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Server Niman is dying.. BW pls do something !


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Dear Bioware,


I'm creating this post because we felt we should tell you how it feels to love a game but the game ain't loving you back :(

I speak in the name of my guild Requiem of shadows because we all agree that this game has a lot of potential to be a great game and we agreed to support this game whenever and however we can.

Our server expected Ranked PvP and you didn't gave it to us for some reasons which we can understand but majority of our server stayed away cause of this delay and or rerolled to another server. As a Guildmaster it's not easy to just let the whole guild rerol to another server :s so please Bioware hurry up on the transfers as the game needs it NOW!!! I'm not into QQ'ing on the forums but i feel like i should tell you how we feel when we log in to a game that most of us really, really like.


Our server Niman PvP english is dying.

These are just a few examples of what is going on, Enjoy :(


Imperial Fleet:


  • Daytime 20 to 40 people. In the evening 50 to 70 people on a busy day ( weekends 40 to 70 )
  • LFG to a Hardmode or a leveling person is nearly impossible on this PvP server.
  • Recruiting for your PvE / PvP guild ain't easy if 90% of those 50 to 70 people on the fleet are in a guild, wants to join a pvp guild, or not online that much because of irl ...
  • WTB or WTS items is pretty much impossible. ( people are hunting for WH gear ) which creates our next point.


Galactic Trade Network:

A few examples of what is happening on the GTN:


  • Almost no items can be found for low levels if you want to quick level instead of waiting for companions to return.
  • You can't mutlicraft items because you have to farm everything yourself or ask guildies IF they are online.
  • You can't buy alot of Buff stims / medpacks a biochem has created as there are almost none ..




  • You can't start PvP before 13.00 GMT
  • PvP ends around 00.00 or 01.00 at night if you have the patience of having a Q of 30 mins.
  • World pvp is nowhere to be found. Not in Tatooine, not in Ilum .. Events could be created there by guilds but none happening.
  • This is a PvP server so a lack of people is a lack of PvP.
  • Meeting Republic teams is a rare thing. And when you meet them, you meet the same people over and over untill they get tired of losing. :p ( no fun for them.




  • LFG is almost impossible as 90% is a PvP player. 10% are doing their dailies probably.
  • There are almost no PvE guilds on this server to be found which can be understanding for a PvP server but some PvE won't hurt as there a few guilds with PvE going on .. But are looking for more active players.


We don't wonna quit on this game ... yet, but your pushing the limit on most of your subscribers. It hurts to say these things to a game i like to play :s


Merge a few light servers together.

Get the free transfers going

Get started on Cross realms AND get started on Ranked PvP !!!


We are sure you guys are working hard to get things going as smooth as possible but hurry up already plsss!!! There is a game coming out in the near future from a pretty good company which i'm not gonna mention and i'm afraid our server isn't gonna be light no more but Ultralight .............

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Unfortunately, I have to report the same occurrences on the Rwookrrorro server.


Ditto on everything that Xzarnyan has nicely laid out. Yet our situation is FAR worse.


The guild I am in (Forsaken) feels the same way. There is no activity on our server at all. Most of us love this game but are getting to the point of canceling our subscriptions. The only thing that keeps us playing on this ghost town server is that we enjoy the guild we are in. If I was not a member, I'd have been done with this game a month ago.


1) Since the end of March the server has dropped dramatically in population.

2) On an average week day, there are no more than 15 players on the Imperial Fleet at the same time (during *peak* hours). More often than not there are only 5 players on the Imperial Fleet.

3) Since the end of March, I have not seen more than 50 total players online at the same time for the Imperial side (all levels). And the 50 players or only online during heavy times, such as Friday nights and weekends. During the weekday, I'm lucky to see 30 players online.

4) There is no level 50 PvP AT ALL. I haven't played a PvP match in 2 weeks. Prior to that, I never got to play more than 2-3 PvP matches a week. This weekend, I spent 5 hours in queue on Saturday evening/night and 3 hours in queue Sunday evening. No games. We have no PvP games.

