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I dont get the problem, healing in pvp


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Now, let me start off by saying I've only been playing a week or so, and am not yet max level. However, I have always played healers from UO to Warhammer to WoW to this and many in between. So while I may not know everything in regards to this game, I've played enough and played enough healers to give my opinion.


I've been doing mainly pvp from level ten to my current level, around 26. At first I noticed myself getting rolled non stop and was pretty frustrating but after learning the nuances, gaining some skills and heading almost exclusively up the healing tree (added willpower) I've noticed myself dominating in healing. Even on bad teams I'm still dominating. I am literally doubling and even tripling the next nearest healer on either team. I don't see why so many people are complaining about healing with a Sorc, I find it to be rather fun and does what its suppose to. Now I rarely try doing damage, I'll root, finish off an enemy if needed but I mainly stick to 100% healing.


I wasn't around very long, but sorc healing is anything but weak..yes we are squishy, but we are healers, not tanks and not fighters. Learn when to fight and when to run.

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I heal with my 50 Sorc in warzones and love it. I don't really have anything at all to complain about. I have excellent utility and survivability. I usually run with 4-5 guildies and use teamwork which seems to go a long way. I'm not sure but some of the complaints seem to be from people solo queuing and complaining they can't keep the entire team alive with relative ease. I have a 50 BH and hate healing with it, it just isn't my style. When I hop on my Sorc on the other hand I simply have a lot of fun. Edited by SunlightTheory
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Ignorant post.


maybe you should learn to play your character.


Thank you, I took note of your original post and followed suit in the same fashion.


Please do comeback and let us know how brilliant you remain at level 50 vs competent players who also have their full arsenal of abilities for you to deal with.

Edited by Kyhren
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Thank you, I took note of your original post and followed suit in the same fashion.


Please do comeback and let us know how brilliant you remain at level 50 vs competent players who also have their full arsenal of abilities for you to deal with.


Kid, not only will I do that for you, I'll send you tips on how to be good yourself.

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Let me tell you a few things, facts:


Players are bad.

MMO players are even worse.

MMO players of a game which has sw in it's name are even worse.


Therefore, they believe other's opinion and shout it around without even understanding it. For example, "sorc healing is nerfed to the ground."


An other thing: Sorc healing, as everything else, has it's ups and downs. I'm a sorc healer myself leveling throw the game on my 7th character, it IS strong and good, but it can be outplayed. And there is a much higher chance of that happening in the 50 bracket than in the low bracket, so he was right about that.


Sorc healer has the highest skillcap of all healers in this game, you can assume how many of the 11year old spoiled scrubs whom have just bought the game because it has SW in it's name have managed to match the standards required to play a sorc on a high level.


Probably, when you will solo queue in full recruit gear and 1 BM item at 50 for your first time, you'll feel different for a week or two. Than you'll see like this again.


Don't give up, sorc is still amazing if you know how to kite, line of sight, switch targets quickly, know how to manage your force, dispel...

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Let me tell you a few things, facts:


Players are bad.

MMO players are even worse.

MMO players of a game which has sw in it's name are even worse.


Therefore, they believe other's opinion and shout it around without even understanding it. For example, "sorc healing is nerfed to the ground."


An other thing: Sorc healing, as everything else, has it's ups and downs. I'm a sorc healer myself leveling throw the game on my 7th character, it IS strong and good, but it can be outplayed. And there is a much higher chance of that happening in the 50 bracket than in the low bracket, so he was right about that.


Sorc healer has the highest skillcap of all healers in this game, you can assume how many of the 11year old spoiled scrubs whom have just bought the game because it has SW in it's name have managed to match the standards required to play a sorc on a high level.


Probably, when you will solo queue in full recruit gear and 1 BM item at 50 for your first time, you'll feel different for a week or two. Than you'll see like this again.


Don't give up, sorc is still amazing if you know how to kite, line of sight, switch targets quickly, know how to manage your force, dispel...


Well said sir

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Kid, not only will I do that for you, I'll send you tips on how to be good yourself.


Thanks, looking forward to it. Although at no point did I claim to be the best or that I have nothing to learn…


My post was “deemed” ignorant, ironic really… A little practice what you preach wouldn’t go a miss.


