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Thermal detonator? Really?

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I recently switched to pyro merc to try and see if I could be at all effective in WZ because arsenal is beyond broken.


I noticed that the top tier ability (Thermal Detonator) is the exact same thing as explosive dart, but it doesn't say that it does splash damage (AoE). This ability is shared with explosive dart and though it does slightly more damage, is it not even worth getting it? It just seems foolish to spend a talent point on something that you already have.



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I recently switched to pyro merc to try and see if I could be at all effective in WZ because arsenal is beyond broken.


I noticed that the top tier ability (Thermal Detonator) is the exact same thing as explosive dart, but it doesn't say that it does splash damage (AoE). This ability is shared with explosive dart and though it does slightly more damage, is it not even worth getting it? It just seems foolish to spend a talent point on something that you already have.




I had one crit for 4.2k yesterday... that is > "slightly more damage."


Yes, I would love to use both but TD is awesome and required for bursting.


Edit: Yes, I shared your feelings initially when switching to Pyro. If it were AOE, it would be OP unless it did reduced damage for more than 1 target. I would love if I could use both!!

Edited by crrypto
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I recently switched to pyro merc to try and see if I could be at all effective in WZ because arsenal is beyond broken.


I noticed that the top tier ability (Thermal Detonator) is the exact same thing as explosive dart, but it doesn't say that it does splash damage (AoE). This ability is shared with explosive dart and though it does slightly more damage, is it not even worth getting it? It just seems foolish to spend a talent point on something that you already have.




Normal damage yeah is pretty similar. It benefits from Crit Increase talents though so crits make it amazing.

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Thermal detonator should definitely be AoE, just like explosive dart but with more damage. That would not be OP, so what if you hit like 1.5-4k on 3 targets, it's a 31 point talent. You have warriors smashing 5 people for 5-7k damage.


I'm not saying it's useless now, it can be timed with railshots etc for nice burst, but it sucks to share a cooldown with explosive dart, it means we have to sacrifice an aoe to incorportate a 31 point talent, which is lame.

Edited by Sinsavz
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Thermal detonator should definitely be AoE, just like explosive dart but with more damage. That would not be OP, so what if you hit like 1.5-4k on 3 targets, it's a 31 point talent. You have warriors smashing 5 people for 5-7k damage.


I'm not saying it's useless now, it can be timed with railshots etc for nice burst, but it sucks to share a cooldown with explosive dart, it means we have to sacrifice an aoe to incorportate a 31 point talent, which is lame.


Merco here playing regularly with a marauder : it is quite more complicated to land a 5k-7k with a warrior than just launching one spell.

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Thermal detonator should definitely be AoE, just like explosive dart but with more damage. That would not be OP, so what if you hit like 1.5-4k on 3 targets, it's a 31 point talent. You have warriors smashing 5 people for 5-7k damage.


I'm not saying it's useless now, it can be timed with railshots etc for nice burst, but it sucks to share a cooldown with explosive dart, it means we have to sacrifice an aoe to incorportate a 31 point talent, which is lame.


I'd prefer my thermal detonator not be AoE. I do decent damage single target burst when I stack thermal detonator, rail shot, power shot, unload, and 2nd railshot. Since they nerfed DFA's radius, it's not tworth to cast DFA unless enemies are that close together, are not CC'd, AND you stim/trinket to get extra damage. The damage alone barely puts a dent on most classes with gear.

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