5) I haven't faced a Republic PvP group in over a month- I very much doubt Republic players still exist.

6) World PvP is non-existant. I haven't seen a Republic player since the beginning of the Rakghoul Conflicts.


As Xzarnyan said:

"Merge a few light servers together.

Get the free transfers going

Get started on Cross realms AND get started on Ranked PvP !!! "



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Couldnt agree more to what u say Xzar.... This game has rly big potential. But i guess its not only the Server Niman who has this issue. If u check up on the Server List there are tons of Light servers with the same problem.


Imo best solution is if Bioware is mergin a few light servers together to get em atleast up to standard....

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Wholeheartedly agree and sympathize- I hail from Prophecy of the Five and my guild is now but a few casuals and let's just say I was pleasantly SHOCKED to log in and see Hoth occupied by a dozen people- it was two last week. Our Carrick station is often half the population of yours however, and there indeed needs to be a merger.



Bioware, please hear us.

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Master Zhar Lestin is on life support....


Bioware, I have not logged in, and I have also Cancled my account because its No fun on a server, where you have to wait 30min-1hr for 1 match of pvp. No lie. Middle of the day(2pm), Saturday. 10 people on fleet. 1 person on guild. (we have 270+ members) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! SERVER MERGE NOW!!! :(

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Dear Bioware,


I'm creating this post because we felt we should tell you how it feels to love a game but the game ain't loving you back :(


Our server Niman PvP english is dying.

These are just a few examples of what is going on, Enjoy :(



We don't wonna quit on this game ... yet, but your pushing the limit on most of your subscribers. It hurts to say these things to a game i like to play :s


Usually I'm 1 out of 4-5 50's online. This is a report from Kai-Kan republic side. I'd say you are spoiled beyond sanity. Enjoy the game.


Republic Fleer:


  • Daytime 4 to 10 people. In the evening 10 to 25 people on a busy day ( weekends 15 to 30 )
  • LFG to a Hardmode or a leveling person is impossible on this PvP server.
  • WTB or WTS items is impossible.


Galactic Trade Network:

A few examples of what is happening on the GTN:


  • No items can be found for low levels if you want to quick level instead of waiting for companions to return.
  • You can't mutlicraft items because you have to farm everything yourself or ask guildies IF they are online.
  • You can't buy alot of Buff stims / medpacks a biochem has created as there are almost none ..




  • You can never start PvP unless you negotiate with ppl to show up (managed last thursday)
  • World pvp is nowhere to be found.
  • This is a PvP server so a lack of people is a lack of PvP.
  • Meeting Imperials happen all the time.




  • LFG is impossible.
  • There are only PvE guilds on this server to be found which is not understandable for a PvP server.

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Bioware has to start realizing that they are playing with Subscriptions at the moment. What did they think? That the Legacy system would keep us satisfied untill the next patch?

I have to be honest and most people liked the Rakghoul event which was awesomely done and hoping more of that stuff is coming.

But c'mon bioware, we know you can do better then that. PvP servers don't care about legacy / dailies and other RP stuff ...


A minority is happy about the changes on the legacy / daily and new PvE content. But the majority of the players wants Rankeds / Server cross / transfers or merges !!! And i am not only talking about Niman here ... The server Status tells you whats going on, on most of your servers. From what i am seeying is that there are 2 - 3 heavy servers .. 8 to 10 standard servers and rest of the list is Light


I repeat again : Your SWtor players don't need more vehicles / pets / dailies / PvE content / Legacy .....


WE NEED Transfers / Cross server play as soon as possible.

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Master Zhar Lestin is on life support....