Yeah I like that he ignored what I said about being 50 and having no issues. Some people just simply having nothing constructive to say I guess


Sort of like the way you ignored the fact that in neither of my posts did I dispute that Sorcs were ok? We were told to “L2P” by someone who is yet to play a sorcerer at level 50, my post was merely to point out that it’s considerably different.



Let me tell you a few things, facts:


Players are bad.

MMO players are even worse.

MMO players of a game which has sw in it's name are even worse.


Therefore, they believe other's opinion and shout it around without even understanding it. For example, "sorc healing is nerfed to the ground."


An other thing: Sorc healing, as everything else, has it's ups and downs. I'm a sorc healer myself leveling throw the game on my 7th character, it IS strong and good, but it can be outplayed. And there is a much higher chance of that happening in the 50 bracket than in the low bracket, so he was right about that.


Sorc healer has the highest skillcap of all healers in this game, you can assume how many of the 11year old spoiled scrubs whom have just bought the game because it has SW in it's name have managed to match the standards required to play a sorc on a high level.


Probably, when you will solo queue in full recruit gear and 1 BM item at 50 for your first time, you'll feel different for a week or two. Than you'll see like this again.


Don't give up, sorc is still amazing if you know how to kite, line of sight, switch targets quickly, know how to manage your force, dispel...


I agree entirely. Practice makes perfect(ish).

Edited by Kyhren
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Losmart, good post, I can agree with that. And to the other guy, your point would be taken better if you didn't come across the way you did. I know I'm not 50, the post I initially started even said as much, you completely ignored my initial paragraph. All I did was make an observation on what I do know and you tried belittling it because I wasn't to your level. I'll make more observations as I move along, but from my experience , which is fifteen years of playing healers in mmo's, that mid tier usually doesn't scale out that different end game. Largely matters on gear, playing ability and style. That much is a given though. Edited by Jazalin
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Well, truth to be told, the point about getting to lvl 50 and then judging your healing was not argued very well or politely, but it needed to be made.

The reason for it is expertise, which on current gear gives ca 20%+ bonus on damage and damage resistance and only 10% bonus to healing. Since there is almost no expertise to be gained prior to lvl 50, you have no way of ascertaining the impact of this discrepancy between healing and damage bonuses.


As far as the person who claims they run WZs regularly with 4-5 guildmates, it might be worthwhile to approach anything else he/she has to say with mild suspicion, since running a 5-6 man premade is impossible, so the person is either wildly exaggerating, or there is some other reason behind this statistical anomaly (like a very limited player pool, which would naturally have an impact on their gaming experience)


Now do not take me wrong, I do not believe that sorc class is completely broken or that sorc healing spec deserves all the whining it gets (frankly, it is the most viable spec in pvp for sorcs), but I believe that the OP really does not have enough information to judge this issue.

Edited by Tawjaq
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Now, let me start off by saying I've only been playing a week or so, and am not yet max level. .


Well guys, this is it- you heard it here first. The class is fine, from the lips of someone who hasn't even touched on endgame and has been playing nothing but low level pugs.


It's good to know we have people like the OP to let us know his low level play says everything that needs to be said about max level pvp.


Thanks OP, really, if not for you some of us might have been under the stupid assumption that the game was different at max level than halfway there- but I'm sure with your long history of gaming you've realized that no class dynamics ever change when you're facing a max geared premade compared to a bunch of aimless low levellers with few abilities and no clue what they're doing.


Really, we have all learned something today.

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Ignorant post.


maybe you should learn to play your character.


He is right. You are not 50. You do not matter. You mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Nothing you say or do has any impact on the game. Your thoughts are utterly insignificant when relating to Sorcs/Sages and PVP.

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He is right. You are not 50. You do not matter. You mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Nothing you say or do has any impact on the game. Your thoughts are utterly insignificant when relating to Sorcs/Sages and PVP.


To be fair, none of us matter to the dev team and their infallible metrics. :rolleyes:


That said:

Please understand that comparing damage between classes at an arbitrary level (16) is not going to yield any useful insight into power differences between classes.
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  • 1 month later...
Ok, I'm 50 in full bm and partial wh gear. I still don't see the problem. We have amazing heals, great dots and hots, good to very good survivability, especially with a decent tank guarding. So, I stick by my initial claim. I don't see the problem. I'm constantly number one in heals, even in pugs and my survivability is just as goodas anyone elses on Imy team. Meaning depending on quality of opponents.
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People who knew and know the class used to complain and still do about Heling Sorcerers in Rated Warzones and if arenas ever come out.

