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WTB Customer Service


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I have come across so many annoying problems playing this game since release. I have had to put in more tickets then a nation full of traffic cops. My #1 issue is with this games customer service, How it works, how it doesnt work, and how frustrating it is. Here are a few ideas I have come up with to hopefully help, the people who play, the people who pay, and the people who work for this games Customer Service. I am not a forum friendly Individual, and after I make this post I will most likely, never ever ever find it again, so here it goes.


1. RESPONDING AS A DROID,. It may have been a nice idea in the beginning, sticking to a theme and all. However, people don't like talking to answering machines let alone pre programmed droid responses, and in every reply it's I am protocol droid so and so. WHO CARES? We have problems and issues, the last thing we want to see is how you are protocol droid blah blah blah. Get to the point, we require help, we have issues, HELP US!


2. PRE PROGRAMMED RESPONSES. On every response you say, We are sorry you have problems, we can't inform you how or when your issue will be resolved, check our endless sea of 1.2 trillion forum threads you may just get lucky and find an answer. I bet you all my credits if we told you the same when it comes to you getting your paycheck, you would be just as ticked off as we are. Why can you not tell us something , anything? is it secret? will you have to kill me if you told me? The answer is NO. I get the fact that you can/t give a set time and date fix to the exact problem but , It is better to say, thank you for reporting it, we' are sorry your having an issue, it will be passed along to whomever can address that issue, it will be investiagated, and if found broken will be fixed in a future patch. Which honestly is way better then what you guys normally say.


3. DISSAPEARING TICKETS . Now when a ticket is put in , if it is pased on to the next tier of support, it dissapears from the list of tickets we have reported. Does this mean the tickets we do have showing haven't gone anywhere? I do know that now they inform you you wont be able to see a ticket, but its still a BAD IDEA on your part. This proccess is bogus for two reasons. 1, the tickets we put in are dated , and we can refer back to them, and point them out to any CS reps when saying hey guys, its been 4 freakin months, why dont I still have my skirmisher title , considering im valor level 60. and 2, It makes people think the game is screwing up so they put in several more tickets to make sure they are being posted.


4. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPLIES. Pick a reply medium. In game chats to CS reps, In game mails, or E mails. Every single time I put in a ticket, I have to do this three ring circus to find out where the heck the reply is. Get a format, and stick with it. Green flashing mail response notifications that never turn off. green question marks. Make it a tad bit easier, I see no point in having to go to my email to see that, ok you answered my ticket, but you can't tell me when or if it will ever get fixed, surf forums for an answer. Make it an In game mail, Use the In game mail since thats where I'd rather be, in game ...checking my in game ...related issues.


5. GET MORE HELP. Obviously this game needs way more Customer Service help, who can actually help and do things simple like, as an example, I have two characters, who did not recieve their appropriate titles from pvp. One toon is missing skirmisher, the very first pvp title. but has duelist and gladiator, the second and third. IT does NOT take a rocket scientist of a CS rep to go , wow, your valor level 30, but dont have the very first title. lets fix that, bam done. For one I talked to they said, yeah we will have to investigate this to determine if its a bug.. WELL NO CRAP BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY!, of course its a bug, I dont have my title, I still dont have it. It isnt like you can decline the titles when they are awarded automatically by reaching a certain valor rank, I didnt dodge it, I didnt skip it, so of course its a bug, 3 months later im still wating on my skirmisher title on one toon, and duelist on another.


6. LISTEN BETTER. After patch 1.2 on my female sith warrior, I put in a ticket because showing my helm, made my hair vanish, and she now looks like Shinade O' Connor, or Demi Moore in GI Jane. Thats right, Bald as Mr Clean. So I put in a ticket over this. I did see a patch note saying they fixed this issue on Jedi Knights, No mention of sith. So I put in another ticket over this issue. I get a reply from a Customer Service, sorry your having problems with this on your Jedi Knight. Really? My jedi Knight? When i specifially wrote, I seen there was a fix for jedi knights , but not sith sorcerers. My toons a sith sorcerer, bald female sith sorcerer. I had hair before patch 1.2, please help me find my hair!, I havent the credits for weaves or wigs. besides, they would probably be too much on our servers GTN. So apparently the CS did NOT read what the issue is.