Bioware, I have not logged in, and I have also Cancled my account because its No fun on a server, where you have to wait 30min-1hr for 1 match of pvp. No lie. Middle of the day(2pm), Saturday. 10 people on fleet. 1 person on guild. (we have 270+ members) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! SERVER MERGE NOW!!! :(



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I am on Nadd's Sarcophagus(Imp side) and the exact same thing is happening. It is very sad as I enjoy this game but I can not find a group for any pve content, 90% of my guild has quit and this is occuring in many of the other guilds. Server population is dropping every week, and average during peek times seems to be around 50. Lately I have been imited to pvping which I enjoy up to a certain point. Unfortunately when I do pvp I fight the same people over and over which gets tiring quickly. Bioware is killing their own game by not addressing the population issue properly They should have had server merges/character transfers planned weeks ago but their poor planning is going to mean many more people leaving needlessly because they do not want to play alone in an mmo. This issue has frustrated me to the point of cancelling my account but I am still hoping they address the issue before my subscription time runs out... Edited by cuddlywalrus
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Ugh, an average of 50 people online, WTB! During peak hours and weekends, the most I've seen online is 30-ish at the Imp Fleet on The Shadow Runner (EU). If you want to make money, you have no other choice but to grind dailies (oh joy, another grindfest, something I so don't need or want), because the GTN is all but dead. Then again, what's the point of making money or collecting commendations if there's not enough people around to do ops? I still love the game, but it's getting harder and harder to find a motivation to log on... Edited by Sauska
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I see other servers with even a worse population then our server... i thought that was impossible.


This is how you could kill a game Bioware if you are not addressing these populations issues on almost EVERY server out there.

Don't tell us you are aware of this fact, as we think you really are not aware of it. Most of my friends are playing the game since day 1 on the early access. Once we got 50 and played some PvE, you pushed us in doing PvP as there was almost no Endgame before 1.2.

I don't mind doing PvP as i am a pvp player BUT that's not how my whole guild feels about it. ( Not only my guild )

They want PvE as well as we wanted to focus on more aspects of the game instead of just 1.


The Endgame before 1.2 was a joke to be honest. Easy and after a few runs, boring. So hardcore PvP it was for me.

The endgame in 1.2 is for me still unknown as we couldn't even manage to get a group together for that Operation.

Everybody is hunting the War Hero gear so who cares about the Explosive Conflict ...


We like the new changes from 1.2 yes. But does it keep us busy till the next major update? Your Light servers giving you an answer on that part ! ...


I'm losing my faith in the game, and i don't know how long i will keep playing the game... I expected too much from this game and it's giving me nothing then frustration atm ... Unsubbing to this game is the next step.

Edited by Xzarnyan
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i've got 50's on Sword of Ajunta Pall and Prophecy of the Five, both are pretty much dead now. SAP you could never find a FP group anyway, what few people were online were ALL pvp oriented, and now you can forget about it. Prophecy used to have good balance but a BUNCH of people just quit and rerolled to a higher pop server, the people left behind all kinda gave up and Prophecy is just all but dead now. they need to address this is they're going to stay afloat. game is unplayable at the moment

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I am on NIMAN too. What i can say is that the imperial side is 10 times better than the republic side. With me we are 5 lvl 50 on. Can't play this game really can't:(


Yea i've seen you a few times in Warzones Jass ... I don't know how it's going on, on the republic side but i bet it's even worse then on the Imperial side ... We barely meet a republic team now in the Warzones which is a shame. I liked playing versus Reps .. and not only Imperial players.


Hopefully they are going to work something out my dear imperial and republic friends. This ain't fun for nobody.

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Greetings everyone!


We appreciate your constructive feedback and the details you have given! Since we have a few threads on the various topics regarding Server Population and suggestions for it, we are going to close this thread and ask that you please continue your discussion here:


Please feel free to copy and paste any constructive feedback into the relevant thread.


You can find more information regarding Character Transfers in our Community Q + A Blog for April 27th, 2012:


Arymono: When will character transfers be available for everybody?


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer, and we’ll reveal more details closer to the launch date.


We also wanted to refer you to our Developer Tracker for more information by Senior Online Community Manager Stephen Reid: regarding server transfers recently:


The final character transfer system is in development now and is a high priority for the development team. However, as this is a complex technical challenge with many 'moving parts' it will not be available until some time after the Asia-Pacific character transfer process is finished. When we have more details and a more accurate ETA to share, we will do so.


Thank you! :)


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