Experience someone has in sub50 Warzones and normal Warzones, with premade or without, against pugs or not, cannot be compared to one in Rated Warzones where every person knows your weakness while theirs are incomparable to yours so they do not even exist.


At least that is why I used and still do complain.


Also, on level 50 against the augmented War Hero player who knows you weakness is cast time abilities + light armor, you will have no chance to cast a heal. So, if you think it is just fine for a, lets say, Marauder to totally lock you down in the battle where you have to heal 7 more people, then I will not question your opinion :cool:.

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That is some fantastic trolling. She worked for 2 months to finish leveling up, plotting the whole time to come back to this thread for her grand I TOLD YOU SO moment. The response? "Not rated you still don't count".


lol, LOVE IT.


Also, I agree, still don't count.

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I am full WH augmented hybrid healer sorc. I play rateds everyday with and against decent teams.


Sorcs CAN be effective in RWZs and PvP in general. But there are 2 big problems that, IMO, reveal our underpowered/support status.


1st - Sorc just takes more skill to play. And im not saying that to massage my ego, i say that with a tear falling down my eyes, because an operative healer with the same gear and same general skill will get better results than a sorc. Playing a sorc healer in PvP is running a race with a car that has maximum speed of 100km/h and has no automatic shift and playing a operative healer in PvP is like running with a car with the maximum speed of 150km/h with automatic shift and a better wheel.


Sorcs can outplay operatives in the healing game? YES, WE CAN. But it takes more effort and if the guy is on the top of his game you just cant win. This is the textbook concept of an underpowered / overpowered class: more results with less effort.



2nd - Sorcs healers fulfill the part of being a utility / support healer for **RATED** PvP. We run around and support the "heavy lifter" healers in PvP (Commandos and Scoudrels). Two sorcs dont play well with each other, they share the same weaknesess and will be broken easily if the other team is semi competent.


The whole support role is fun and fine. Dont get me wrong i LOVE playing support for a great sawbones i have the luck to play together with. But being RESTRICTED to support duty makes our class shallow (underpowered). For example, im screwed if i dont pair up with a heavy lifter and the team will still suck if the heavy litfer himself is a bad player, because the sorc alone is too much fragile to provide for the heavy lifter.


Overall, sorc healing is VIABLE but UNDERPOWERED. We are far from "fine" actually. We are so broken that we are restricted to support duty in **RATED** Warzones.




This is a sorc in PvP. Granted there are crazy good supporting actors out there (some movies ive seen have better supporters than lead actors) but no blockbuster team is made without a lead actor, and sorc healers cant be lead.

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Ignorant post.


maybe you should learn to play your character.


Problem is, it isnt ignorant. Rude pehaps but the ignorance is yours.


PvP in this game is so drastically different in 10-49 compared to 50/RWZ it doesnt ever bear comparison, honeslty, you may have opinions now but they are not based on the full picture.


Sounds harsh but unfortunately its true, enjoy sub 50 wzs, they are mostly a lot more fun than 50s :).


*edit* Ha! Didnt see the date, funny. I still disagree with you tho, PvP healing is only balanced for sorcs when you player poor players who dont attempt to shut you down.

Edited by Annex
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*edit* Ha! Didnt see the date, funny. I still disagree with you tho, PvP healing is only balanced for sorcs when you player poor players who dont attempt to shut you down.



The problem is that sorcerer is actually the BEST healer in kindergarden PvP (when you are sub-50 or playing against people who dont attempt or dont have the skill to shutdown anything).


When you are playing against good geared rated players who know the minimal skecth about shutting down and focus training people the sorc becomes good for utility support heals only, usually trailing behind a stronger healer, such as an operative or commando.


The whole problem is that sorc HEALS TOO MUCH against bads and HEAL TOO LITTLE against good player. We should be nerfed/buffed to heal less when untouched but stand our ground when challenged.


I would love to see a severe nerf to our AoE heal and a buff to our instant / fast heals and a defensive cd. That would bring our numbers in line and improve our position in RWZs.

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