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Nerf [and/or] buff request for jedi sentinel


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Im not the only person who has an issue doing class quests as a jedi knight (sentinel), but some of the bosses that are part of the class quests are almost impossible to defeat (like Darth Angral, or Commander Rayfel). though I tried to change the order from which i cast my spells, to paying attention to casts that I can try to interrupt with either my force stasis, Force Kick, and Force leap.I also tried to out level the npc's by doing hours of pointless grinding as well as changing my tech tree and yet I still kept getting my *** handed to me by some of the bosses that got in the way of me completing the story line and being able to level up.


Im requesting that one of two things happen. 1) A nerf on the jedi knight bosses so that more specifically the jedi sentinels can finish on their own class quests and without the help (and wasting the time) of a level 50 OR 2) A buff for the Sentinel class to PVE better against Class Quest Bosses.


I'm not a pro-gamer so don't quote this with some bs answer saying that i either suck, or that I could have done better. I play this game for fun, and if I can't have fun, then why the hell bother paying for it?

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I'm not a pro-gamer so don't quote this with some bs answer saying that i either suck, or that I could have done better. I play this game for fun, and if I can't have fun, then why the hell bother paying for it?


Unfortunately for you MMOs aren't driven by the "you're only as good as the weakest link" ideology. They need to cater for the good and the bad. On that note, if it's too easy, there's nothing that can be done. If it's too hard, you can just get help. You do understand what the MMO part of MMORPG stands for right?

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Are you serious OP?



I mean.. I read a post like this a couple weeks back about Darth Angral..


1) either you are skipping quests and story so you are completely under leveled




2) you have absolutely no idea how your class works at all..


I had 0 problems with Angral, and after reading a thread from some guy, I was actually nervous about it. Turns out it was so easy... everything in the storyline for your class quests are easy and can be solod without a problem. The only hard things are heroics and FPs that you obviously cant do alone in your level range


Take some time to learn how your class works.. I took level 1 - 20 to stare at my cool downs and DoT timers and adjusting keys just to get instinctively used to my watchman. Its also smart to read up and read your skills, its a very intricate class. and requires alot of finesse and attentions to play. But dont assume it needs to be buffed/nerfed on your own lack of intelligence and experience

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Well I need a video then because all the videos that I found and looked up were for jedi guardians. as for sentinels, it some bs that EVERYBODY knows and not the new person because this is the first time that I played this game and never put in the decades of learning how to be a nerd.


never asked for the rude posts (not something I like to see when I wake up in the morning)

Edited by TheProtoss
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Unfortunately for you MMOs aren't driven by the "you're only as good as the weakest link" ideology. They need to cater for the good and the bad. On that note, if it's too easy, there's nothing that can be done. If it's too hard, you can just get help. You do understand what the MMO part of MMORPG stands for right?




Okay kid, since you are sooooo good at it, why not just post a video, showing the spec, everything you have equiped, and the order of spells used in order to defeat angral as a sentinel class then I will believe you and stop complaining and asking for a nerf, oh and you have to do it at the same level as darth angral and by yourself.


What part of "class quest" do you not understand. especially when it's a lightly populated server. Im not going to bother every same level or high level person for help.


Oh you must also not have much of a life either since you are quoting my last paragraph and stating how much of a "professional" a-hole you are. :p

Edited by TheProtoss
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Well I need a video then because all the videos that I found and looked up were for jedi guardians. as for sentinels, it some bs that EVERYBODY knows and not the new person because this is the first time that I played this game and never put in the decades of learning how to be a nerd.


never asked for the rude posts (not something I like to see when I wake up in the morning)


If you post on a forum like this you'll always have peopel being rude, deal with it.


Now as far as your problems, have you read the sentinel guide on the classes forum? some useful stuff in there.

Are you using a decent geared companion?

Are you using your defensive cooldowns the right way? (Rebuke only when you get hit for a longer amount of time, Guareded by the force as a 'Oh ****' button so not on 100% HP)


Which rotation do you use? maybe we can help you with that

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I don't remember him being all that difficult. I was at or above level when doing many of the quests. I tend to do the class quests after the rest of the quests on a planet are complete to keep above lvl. Remember to try and take out any lower level henchman before taking on any of the main champs. Use stims if needed. Try to specialize in a tech tree (watchman seems to be most powerful) rather than picking from all three.


I tend to start out with force leap, zealous slash to build focus, then work my progression, between slash, master strike, cauterize, and strike until focus rebuilds. Use force kick as an interrupt whenever target charges up a skill.


try to think in combos. I pick high numbered keys for slow cool downs and work my way down (walk the keyboard so to say) from 8 or 9 down to 1 or 2.. so that when i get down to the lower numbered keys the cool downs on some of the more powerful skills have refreshed and can use them again, also my low numbered keys are most common skills. Keep your rebuke and saber ward for just before entering combat. Keep call of the force until needed, since it has long cool down and short duration. Depending on your companion, have them attack first and draw most of the aggro before you jump in, its better if they die before you do.

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