALLY like you, but is a sycophantic bootlicking toady who worships the very air you breathe. As you give him gifts, he begins to believe what he's saying. And so does the ship droid. Boom boom!

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