7. BEING HELPFUL. I have put in tickets on several in game things that have annoyed me since day 1. When you get your companion and first go to fleet, you get kits with gear for your companions. You're supposed to be able to choose a style of what you want your companion to wear, which has a look to it, wether its combat, ops, sleek , urban, the list goes on. This issue, has STILL NOT BEEN FIXED. Half the time those kits give people 1 item that does not belong. Example, if you have mako, and choose ops gear, it will give you 1 ops chest item, 1 ops gloves, and 1 combat leggings.. leaving people to sit there going, *** , why didnt it give me the ops pants , i chose ops. why dont they just fix this issue by calling it the *** Companion kit. where it just gives you whatever random crap gear you dont actually get to choose. When I contacted Customer Service and told them several times, hey look your companion pack didnt give me the stuff I CHOSE. They asked me if i wanted an item restore. They informed me you can only ever have 1 item restore, do I want to use it. I scratched my head and thought to myself.. how the heck is it an item restore. YOUR KIT, did not give me MY RIGHT GEAR, I PICKED, from YOUR OPTIONS. is that my fault? Am i able to choose 2 ops items and 1 urban item? NO, FIX YOUR GAME. I went round and round with CS over this, and to this day, Its still a glitch. One CS agent I guess figured he would have enough of my complaining and decided he was going to be smart punk and say, Yeah, we don't have enough information on it, tell me your server, your toon, your this, your that, Which, really did nothing but piss me off even more. I coppied down what he wanted, and I made sure to have a sarcastic answer for everything.


All in all, Because of all these issues I have had with game bugs, and dealings with the games Customer Service, 99% of it has not been pleasureable. Being treated like this, and what has transpired, I am amazed anyone who has had to deal with Customer Service here has stayed.. For the one Customer Service agent who thought he would be a funny punk. If you as a GM can't tell , what toon I put a ticket in on,. If you cant tell which server My toon is on, you just need a whole new job. Surely if you had to boot me for any reason or ban me, i bet you my starship you would know. exactly which toon i was on, and which server.


I know ALL the above will catch alot of flack , ALOT of it seems like , whining or complaining. I assure you, its not. I love this game, I love the people who play, I love star wars. and I would LOVE for it to be a better place for everyone.

Everything I have listed I truely belive would greatly help , and enhance peoples experience when dealing with this games customer service. I belive by putting out in a thread , how I feel, and what I have experienced, will encourage others to post their ideas and encounters out here as well, in hopes to build a better Customer Service experience for this game and the people who play it.. If anyone from this games CS division would like to contact me, Im sure you can figure out how, Id love to be of more service, to making this games Customer Service interaction way more pleasant, Plenty of Ideas


Note. the *** in this thread is actually the W, the T, the F. which is NOT cussing. so why its blocked out, I have no idea.

Edited by MoriannaX
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You make some very valid points and there are some no brainer situations but I must say that the idea of good customer service can be such a varying range.


Personally, and thankfully I have not had many issues so far, but the the problems I have had were dealt with in a good fashion. They replied to the initial ticket with the droid thing. Then, depending on if I was in game or not, I either got a GM to help or saw a reply to the ticket.


Was it one minute after the ticket was put in? Did it resolve my issue 100%? No, BUT my expectations are such that what they did help with was enough.


TOO many people, and I am not saying you are one of them OP, expect everything on a plate. They expect it to be fixed the second a ticket is put in and they expect not only that the problem be corrected, but that they should get some type of bonus for dealing with this issue.


There is no CS in the world that will fit into everyone's idea of good customer service. Especially one that deals with a large player base.


I agree with a lot of what you said in your post but I am not sure BW is capable of providing the more personal touches to have the "human" responses, at least not initially. Once you are working with an actual person, then replies and correspondence can have more weight on empathy, acknowledgement, understanding, and of course proper resolution. :D

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Good Luck with that! I'm not sure if you noticed but you can only call them if it's a billing issue...that means they are only interested in the money. I agree totally that the customer service in this game uses the term very loosely. Keep in mind tho...They are "Galactic Customer Service Reps" they haven't a clue how it works here on earth. Best thing to do is put it behind you. Looks like they went for the big rush when the game came out, offered the extended prepaid subscriptions to make sure they got the money, then they dropped the ball n went on vacation.
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