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Make Bounty hunter and Smuggler cross faction


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How is a bounty hunter a good fit for the republic.. The republic doesn't put bounties on people's heads.. The empire does..


I can sorta see your point for the smuggler.. But even then, it is a stretch because smugglers generally don't like the empire..


The Bounty hunter would for the most part be unemployed on the republic side, and the smuggler most likely wouldn't want to work for the emperials in the first place..


At least in my view..

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Republic doesn't like how Hunters get the job done without regards to the lives of others. A Hunter will normally shoot through a crowd of civilians to get to his target without batting an eye. A Smuggler is basically a gun toting courier. They are contracted and certified by the Republic to deliver and receive important items. The Empire has no use for Couriers. They want something, they get it themselves, plus a majority of the items they want are powerful and dangerous. A Smuggler would most likely turn down any job offers from a Sith. If you look at it, it makes perfect sense why Hunter stick with the Empire and Smugglers stay with Republic. Hunters can do the deliveries and not ask questions. Their eye is on the credits. They would transport hundreds of containers filled to the brim with Rakghoul plague and not a single thought of ramifications will cross their mind. Smugglers can track down targets without too much bloodshed. They will lie, negotiate and bamboozle their way to the guy and take him in without firing a single shot. That's why Hunters and Smugglers are where they are, story wise.
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Make Bounty hunter and Smuggler cross faction


While I like the idea, there's logic, story and game mechanics against this idea.


I do see a cross-faction battlegrounds a possibility, though. Players could swear loyalty to a Hutt (for example) for the duration of the battleground.

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Almost right off the bat after starting a Bounty Hunter I came across a Smuggler who was working for the Imerials, He may not like the Sith but Smugglers are in it for the money, Simular to Bounty Hunters. I would like to see the two classes be able to switch sides, Basically go where the money is. As far as Bounty Hunter not being able to work on the Republic side. Remember it is still a government agency which means they are as bad as the Imperials when they need to be
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Bounty Hunters and Smugglers should not be aligned with either faction (in other words should be neutral). They should be allowed to move freely between the two factions as the storyline flows. it's fairly easy to make the case that Sith = Imperial and Jedi = Republic, but Bounty Hunters are no more "imperial" than Smugglers are "republic". One may choose to take up one cause or the other, but there is nothing obligating them to be either.


They would work for whoever offers the most credits, right?

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