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Need Merc Arsenal PVE build


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Hello guys,


as I've already mentioned in the title I am in dire need of an arsenal pve build. My main is a juggernaut 50 and atm the main tank of my guild. I have several alts, all at lvl 22 right after finishing the first world after faction capital (Balmorra/Taris). I've taken a pause some time after 1.2 hit due to guild inactivity and discontent of some of the changes. But my break was from playing the game only, not getting info.

So why a arsenal merc, the got nerfed you know? Yeah but the simple answer is from all my alts it is the only toon which story and flair momentarily pleases me. I even got a Sentinel the fotm. But the Jedi Knight story is really dull. I mean really, take out a super weapon and then finish the Emperor. Luke would say. Been there done that -.-. Won't play a marauder, because I've experienced the Warrior story.

I started a madness sin (only class who was untouched by the nerfhammer this time), but Inquisitors story is not my taste.

So I went back to my merc. Last time I've played him he was 20ish and the gameplay has just only become like this. So what I need is a good build, and maybe some rotation help to get from 20 to 50. What doesn't matter to me is that it has to be competitive, because my guild is in such a decline that by the time I can raid with this toon 1.3, a buff or whatever has already happened.




Need pve arsenal merc build from 20 to 50. And no don't wanna reroll, respec. No desire for merc pyro, pyrotec. And no shield specialist. already got a tank.

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once you have improved vents 2/2, hired muscle 3/3 and integrated cardio package 3/3 just run up the arsenal tree til you get heat seaker. after that you can figure it out, wont be many points left.
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I've used this spec since pretty much Day 1 and it's served me very faithfully, though less so since the nerfhammer came thoughtlessly crashing down.


Your level 20 spec should look like this so you get Tracer Missile as early as possible given even nerfed it still forms the cornerstone of the Arsenal playstyle. At 21 and 22 you'll want to take Target Tracking because Unload is now our biggest DPS channel. Taking Vent Heat in your 20s is a good idea because you get used to working it into an active part of your rotation, crits procing Terminal Velocity will likewise help with heat management.


By 31 your spec should look like this personally I don't bother taking Jet Escape because it's more geared (IMO) towards PvP where you'll be trying to break stuns more regularly and knock enemies away to give yourself breathing room. From there you want to take in order Tracer Lock, Riddle, Pinning Fire, Kolto Vents. At 36-39 take Barrage fully, then Power Overrides and finally our former big closer (but still quite useful) Heatseeker Missile.


From 43 to 45 take Hired Muscle for extra crit and after that your last 5 points are pretty much yours to do with as you please. Med Tech is nice if you need to heal yourself in a hurry combined with Thermal Override and Power Surge will let you get off a free heal instantly, which is very handy from time to time in PvE and PvP. Increased Accuracy from Advanced Targeting will help you get over 100% which gives increased Amour Penetration if I remember right.


Again this is just my spec, I'm not claiming it's perfect but it's worked well for me.


In terms of rotation, Tracer Missile is always our cornerstone ability to be used as often as possible to get the 5 heat signatures up to maintain the armour debuff and % damage reduction with Power Barrier. Unload will help reduce heat issues and dish out a good torrent of DPS over a channel. Heatseeker and Rail Shot should be used when you have at minimum 4 heat signatures to do their maximum damage (RS gets 6% bonus damage from Light 'Em Up per heat sig). Once you have Heatseeker your rough rotation will be 3xTracers, HSM, Rail Shot and Unload, the Tracer again to keep 5 heat signatures. Even though Power Shot crits can end the cooldown on early (thanks to Barrage) it's not particularly viable due to the heat cost and the mediocre damage. Tracer Missile crits will do the same and are more useful (because they'll give you increase Rail Shot damage).


Once you get used to working Vent Heat into your rotation you'll get a feel for when you use it appropriately, usually if you want to do a big burst of damage quickly and then work back into your regular rotation. Thermal Override and Power Surge are likewise event-based activations, I tend to use them to get a Fusion Missile or heal off quickly and without the heat cost.


Electro-dart is helpful during fights to get you 4 seconds to open with and get up 5 heat signatures quickly (TMx3) or against Elites to give you a bit of breathing room if your health drops and you need to quickly heal yourself. Fusion Missile, Death From Above and Sweeping Blasters are all good to clear tigh-knit groups of trash mobs quickly, though you need to properly position the reticule given the 5m radius. Due to the charge up time of Concussion Missile it's only really useful to stun the strongest mob of a group (typically Elite) before you engage the rest. Given it affects all mob types it's very useful in player groups for picking targets.


That's pretty much it, the rotations bit is a bit messy because well, you'll get your own feel for the rotation as you go on and I'm currently not playing so it's hard to remember when what cools down.


Hope that helped a bit.

Edited by ZeitgeistGlee
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You do NOT need Pinning Fire for raiding or levelling. I don't know why so many PvE arsenal mercs spec for it. The points would be better spent on Custom Enviro Suit giving you better healing and endurance, or something like Jet Escape. Edited by Diddley
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You do NOT need Pinning Fire for raiding or levelling. I don't know why so many PvE arsenal mercs spec for it. The points would be better spent on Custom Enviro Suit giving you better healing and endurance, or something like Jet Escape.


its for leveling, i take pinning because i dont like to respec every time i raid or pvp...


for leveling take whatever you want imo respec when you hit 50,.

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Kudos to the community! Just when I've given up hope to get any answer, I got a full build plus rotation and additional advice.


I've taken all your input and came up with this build. I swapped Pinning Fire for Custom Enviro Suit, and Advanced Targeting for Integrated Cardio Package. I erased Med Tech completley, because I'll trust Mako to do the healing.

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