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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop changing warzones


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Please stop messing around and changing warzones and please just start working on Ilum. Warzones get boring. Playing on a server that is low populated and dominated by a republic Pre-made that coordinates via Vent vs my PuG with the majority of Imps who still haven't realized you cant pvp with 0 expertise. I don't give a ***** about my dailies, because they are worthless IMO. The reward is barely anything. I want something exciting, something that is always different.


Yeah, warzones are always different but to a certain extent they are ALWAYS the same. I'm not saying that I don't have fun playing warzones, but rarely do I take place in a warzone that isn't totally lopsided. Lopsided matches aren't fun and if you think you're having fun because your pre-made team got through the voidstar doors with ease, due to the other teams lack of coordination/healers/players with a brain, then you probably suck anyways. There needs to be more 1v1 pking implemented. I used to sit at mid in Ilum fiending for a fight even when my weekly and dailies were done. I want to run through ilum and find a lone Pube and jump him and beat his *** while he and I put up a close fight that comes down to who ever messes up first rather than who has better gear. Pvp is just a mess, and the only reason i stick around is because i enjoy the game because It is star wars and it has potential to be a really sick game. I just hope that Bioware can recognize this before my 6 month subscription runs out or i pick up another game that catches my attention. I.e. Diablo 3 or max payne 3. But anyways yeah, there is my two cents

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I am slightly confused as to how a single faction dominated low population server would be better served by an open-world pvp environment?


Guess I'm in the minority in actually preferring warzone based pvp to open world-- to me open world is the most enjoyable variation of pvp in a game when its balanced relatively equal raid v raid.... but it just so rarely happens on that front and far to often becomes a marked advantage to one side or the other which becomes boring for the team farming and frustrating for the team being farmed.



Personally I think cross faction warzones, allowing premade groups to queue against one another and soloers to queue against one another would be a much healthier addition to this variation of pvp.

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Hate to say it because I do enjoy this game but... If you want worthwhile open world PVP this is not the game you are looking for....


I mean honestly their idea of open world pvp was stick everyone in an area and have them click on a machine, which lead to objective trading.


Then to fix is they added little boxes in ONE spot on Ilum which led to the smaller faction getting pummeled over and over and over again until they would turtle at their base until they had their kills and then leave.


The sad thing about this is they have PVP devs on their team from a game that while it unfortunately flopped (Warhammer) did have a solid open world PVP foundation and they used not one thing learned from that previous game. Had they taken the good things learned on Warhammer and added in some Bioware twists and tweaks the open world in this game could have been great.


If you wan't worthwhile open world PVP I suggest looking at other games because I expect we will be holding out our breath for a long time before we finally get it here. There is a game that starts with a 'G' and ends with a '2', this MAY be the game your looking for...

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Hate to say it because I do enjoy this game but... If you want worthwhile open world PVP this is not the game you are looking for....


I mean honestly their idea of open world pvp was stick everyone in an area and have them click on a machine, which lead to objective trading.


Then to fix is they added little boxes in ONE spot on Ilum which led to the smaller faction getting pummeled over and over and over again until they would turtle at their base until they had their kills and then leave.


The sad thing about this is they have PVP devs on their team from a game that while it unfortunately flopped (Warhammer) did have a solid open world PVP foundation and they used not one thing learned from that previous game. Had they taken the good things learned on Warhammer and added in some Bioware twists and tweaks the open world in this game could have been great.


If you wan't worthwhile open world PVP I suggest looking at other games because I expect we will be holding out our breath for a long time before we finally get it here. There is a game that starts with a 'G' and ends with a '2', this MAY be the game your looking for...


I think major game studios fail to recognize flops as "good idea bad execution" rather taking the "that didn't work, let's not do that again" approach.

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but it doesn't seem so hard. I just want a planet to go on, where other players go on, and that we can openly run around wherever we want and fight while gaining valor xp+ commendations for our kills. I'm just tired of the zerging in warzones, it really isn't fun when its 5v1
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I think major game studios fail to recognize flops as "good idea bad execution" rather taking the "that didn't work, let's not do that again" approach.


But you see this system worked wonders in Dark Age of Camelot, sure it wasn't a blockbuster but PVPers loved it. When War game out people enjoyed it as well, most complaints about War IRC was about the wretched class balancing which plagued it for way to long and the bland PVE.


Even GW2 is bringing that back with a twist, I have played it, its a blast and buzz all over is nearly everyone is loving the WvWvW.


Imagine how much fun TOR could have been if it had a similar system in and had manned up and added 3 factions to help balance stuff out. A 3rd faction could have really helped keep open world alive in the really early stage of this game.


They should have had Imperial, Republic and Separatist. Classes could have stayed the same with a few changes. Bounty Hunter and Smuggler could have been available on the 3rd faction as well and then they could have created Two more force classes that use Techblades instead that Mirrored Inquisitor and Warrior (perhaps a Force Witch and Force Warrior).


Make the PVP section on ILUM instanced and as soon as you load in it starts keeping a tally. So you got 52 IMPS and 40 Republic? Well the next 12 Separatists that load into the zone get put on the Republic Side. You could even make it so that when the sides were unbalanced you could Q from anywhere to get placed on Ilum and t would just direct transport you there, as if you called for an evac.

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That seems like a really innovative idea. With as big of a budget bioware had, you'd think we would see something more along the lines of that, rather than useless voice acting that the majority just space bars through


Very true, I do love the voice acting the first time I go through a quest, but as nice as it is, I spam spacebar on repeats. I have done nearly every quest on IMP side so on alts all I do is listen to my main class story, everything else is spacebar at this point. The novelty does wear off eventually.

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